Almost everything i get for free

I check Craigslist free stuff every day religiously. If you are the first to message someone usually they will let you have the item. I have gotten $300 in free weights, a new $1200 mattress free, a nice couch, im about to go get another $1200 dollar couch because this one is old (waiting for him to get home), I got a full lawn set outside, baby strollers, kitchen table. Everything for free. I also shop at goodwill. I got pretty nice things

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Comments ( 5 )
  • PurpleHoneycomb

    When I moved into my current apartment I used Craigslist to get table and dresser for free. I don't think I'd be willing to get free beds and the couches though. I'd be too worried about bed bugs.

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    • I took this one today straight from the dudes house to the dump cause it didnt look clean. Sometimes you can go in and its a nice house and the couch looks immaculate. If not just trash it it was free shit anyway. You can usually know by what part of town theyre in.

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      • ZREBELX

        Why wouldn't you have just said you weren't interested? I doubt someone would drive to look at a couch, knowing it doesn't look clean enough to take home. So why would you show up, see it is best for the dump, then waste more of your time/gas to take it to the dump? Even if you told them "I'll take it", and you show up to see it isn't in as good of condition as the picture/description(Again, no normal person will go to pick up something that is obviously trash, just to take it to the dump), then just say "Your ad was misleading, no thanks"?

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        • Because it was literally at the back of a storage unit and the guy had to empty the entire storage unit to get to it. He was giving me a story about how times are hard and he's losing his house and is gonna live in an RV. Once I saw it I was like hmm thats going straight to the dump. And ontop of that I'm too fucking nice to people.

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          • ZREBELX

            I see.

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