Am i a internet and/or smartphone addict?

I'm 21 years old, don't go to college, still live with parents, and unemployed. I use my phone to browse internet almost non stop. I only stop browsing when I take shower, clean my house, eat, babysit my nephew and niece (which is only when I go to my cousin's house, about once in a month on average), and sleep. Sometimes even I use my phone until midnight without my mom knowing it. So sometimes I only sleep about 4 hours a day just to browse internet on my phone. So I often run out data plan in less than a month and get so irritated and restless because if I'm honest to my mom she's gonna angry because my mom made a rule to buy data plan only once a month. Even I ever stealed my mom's money twice when I was still in school (but only 0.49 dollars on average because I used to buy daily data plan and again, my mom never knew about this. I always lied to my mom I said I bought so many snacks when actually I buy daily data plan). It's like I crave internet so much. I'm a shy person and don't have any friends. Does it means I'm addicted to internet and/or my smartphone?

Yes 21
Almost become an addict 5
No 4
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Comments ( 2 )
  • Cuntsiclestick

    I'm not trying to be a jerk, but you need to get out more.

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  • icant_

    Internet mostly. I was like you when I was 11-12 years old. I bought data every week. I grew out of it once we got good wifi.
    You should get a job. All those years studying at school shouldn't go to waste!

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