All my friends are fucked up

I'm just here to cry about how i love every and each one of my friends a lot. They all are having a rough time. One of them is developing some sort of eating disorder, the other one is depressed with suicidal thoughts on the daily basis, and i just learned today that, my best friends since forever has been having some disassociation problems and they cry a lot cause they can't recognize themselves in the mirror.

I can't do shit to help them and it kills me inside. It really does. If i could change places with them i would no hesitation. i love them ffs.

But none of them are going to therapy, one of them even refuses to admit they need help and i am so exahusted.
I am in a better place now but i was once in a similar situation. This just makes me feel like a trash person bc i can't help them.

And i also am helpless bc i really wanna just disappear. Everything is sometimes too much to me. But i won't go away bc i love them. Although im gonna end up burned and whatnot.

Thoughts get messy for me easily.

I just hope all of us get better.

And like sorry for all this bullshit but i needed to let it out cause i can't talk with them about how i feel bc they would feel worse + their issues are the main focus now i can't just go "olay but i feel like this" its just fucking stupid.

That's why i am here.

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Comments ( 4 )
  • SkullsNRoses

    I still have to remind myself that other people’s mental health is not my responsibility.

    Watching a friend suffer whilst I’m helpless to stop it is an awful feeling, and must be heightened in your case as they aren’t seeking help.

    You are certainly not a trash person, you sound like a caring and valuable friend. But it’s not a friend’s job to “fix” their friends, only to support them. Don’t beat yourself up for not doing the impossible, your friendship to them as it is is likely more valuable than you know.

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  • Sanara

    I fully understand them not seeking therapy because you could risk getting locked up, and that is like my worst nightmare. Not sure why your friends in particular seek it. Maybe there is an option to seek therapy anonymously on the internet that is safer. You shouldn't be ashamed that you cant help them, sometimes you simply cant, but you try to support them that is good. Maybe you need to focus on something else that makes you happy for a while, so they do not drag you down to their level (Not saying its intentional, just the world dont get better by even more people becoming miserable, and you cannot cure them)

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  • Hookerfall

    Thats exactly how I feel but with my sister and suicidal mother who both don't see therapy. My sister has an eating disorder and ocd and depression.
    I have been suicidal myself.
    I have had and still have friends with chronic mental health issues and I at times indeed wished I could take their pain away but I can't:(

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  • Billy247newaccount_35467829

    Oh well. There is nothing you can do about it.

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