Am i an antisemite?

There are two ways of being Jewish: ethnically and/or religiously. I have absolutely NOTHING against those who are Jewish merely as an ethnicity. However, I can't say I'm fond of the Jewish religion. Judaism is based primarily on the Tenach/Hebrew Bible, which I think is an OUTRAGEOUSLY immoral book (the Jewish God Yahweh, for example, sometimes forces people to EAT their own CHILDREN. No shit. See:

Anyway, it has at its VERY CORE the idea that the Jewish people is "chosen by God," which I think is arrogant bullshit. Jews are simply PEOPLE in my eyes, certainly nothing less than others, but nothing more EITHER. I don't have ANY problems WHATSOEVER with ethnic Jews who don't regard themselves as superior, but I don't like religious Jews who do. I view myself as anti-judaic. Not as anti-semitic in the LEAST, but a few people seem to think I am regardless. What do you think, am I an antisemite?

Yes 23
Somewhat (please explain) 14
No 39
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Comments ( 88 )
  • NeuroNeptunian

    I can see what you mean, but I can't comment as I know only the basics of Judaism itself. Jews are not the only people who hold these beliefs, but they seem offensive to some because "God" is in their "we are the chosen people" beliefs.

    However, if you hate Jews or discriminate against people who are Jewish, than you are an anti-semite. You can hate the beliefs, but not hate the people. Some people have a lot of trouble with this concept, but it is possible.

    I would like to bring up this website of yours
    I have been on it and some of the "criticisms" are either stupidly cheap shots, are just there for the sake of being blatantly insulting, are seriously left field associations or have little basis in actual scriptures.

    There ARE valid points in there but I urge you that if you are going to research the fallacies of the Bible, do your own research as well, don't rely solely on other people's criticisms. Be skeptical of ALL information you see. Just because you agree with it or it takes a stance that you like, does not mean that the information is accurate.

    Learn to separate your own beliefs from the actual research and you'll be golden. If you've already accomplished all that I have suggested then hats off to you, you're already a better skeptic than most "religious skeptics" out there. Don't just be skeptical of religion, be skeptical of everything. One need not hold a bible to lie to you ;)

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    • "Jews are not the only people who hold these beliefs"

      I know. I think it's arrogant and absurd for other people AS WELL to hold such beliefs. No people is "chosen" in my view. That's ridiculous. Actually, I think the notion of a "chosen people" is akin to the Nazi notion of a "master race". Both notions are deeply immoral B.S.

      "However, if you hate Jews or discriminate against people who are Jewish, than you are an anti-semite."

      One of my friends is an (irreligious) Jew. A true antisemite would of course NEVER be friends with a Jew (religious or not), as you know. However, I must say that I DO despise Jews who think they're superior, just because they're Jewish. What an achievement! Frankly, I also think they look like total idiots with their ugly side-locks, their yarmulkes and other freaky headgear, but - of course - everyone is totally free to look like a complete moron if they wanna.

      "You can hate the beliefs, but not hate the people."

      Yes. I feel this way about lots of religions as opposed to the adherents of those religions. However, I'm more sympathetic towards Jews who don't adhere to Judaism, than towards those who do.

      I totally agree with you about that website btw. It's not perfect, and I should indeed be skeptical of ALL information I encounter. However, I think it DOES CLEARLY demonstrate that neither the Bible, the Qur'an and the Book of Mormon were inspired by a wise and just God.

      Thanks for your rational response btw. A lot of people suddenly get overly emotional and irrational just upon hearing the word "Jews", no matter in what context.

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      • 1000yrVampireKing

        People have odd customs. What religion are you? How about we go in and make fun of your traditions and laugh at your cloth and your family and say "Oh how stupid". Would you like that? How rude of you to think you are so much better. If anyone is a snob here it is you. Not the Jews.

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        • "What religion are you?"

          None. I thought I made that PERFECTLY clear already. I just believe in being a good person.

          "How rude of you to think you are so much better. If anyone is a snob here it is you. Not the Jews"."

          I don't think I'm better. The ones who regard themselves as "chosen" do, remember genius?

          And there also isn't anything such as "the Jews". There is a HUGE difference between Jews who adhere to Judaism and those who don't, a KEY difference you obviously don't grasp.

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  • Tehboss

    whats the fun in a god that ins't a mass murderer sadistic prick?

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  • nightmare28

    The part with the cannibalism is taken out of context, you need to read the whole text and preferably in original language instead of reading some carefully chosen verses posted on the internet.I myself disagree with many ideas in the book, but you need to read the whole thing instead of just some very specific quotes, the book teaches to give to the poor, it teaches against incest and bestiality among other things, since in Christianity the 613 laws of Moses are not mandatory (they follow some and don't follow others, I still don't understand the logic behind this) things like incest are not a sin. Furthermore the Jews never go knocking from door to door telling you that you got to accept their got or you'll burn in hell eternally, never tell you to convert or die and basically keep their religion to themselves. I can understand if you're an atheist and just don't like some ways of the religions, but if you think one religion is more "moral" than the other you need to read and learn more.

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    • "The part with the cannibalism is taken out of context, you need to read the whole text and preferably in original language instead of reading some carefully chosen verses posted on the internet."

