All the rules of the puritanical cult

It's the New England sect I'm following and Puritanism has very few sects, like the me too movement, but here are all the rules. The rules are any rules that purify Anglicanism, make old out of Christianity, and with a few exceptions to allow for fun and good times. E.g. you can't go to the theatre so any of you New England Puritans don't start watching cinema any time soon! You can't wear powder, make-up or perfume, that goes for you, no wearing of cologne. You can't lie, slander or scold, you can't be lazy. You can play archery but you can't play darts, you can play ninepins (outdoor bowls) but you can't play bowling, you can't play ball games but you can play football, you can't wear a cap but you can wear a beanie.
Those are all the rules of Puritanism which I can offer you and my mother never has any fun with it!

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Comments ( 4 )
  • RoseIsabella

    Sounds like a nightmare to me.

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    • normal-rebellious

      From my educated guesses in my philosophy school there are many arguments to prove God's existence and therefore the need to obey as, after all, religion is either the belief in a divinity or one that controls human destiny. The teleological argument states that the destination is reward in heaven and punishment for disobedience.
      The argument from experience as I like to state is that because of my experience of God, hence his existence, the many prohibitions of puritanical faith are put there because God watches you wank yourself with your pants down, that's why these sins which many Christians avoid are morally wrong. I don't mean to sound sinful but this applies to women too, so zip up your sports jacket otherwise you'll be soiling the eyes of fundamentalist Christians.

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    She probably doesn't have fun with it because it sounds awful. Why would you want to impose a bunch of strange rules on yourself that have nothing to do with being a good person?

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    • normal-rebellious

      It was intended to do with being good, but I suppose these "saints" are pseudo-moral, that's me stating it from my own outsider's perspective, since at some point I changed my sect if not my religion (low churchman). But it's safe to say that an antitheist agnostic argument for the problem of evil from Epicurus implies that God not able or willing to prevent evil isn't God and God's malevolent.
      Take a lesson from the philosophy diploma course, I know what I'm talking about. Furthermore a taste of hell is right here right now, by believing in a more liberal denomination and doing things your own way you're angering your spirit of Christ through not admitting you sin, apostasy to me is a sin so I'm back to being a Puritan.

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