All girls are bi: truth, exaggeration, or complete stereotype?

All girls are naturally bi. 114
Most girls are bi but a few aren't. 101
A majority of them are bi, but many aren't. 144
Only a few are bi, they're just the ones who get the most attention. 161
They only pretend to be for attention, most don't enjoy it. 107
Most of them are actually lesbians, not bi. 10
Bisexuality doesn't exist they're just afraid to admit their sexuality 31
Everyone is really bi, even guys. 186
Other (Add a comment) 59
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Comments ( 83 )
  • me1

    I'd say almost all girls find other women attractive, but few would actually want to have sex with one.

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    • regisphilbin


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  • disthing

    I'd say sociologically it's much more acceptable to be bisexual or bicurious and be female than it is male, so any statistics will always be skewed by social expectation and personal repression.

    Bisexuality is almost hailed as a symbol of sexual liberation for women, so it's encouraged by the media, portrayed as modern, cool and sexy, creating bias. Bisexuality for men on the other hand is barely represented in the media, rarely discussed, associated with male homosexuality which is still largely ridiculed, and not encouraged, creating bias.

    We can only speculate. No society is sexually open enough to accept all gender preferences yet, so figures are only an indication of what people are comfortable with sharing.

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  • Colleeto5

    To me, Bisexual means you can LOVE both males and females. I mean love as in to fall in love with them, not to love them sexually. If a women can start a functioning relationship with another women that consists of more than sex, then THAT is what I would consider Bisexual, or Lesbian. (Depending on their sexuality towards men) However, if a girl wants to "experiment" with other women, that's just being curious or experimental.

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  • TheGenie165

    Most people are slightly bisexual, but for most people not enough to act upon it.

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  • xhero

    This whole "everyone is somewhat bi" thing is pretty dumb. The only time I ever notice another female is attractive is when I'm getting jealous.
    Same goes for my boyfriend, he'll notice attractive men and give me hell if I talk to them. Does that mean we're 'somewhat, kind of, sort of' bi?

    Yeah, no. If you won't even think to act on it, you're not bi. There's a reason it's called 'biSEXUAL'.

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    • WordWizard

      Yes it is dumb. They are just dumb morons who want to take away our freedom to choose. If they say we are all gay they do not have to feel bad about themselves. That is not fair to us who want to choose to be Gay or straight.

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  • ThisIsNotAUsername

    Maybe the sense of females being 'naturally bi' is from the way that we would happily admit to someone of the same sex as being 'pretty' or 'beautiful', whereas, not all men would do the same to describe someone within their gender as 'handsome' or 'well built'.

    I think it's just a matter of opinion.

    I consider myself as being straight, yet comfortable enough within my own sexuality to admit when another female is attractive. Not because i want to bed her, but simply because she looks nice. I don't see why being complimentary could indicate a sense of bisexual behaviour.

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  • Aleks85

    I have nothing against homosexuals or bi people male or female, but I do believe it's a miswiring in some part of the brain that makes a person homosexual.

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  • 343Boy

    I bet there's probably about the same number of bi guys as there are girls, though guys won't admit it. Female bisexuality is just more encouraged and it's fashionable right now, so it just seems like there's more of them. There are the girls who are straight but pretend to be "bi" for attention though they would never do anything serious with another woman, but there are still a lot of females who are actually bi. Though there's a difference between sexual attraction and sexual identity, some people may consider only people who are equally attracted to both genders to be bisexuals, or people mostly attracted to one gender but not exclusively as gay or straight. Not all girls can be considered bi.

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  • xxvixenxx

    I am a girl and I am MOST CERTAINLY NOT bi. The idea of being with another girl is repulsive to me, and not for the reason you might think. I have nothing against anyone's sexual preferences; do whatever you wish. I however, find the mass majority of girls irritating...the attitudes, the cattiness, the self-absorbedness, etc. Not every girl fits this criteria; I understand this. But the idea of how utterly mean and self-centered some girls can be (towards each other, and other people) repulses me, and I have no desire to even remotely be interested in girls in a sexual way, EVER. I have mostly guy friends also, simply because they aren't as judgemental, self-centered, and rude as some of the girls I have met in my life.

