After we die, are we are usually forgotten?

Unless you were a president, or developed radical theories like Einstein, or were a favorite actor, etc. eventually everyone who dies will be forgotten. Their children and grandchildren die and then the memories just fade away.

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Comments ( 5 )
  • kelili

    Yes and this is actually great! You can look at it in another way: it really doesnt matter how much you fuck up in life cause eventually you'll die and the people who know you will die and your memory will no longer exist. And that's sort of relieving knowing that all your worst deed will be forgotten. Or you could be good and still you'll be forgotten.
    I find this kind of soothing actually.

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  • Billy247newaccount_35467829

    To answer your question, yes. You will be forgotten when you die.

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  • ElysianGod

    To the right people you won’t be forgotten. Your memory will live on forever in their minds. So yes most will forget you but the few will always remember you.

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  • bigbudchonger

    Yes, I would agree with this. Kind of sad really.

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  • raisinbran

    No, I carved my life story into granite and buried it. It'll still be here in a million years.

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