All the girls are taller than me.
I am a very short man, I am only 5'7. I also have a very small penis, just 3.5" hard. I can never get a girl because they are all taller than me and I know they know I have a small penis as soon as they look at me.
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I am a very short man, I am only 5'7. I also have a very small penis, just 3.5" hard. I can never get a girl because they are all taller than me and I know they know I have a small penis as soon as they look at me.
That's really not that short. There are plenty of women under five feet tall. Also not everyone cares about penis size in fact small ones are perfect for anal. And you could become really good at oral so the women really like sleeping with you.
get an implant because u will not be able to keep a women with that situation going on down there
Damn that X-Ray vision! Curses, foiled again.
Since you aren't getting laid, what difference does the size of your peepee make? Things should get better after you reach puberty.