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    • 343Boy

      What does people being mean have to do with sexual preferences?

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      • xxvixenxx

        Do you tend to find self-centered, back-stabbing people attractive?

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  • HecateAlVanne

    I have never found another girl attractive in any way. I'm into dudes 100%.

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  • la_la_la_la


    I get on better with men because I find a lot of girls irritating and to be honest, boring, unless they're similar to me. Even if some women do initially do it for the attention, they might like it so much they end up Bi.

    There are some women that I’ve wanted to be with too, who I’m sure wouldn't be/have been either of those, but it'll never happen – nothing wrong with dreaming though.

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  • 1000yrVampireKing

    No, not everyone is bi. If you say that you are saying all Mexicans are wetbacks, all Asians have tiny dicks, all black guys are robbers and all Germans are Nazis and all men are rapist and all women are helpless and so on. Nothing is absolute. Stop following stereotypes.

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  • Aleks85

    Never even heard of that stereo-type. I doubt it's true. Men were created to be naturally attracted to women and vice versa.

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    • WordWizard

      Yes that’s why we make babies. That is the point of nature.

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  • whiplash

    There's a spectrum of sexuality. Most people aren't on one extreme or the other.

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  • dappled

    Many women seem to be, but not all of them. Any that are bi and go out with me, though, end up full-blown lesbians. Some kind of pheromone I give off, I think.

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    • WordWizard

      No if a bi women go’s out with you and turns into a lesbian that means she was still making up her mind. For most people Bi is a transitional period in which they can make up their mind if they like boys or girls. I had bi relationships before and they often left me like this as well. Its not you.

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      • dappled

        Heh! I was being a bit off-hand about it because it's a running joke that I turn women. What is actually happening (I think) is that I have a strong feminine side so I make an ideal stopping off point in a journey from A to B.

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        • WordWizard

          Oh dapple YES! Dating a feminine man will so make a women gay. So dating a gay man will turn you straight. LOL

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  • florencexo

    i think all girls are curious, but you know its really not fair to say ALL girls are bi, some girls are offended by that. We cant categorize a WHOLE sex or a WHOLE race or a WHOLE country with one thing, EVERYONE is different. some girls are bi, some girls arent, some girls are disgusted by it, some couldnt care less.

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  • Oli

    Most bisexuals that are female are whores. They do it for the trend.

    Then they go out and complain how no one likes them for being bisexual when everyone is at their feet drooling, while the true bisexual/lesbians are being ridiculed for being "copied".

    True story.

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  • I'm with Bjork on this one: most people in general are bisexual to some degree, some just more than others.

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  • peelover

    about 38% of all people identify as purely straight <BR>and about 10% purely gay / lesbian<BR><BR>the rest: around half of ALL people are somewhere in between at some point on the scale.

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    • flutterhigh

      That same study concluded that 42% of us are pee lovers.

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  • denvertoo

    Society has made it OK for girls to be sexually active with girls. Guys love it and girls know that.

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  • sexyxo

    I'm straight but find that some girls with phenominal beauty sexually attractive, to the point I even want to be with them, and I wouldn't mind having sex, but the thought of the sex itself doesn't turn me on. But it is wanted to be done out of love.

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  • theytookthisone

    I guess to an extent. I find the same sex to be attractive but I wouldn't act upon doing anything with them because I'm just sexually attracted to the opposite sex.

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  • Puddingface

    I doubt it, I have never find an actual bi or lesbian girl, they just say they are bi for whatever reason but then only show interest in guys. I don't even see that many women who can admit when another girl is attractive, usually they will point out her flaws, or say shes a slut...

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    • WordWizard

      I have known women to do this. They do it a lot since guys find it hot. Some are just gay and want to get away with it so they say they are bi so they are not completely rejected as being gay. Since its always easier sitting on the gate to choosing a side right?

