Afraid of my farts!

Every time I let one rip, I become terrified! I know you probably think this is a joke but please hear me out. I used to fart all the time when I was younger, stink up my bed at night, and really enjoy it. However, due to a recent traumatic experience, farting is no longer enjoyable. One night, I was completely relaxed and drifting off to sleep while staying over at my boyfriend's and all of a sudden, a HUGE fart brought me out of my reverie. My boyfriend was shocked as I had never done anything like this before. So now, even when I am completely alone, whenever I fart, I am brought back to this horrible moment and I literally look around the room to make sure I'm alone, and even when I see that I am, I still become extremely nervous and embarrassed. Are fart phobias normal? Do I have ptsd?

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33% Normal
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Comments ( 6 )
  • Avant-Garde

    Not really. Gas is apart of life. If people didn't expel wind they'd die. You two need to get over it.

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  • charli.m

    My dog is terrified of her farts. She looks at her arse, startles, then looks at us like, "Why would you DO that to me??"

    I think howaminotmyself gives some good advice :)

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  • debbiedoo

    your boyfriend and you need to get over it. its a fart. everyone does it. my boyfriend laughs when i fart, and so do i!

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  • howaminotmyself

    Try laughing at yourself. The human body does some funny things. And holding it back can hurt. Several years ago I was having digestive problems and started taking some probiotics to help clear out my system. Well, it worked. And I have never farted louder in my life. My husband still teases me about it. He likes to retell the story as if I woke myself up in shock, I was shocked...but I wasn't sleeping. Although it probably would have woken me if I was able to sleep. It was a little embarrassing but at this point it's just a funny story. I think he was more impressed that someone as little as me could create such a loud noise. Because of his attitude, I've been desensitized to my own farting.

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  • lilsnifferman

    I understand that it may be embarrassing for you to fart in front of bf, at least when you're short in relationship, but you shouldn't care about that, is't normal body function! So you shouldn't worry about what your bf said, because he's an irrational jerk! Women are allowed to fart, because it's common thing :)
    If you were my gf, we'd be having fart contests all the time haha ;)

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  • robbieforgotpw

    I just sulfur myself under the covers for fun

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