All about me me me me me
Hello this is all about ME! The most important person in the world! ME! YAY! Ok now that I got that off my chest. I have got issues and problemos. I suffer from general anxiety, this used to be so bad I'd throw up like every day cos I used to be bullied by this complete sociopath. Its better now. But I've started getting panic attacks whenever I have work due in. My dissertation makes me panic. I also get obsessive thoughts. I will watch something on TV and I will obsess and obsess like I'm going crazy. I don't know what the hell is wrong with me. I think I need therapy or maybe I should exercise but its so much effort. Also I don't eat properly. I only drink 3 protein shakes a day and an evening meal. Funnily enough the protein shakes give me all the vitamins and minerals I need. Still I probably need more calories than that cos I'm underweight. I really am a f**ked up little sh*t with a dissertation draft to hand in in 12 hours of which I have done f**k ALL! ARGHHHHHHHHHHHHH!