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  • FocoUS

    Statistically women are more likely to be bi than a man. BUT that doesn't mean we're all bi or mostly bi. That's just some stupid shit made up by a weirdo that thinks hugging and complimenting eachother is gay behavior.

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    • WordWizard

      Thank you someone with a mind for once.

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  • Ldizzy1234

    Actually, this is so weird. And I don't even remember the site that I was on where I read this, but one day I googled it, and it did say that girls are naturally bi, but they kinda choose whether they wanna go for guys or girls, something like that. And guys are either gay or straight. Dammit! I wish I would've remembered where I read that.

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    • flutterhigh

      Welp, that's all the scientific evidence I need! Sounds legit!

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    • la_uva_mojada

      I think that you read somebody's opinion. How inaccurate is it to make a blanket statement like that? Every single girl is NOT could you even consider such a notion that 100% are BI???

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      • WordWizard

        They are forcing it on us since they are ashamed of their sexuality so putting us all on the gate makes us feel better. Its like the school yard bully who calls everyone he beats up fat or ugly or stupid since they feel bad about themselves.

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  • howaminotmyself

    Everyone is to some extent. It isn't an either/or issue. It is a sliding scale of desire. Why do you think rainbows represent the LGBT community. It's just who we are. We all land somewhere in the color spectrum.

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    • wigsplitz

      Disagree.....I'm NOT. Not one bit. I have no attraction or desire to be with a woman. Never even crosees my mind. Yes, I can see a beautiful woman, but it doesn't register any sexual feelings.

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      • howaminotmyself

        I was speaking more about sexuality in general. I didn't make myself clear. No one is completely feminine or masculine. Being bi is just one placment in the circle. We are attracted to people, not just genders. Gender plays a large role but it isn't the only influence in sexuality. You're attracted to yourself, aren't you?

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        • 343Boy

          Femininity and masculinity don't necessarily correlate with sexuality.

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        • wigsplitz

          lol, sometimes I guess. Like when I look in the mirror and think I loook good....then yeah....but sexually, no. If I think I look good, I think more like hey, I'm gonna atttract a lot of male attention today. I'm sure females may look at me too but I don't think about that at all. Not in a positive or welcoming way anyway. I mean, if a gilr looks at me like tha, then that's OK and all, it's just from my end there's no interest.

          I hung out with a gay chick for a while while I worked aat a bar and while it was cool and I had fun, she wanted more and I didn't so things kinda deteriorated, which is a shame....I was fine with being friends, she was a great person, she kept hinting at sex (she knew I was straight). No different than a guy friend who does that same.

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        • wigsplitz

          So then are all gay girls really "bi"?

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  • 53739

    Females have more sexual plasticity, which means they are more likely to experiment with both genders

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  • Dogfart

    Girls are followers. They do whatever the herd expects of them.

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  • Janie2T

    Not just girls, but I think most people are at least a little bit bi, and under the right circumstances would act on it.

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  • robbieforgotpw

    Eve was made with the rib from Adam. This means she is equal to him. Notice that it was not a bone taken from the man's foot(not to be subjected to man)nor a bone that would represent superiority. I'm glad God did not make them male and male or female and female. We wouldn't be in existence now if that had happened. People make choices but His plan is man for woman. Mankind has perverted this though.

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  • WordWizard

    Going from past experience and local knowledge dating anyone bi is dangerous. A lot of bi people tend to flip flop and I know me and others who have been with a person and they are bi so one day decide to go the other side and abandon you. I way wait till they have decided to be gay or straight so you know for sure. I also know many of them that have cheated with members of other sex which partner was not ok with and shortly broke up over. Bi is risky business.

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  • robbieforgotpw

    He created them male and female. Eve created for Adam.

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    • WordWizard

      Yes and she was also created from Adam.

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  • Andyen

    I myself am a bisextual male. I truly believe that girls and guys who are bi, are bi, not because of a trend but because of their sextual preference. Assuming that someone who is bi is actually gay/lesbian or just in it for the attention is extreamly close minded. Sure some may do it for that reason but the vast majority of people are actually ligitly bisextual.

