Afraid of my farts!
Every time I let one rip, I become terrified! I know you probably think this is a joke but please hear me out. I used to fart all the time when I was younger, stink up my bed at night, and really enjoy it. However, due to a recent traumatic experience, farting is no longer enjoyable. One night, I was completely relaxed and drifting off to sleep while staying over at my boyfriend's and all of a sudden, a HUGE fart brought me out of my reverie. My boyfriend was shocked as I had never done anything like this before. So now, even when I am completely alone, whenever I fart, I am brought back to this horrible moment and I literally look around the room to make sure I'm alone, and even when I see that I am, I still become extremely nervous and embarrassed. Are fart phobias normal? Do I have ptsd?