Am i a pedo for liking fictional boys?

Some people say I'm a pedo for finding fictional boy animated characters attractive but other sources say it's normal and there is a whole category of this in Japanese culture so what do you think?

No because it's not real, 22
Yes it's still f,u,c,ked up 26
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Comments ( 11 )
  • Royalburden

    I think that if it's just fictional characters there's really no harm in it. It's kinda gross in my opinion and I wouldn't do it but I wouldn't watch piss porn either so I can't really judge based on that. It's all about consent. As long as you aren't taking unlawful actions and doing things against another person's consent I see no real harm in it.

    I wouldn't strut around talking about it with other people, or striving for harming others but in your own time if you watch some loli or shota it's really not. I see no problem with that. No one's a victim there.

    Besides I definitely recognize there's a difference between the porn you watch and the sex you have. You could be into watching S&M rape porn but when it comes down to it only feel comfortable performing missionary in bed and would be real disgusted when you hear about rape in real life.

    I don't think you are a pedo, at least I hope you aren't. Only you know if you'd really go that far but even if you where I'd rather have all the pedos in the world watch shota and loli porn than have them act out their fantasies in person. You want that full body Bocu no pico pillow, have at it. Just don't touch real kids and we're cool.

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  • KingTermite

    You may be, but it's not like it's your fault, one can not help who one is attracted to. As long as you don't act on this attraction with real people, then society shouldn't show up at your door with torches and pitchforks.

    I think it's really unfortunate that people that have your issue are looked upon as monsters. It wasn't that long ago that being homosexual was similarly villanised but society decided they could get over that. I don't think there's much chance society is going to change their mind about your issue, but as long as you don't act on it with a real person there shouldn't be any cause for alarm.

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    • You work in entertainment and get mad at your customers. But you can't take your anger out on them so you vent your frustration by being a rude bully to random strangers online.

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  • josh284

    If you are a girl, then no. But if you are a boy, that's fucked up.

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  • bigol'dick

    I guess you are technically a pedophile. As long as you're not harming and real children, it's ok.

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  • Couman

    Hard to say. A case could be made that cartoon children don't look or act much like the real thing, but on the other hand, there's clearly an overlap between people who like that and people attracted to real children.

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    • Soula_Sou

      what a load of shit, it's like a saying "people who are attracted to short pornstars may not overlap with people who are attracted to short non-pornstar women. You are trying to make it sound sophisticated but it is really nonsense

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      • Couman

        A better comparison would be cartoon animals vs. real animals.

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  • flyingnostalgia

    You should probably get psychiatric help.

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  • RoseIsabella

    It's still fucked up, and you should stop looking at that tripe.

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  • Soula_Sou

    It's like asking "am I gay for masturbating to male photos?" yes! yes! you are! Am I attracted to blonds if I wank to fictional pics of blonds? Yes! you are! It may cause no harm to a real boy now... but you are a pedo if you get hard with boy-like pics

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