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    • WordWizard

      I do not think bi women who turn out to be straight or gay are in it for attention. I think many people are bi since they are not sure sexually what they want to be yet. I have known a lot of bi people they always pick a side in most cases. Sometimes it ends in them leaving the lover they are with for other sex.

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      • Andyen

        I dunno. I'm finding it more commen for people to just be bi though. I mean i know this couple who have been with each other for almost 11 years and have a very open relationship, emotionally between themselves but sextualy shared amung others. Though you do pose good points. Though I go by bisextual, i lean more towards women then men. in a relationship aspect i cannot see myself dating a man, however that does not mean men are any less appealing sextually. Yet i do think its hard to be compleatly gay/lesbian or straight now adays.

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        • WordWizard

          We are not all bi. If you are saying we are all bi you are putting us all on the gate. Further more by saying we are all bi you are making all Gays half straight and all straight people half gay. That is not fair to us that to not like to share with the other sexual parties. The reason so many are bi is for the reason sex is being over publicized. So people do not want to label of being straight or gay they want to freedom to fuck anything that moves. That is not fair to push it on all of us since most of us like to stay on one side and to put it Frank you bi mother fuckers are pissing me off.

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          • Andyen

            Im confused by your rants, they almost seem like your reading something compleatly different. but i'll let you read it as you see it, i say my share.

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  • vivitar

    Even among gay, bi, and straight a person can lean one way or the other. I personally am bisexual, but lean towards men. That's not to say I don't like women, but I lean more towards guys than girls. There is no class for that, so people like me are pigeon-holed into the "just sitting on the fence" category. There's not just the three classes, is my point. I know one guy who's Pansexual. To him, it's not what a person looks like, it's their character that he is attracted to, no matter their gender. there are many other possibility, and many different shades of the grey in which they lie.

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  • Aurora93

    The poll answers all assume that you think most girls at least act bisexual.... I don't think most girls do act like that. Most girls act straight, obviously some don't because they're not. Is this person assuming that something as simple as saying another woman is beautiful makes you bi? Flowers are beautiful.

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    • WordWizard

      A lot of people assume complimenting someone of the same sex is a sign of homosexual behavior. Be it girl or male. A lot of people seem to have this stigma and they tend to not be so friendly with the same gender for this reason. I was like this for a long while for this reason. Its based on this assumption that makes people more reserved and more sensitive people are more offended by it.

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  • sugarbunny772

    That statement is nowhere near true.I am a female,i never have and never will be under any circumstances attracted to any other female.I'm into MEN.

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    • jussayin

      You don't know that you won't ever be.

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  • zenji

    sex and affection can happen too, without worrying about orientation. Sometimes a girl does her boyfriend or husband a favor by making out with a girl so he can watch.

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  • KokoroComplex

    And there are the pansexual girls... they don't see male or female.

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    • jussayin


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  • Zededd

    [USELESS PROVEN FACT] apparently, due to a little biological gimmick, the female body is naturally turned on (not conciously) by ANYTHING sexual in any species. this is to prevent damage if they are raped...
    now, because this is not concious, it's uncertain whether or not they will feel it or even realise... [fact over. oppinion and speculation to follow]
    women are more likley to be bi then men statistically but i don't know why this is... men may think they are bi, but ultimatley settle with one gender...

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    • WordWizard

      Most women who are bi are not really bi. The fact is most women like to play or pretend and are really gay or else will just screw anything that moves. Its a mentality a lot of women have. Women do it more since they can more easily get away with it and say “No I’m not gay I swear” since the guys are not going to question a chick sleeping with a another chick 80% of the time since he thinks its hot.

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  • joolia03

    There are just so many people in this world (blows) that I don't think its right to just settle down for less. With that being said, EVERYONE IS BI! Its the person that counts, not the gender. In society I'm "straight", I go for guys but oh trust me there are times when I fall for a woman like two females in particular that I admire, want, want to be, gah! Our nature is animal meaning free so if you happen to gain feelings for the same sex when you're "straight" but your brain is blocking them, then try letting your feelings be, your heart is more real than your brain. Also, I agree with two of the options above, one is obviously that everyone is bi and the other is girls playing lesbians or bisexual for attention, I think they over do it, its just like no bitch no.

