Always planning your bday party

I feel like I might be overreacting.
Every year when its my birthday, I enjoy doing stuff with my friends and I am usually the one planning it, purchasing everything because its an event and I thought this was normal. I was talking to one of my friends about it and he said how im just making other people happy by doing this and making sure they have a good time.

It is kinda annoying that I have to plan everything, figure out where to go. I always wanted a surprise birthday party or a friend to plan it for me because its stressful

for me, I feel like its just an event and events are stressful to plan but apart of me wants to do nothing on my birthdays because of how annoying it is to plan and everybody just expects me to know everything and just says "its your day"

As im getting older Im starting to hate how I always have to plan everything but I enjoy my birthdays so im not sure what this really means.

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Comments ( 9 )
  • Boojum

    Sorry, but you get zero sympathy from me.

    As far as I'm concerned, birthday parties are fine for children, but really kinda silly for adults. The fact that you have to sort out everything yourself just makes it sad since it makes it sound like none of your "friends" really give a shit. Do you bake yourself a cake and buy and gift-wrap presents to yourself?

    I've been happy if everyone just ignores my birthday since before I was twenty, and that's a very long time ago now.

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    • RoseIsabella

      My sister actually baked herself a cake last week. She didn't invite anyone over, or anything other than go out to a movie by herself, and I think she said she was going to take herself to a Japanese restaurant.

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    • I agree that the planning everything is sad
      and no I don't bake myself a cake and buy gifts for myself that was an odd assumption

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      • RoseIsabella

        ... my sister did.

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      • Boojum

        Yeah, well, I was being kinda snarky there. Soz.

        But really, that doesn't seem to me all that different to you throwing your own birthday party. The only justification I can see for the damn things (apart from the usual of it being a good excuse to get hammered) is that friends organising one lets you know that they're glad you've stuck around in their lives for another year.

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        • Makes sense thanks (:

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  • olderdude-xx

    I stopped doing birthday parties in my very early 20's; except for a few very close friends for key birthdays (40, 50, etc).

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  • Curiouskitten444

    Why not just go out to dinner?

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  • litelander8

    It is stressful. That’s why no one does it… and expensive.

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