Agree or disagree: life is boring after high school/college

life is so boring after high school/college, like you can’t be as young, lighthearted & carefree you have to be more mellow. you also can’t be a party person or anything like that. and working a job your whole life is just boring like life isn’t as carefree and eventful.

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Comments ( 14 )
  • Clunk42

    High school is already boring at that point.

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    • LloydAsher

      Getting you ready for the daily grind.

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  • olderdude-xx

    Disagree. Life was both exciting in school and more exciting after school.Life is what you make it...
    It's no fun if you just let life happen to you.

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    • bbrown95

      Definitely agreed! My dad has always told me, "Don't let life happen, make it happen". It really started to click for me after high school and life at any age is definitely what you make of it for the most part, and people are in much more control of their lives than they realize. Taking that control and doing the things you can to improve your life is definitely worth it, and so fulfilling. I also love the fact that I have more control over my life as an adult than I did as a teenager.

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  • donteatstuffoffthesidewalk

    i got outta college got a real job makin money travelin all over fuck

    then i went home for months fucked off chased women smoked & drank like crazy through resta the 90s

    and the job had its sharea debauchery too

    college had its moments it was kinda fun and high school was retardedly stupid

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  • SwickDinging

    I found my 20s much more exciting than being in school

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  • PurpleHoneycomb

    Highschool sucked. At least it sucked for me. College seems to be going great thus far.

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  • RoseIsabella

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  • 1WeirdGuy

    If youre making good money I feel having a job is better. If you can buy boats and dirtbikes and shit like that its more fun. Everyone wants to go out on a boat with ylu.

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  • Sanara

    I'm actually happier now than I was at high school. And you can still have hobbies without. But I can kinda see what you mean, the only really fun parties I have been to (if not counting holidays like Christmas and new years eve) were the prom at high school, and birthdays as a kid. Have been at some other parties later but it just wasn't anywhere near as fun. Its also more open for finding both friends and possible romantic partners while you are at school. And when you get to choose the subject you study you can learn about things you're really passionate about (while some other subject suck). Overall I'm glad I'm not in high-school any more, but there was some exciting elements to it.

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  • Tuesdayafternoon33

    Dude, you can make life exciting every day, it’s just a choice…

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  • notsaying4life

    I always say I "wasted" my college life so much fun and socializing I missed out on because I was the indoor type if I could go back I wouldve made more friends so it depends on the individual in my opinion

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  • bbrown95

    Disagree. I had a pretty shitty time in high school and my college career was short-lived though, so maybe I am biased.

    I like having responsibilities and also being able to completely make my own decisions without having to ask for permission, and owning my own place, vehicle, etc. I don't miss the typical high school drama and behavior, and definitely don't miss the schoolwork, lol. I do miss a few of my old friends I lost contact with over the years (or was just too shy to get to know better), but overall, I like adult life much better.

    I've also never been much of a partier and was always pretty mellow, so I guess that part doesn't affect me as much. I do think adults can still have a lot of fun and party if they want to, but they just have to be a little more responsible about it now. I think I've had the most fun as an adult, TBH. A big part is having the freedom to make your own choices. I also like my job because it keeps me busy and productive (which keeps me happy), but I was also lucky enough to land a job in which I'm not constantly tied down by it and have pretty flexible hours. I also don't mind the work. I will take it over school any day, considering I really hated stuff like geometry!

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  • I dont like partying I like routine and knowing what to expect of each day so nah. I miss high school because I had a good routine though.

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