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    • WordWizard

      What if not all of us want to go for the same gender as you do? We have a right to be Gay or straight without being bothered by people like you. Some gays in fact are completely disgusted at the thought of being with the opposite sex. So I guess you are going to make that up for them right?

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      • joolia03

        What you don't get is I'm trying to say everyone can like anyone, who cares what gender. Right here you're basically blocking your opposite sex completely based on their sex which is f*cked up. What if you're missing out on a great person underneath that opposite sex?

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        • WordWizard

          Thank you Mr. Rapist but I do not believe in forcing people to have sex with others they do not feel comfortable with. We are not all going to go bi for the sake of you. So I ask you go to hell and screw the Devil and his wife and stop bothering the rest of us.

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        • WordWizard

          Why is it your choice to make that? Maybe some of us do not want to be straight and some of us do not want to be gay. You know such drastic thinking leads to things like rape.

          So you are saying if a man likes a women and she says no she is a awful women for not loving him? So you are also calling all gays bad since they do not want to date the oppisate sex.

          You are saying all straight people are fucked up for not fucking the opposite sex. Well I am going to say FUCK YOU IM NOT FUCKING ANY GENDER IM NOT INTERSTED IN.

          This is the same as going to a gay person and saying “Get with the program and just screw the opposite sex already” and it’s the same as saying to a straight person” Why will you not fuck all the gays you bastard”. So I will conclude you are ok with rape in that case? Oh that’s great to know. Now lets all listen to the rapist.

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  • UliNalaMansae

    i heard women are more likely to be???? and i research this shit. or maybe rather they just come out the closet more than male bis lets say. I know im not.

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  • KokoroComplex

    I can't kiss a girl... I did once at a spin the bottle because some friends and I didn't want to feel left out. Felt nothing...

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  • Racoon

    No, I'm a woman and not bi.

    I love how porn keeps on putting funky ideas in the mind of the weak consummers

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  • rjjolly

    as megan fox says every girl has the ability to like both sex its just some prefer male and some female but still like the other sex a bit

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  • anne-nonymus

    I'm a girl and I'm bi. I came out in middle school, and when I told my friends, all of my friends that were girls said they were bi too, and almost all of my guy friends too. I don't think I've ever met a woman that has never been sexually attracted to another woman. Every human is naturally bisexual.

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    • WordWizard

      Lets see I am not bi. I must have blown your mind. I am only intrested in one gender thankyou.

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  • Miikoong

    Blah blah blah *common stereotype and bs*

    people only say that because its the trend. the only reason people even say the crap they do is because its in style. and then once this bi shit starts getting old they'll say some other random crap to start more arguments and drama!

    because thats the way people are. vain.

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  • NothingxCrazy

    I think everyone is born to love and appreciate each other equally. Guys aren't as open about it as females because it isn't seen as socially acceptable. Whereas female being bisexual is hot to men so females are more accepting of it.

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    • WordWizard

      Not all of us are inherently gay. Men have trouble expressing themselves more since they have this attitude about being macho. Women are more about being loving and gentle so will have and be friendly more and get away with it. This is not to say women are gay but just able be more friendly.

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  • none11

    Every girl i know has kissed another girl...ALL Girls do it, the ones who claim they're not BI are the ones who are afraid to admit it... Only nuns aren't BI, nuns are nonsexual anyway... I thought i was straight(guy) before ( i was actually straight until my uncle touched my penis with his foot) then i was footfetish and after that i discovered im BI
    And it feels great to know that EVERYBODY is BI

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    • WordWizard

      Stop lying to yourself. I know not everyone has. You are making up assumptions. So if you go by that if one lady has a baby all must. So tell me why everyone does not have kids? Oh what did I destroy your theory? I am not bi and I find it rude you assume so. You do not dictate what the rest of us are and I am sure many of us beg to differ.

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