      Is there ANY context in the first place, that would justify Yahweh to force people to EAT their CHILDREN? No, that's wrong PERIOD. Besides, I HAVE read the whole text in context and I have fpund that it does NOT help the situation AT ALL. In fact, sometimes it makes it EVEN worse. Yahweh's simply a dick (IF he existed in the first place, that is).

      "Furthermore the Jews never go knocking from door to door telling you that you got to accept their got or you'll burn in hell eternally, never tell you to convert or die and basically keep their religion to themselves."

      True, but that's because non-Jews don't count in their eyes (as do other Jews who don't follow Judaism btw).

      "but if you think one religion is more "moral" than the other you need to read and learn more."

      Well, some religions simply ARE more moral than others. You don't hear much about Buddhist suicide-bombers as opposed to Islamic ones, for example.

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  • theaverageatheist

    hate... strong word

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    • Meaning?

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  • maybe the bible says jews r the "chosen ones " to boost their confidence because they were always persecuted, just a thought i am not learned re bible, maybe its a metaphore

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    • The persecution came after, NOT before, the creation of the Bible.

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      • but isnt it written in the bible that they were chased out of countries?

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        • Yes, but in those days that unfortunately happened to lots of peoples. The VAST ajority of persecution came afterwards.

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          • Two things:

            1. Anti-Judaism--based on religious beliefs and practices--is often distinguished from anti-semitism, which is based upon racial or ethnic prejudice. (wikipedia).

            2. Antisemitism dates back in Europe to the 12th and 13th centuries. (wikipedia).

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          • robbieforgotpw

            Here is the history of the Jewish people. Read through it. It may give you new understanding. Let me know if you want to discuss

            If you believe the Bible to be God's Word, then you know that the Jews are his "chosen people" from the beginning.

            The patriarch Abraham and wife Sarah gave birth to Isaac(origin of Israel) and Ishmael (where Arabs originated). Isaac's son Jacob was given the name Israel by God himself. God told Abraham he would make a great nation out of him, give his descendants land of their own(Israel), and although they would be held captive for 400 yrs(Not told by which nation but fulfilled with Egypt) they would leave Egypt by God's power and would go to the land God had promised Abraham originally.

            Of course the prophets foretold how Israel would be punished as a result of their sin and be taken from their land(fulfilled by Babylon). But God would have mercy when they repented and would bring them back to their own land. And it is written that once Israel returned they would never be uprooted again. Israel became a nation once again in May 1948, and the land is the same land God told Abraham he would give his descendants.

            The most important thing about the Jewish people is that through the lineage of Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, and King David who slew Goliath, came Jesus the Son of God by miraculous virgin birth.

            If you believe what Jesus said in the Bible, then you know He said "I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life. No man comes to the Father(God the Father) but by Me." Not multiple ways to God; One way only, through faith in Jesus for the forgiveness of your sins. This requires faith, and you either believe God's Word or you don't. But everyone is given the choice to believe.


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            • "If you believe the Bible to be God's Word"

              I most definetly do NOT.

              The basic idea of Christianity is that we are all BORN guilty, because two (fictional) people supposedly were convinced by a talking snake to eat from a magical tree.

              The ONLY way of escaping ETERNAL torture is by accepting Jesus (who VERY likely was fictional too). Among good, loving things he also said some really fucked up shit btw, that you'll rarely hear in church (or anywhere else). Moreover, the Biblical God is an evil dick too. On the rare occasions these things ARE actually brought up, the Christians bend over backwards to find - usually fucking weak - excuses to excuse the inexcusable. Pathetic.

              Anyway, in my eyes, babies are INNOCENT by definition. I think the Christian idea that they are not is DEEPLY disgusting, vile and immoral (not to mention absurd as FUCK).

              I don't think it's a "loving" religion at all. Moreover, I resent the notion I should "respect" your faith. I never understood why I should respect something that says I (and COUNTLESS of others) will be tortured forever if I don't believe in an ABSURD and IMMORAL religion, based on a book that science has shown to contain many, many errors. That's just blackmail. Fuck your faith.

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          • Devyn

            The vast majority of peoples died.

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      • Devyn

        The persecution dates back to at least 500bc. We're talking about Egyptians etc. not Europeans.

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        • Without Christianity, antisemitism wouldn't have become so powerful.

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          • Devyn

            No it wouldn't. But you could say that for any religion whose followers interact. "Without x religion, hate for y religion would not have been so powerful". Furthermore the strongest bouts of anti-Semitism occurred on account of societal inequality and nationalism, not religion.

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            • Some religions simply generate much more hate than others. For example, I've never heard of Buddhist suicide-bombers, as opposed to Islamic ones.

              It is certainly true that societal inequality and nationalism have played huge parts in bouts of antisemitism. That cannot be denied. Still, religion DID often also play a significant role.

              How many times, for example, have Jews been labeled as "Christ-killers?" Also, Hitler's "Mein Kampf" contains sentences such as "by defending myself against the Jew, I am doing the handiwork of the Lord." There are historians who believe the Holocaust could never have occurred without Christianity.

              To claim that "the strongest bouts of anti-Semitism occurred on account of societal inequality and nationalism, not religion" is utter nonsense.

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  • JustDave

    Racists or not, you still seem like a douche.

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    • Back that the fuck up, would ya? Seems kinda weak otherwise...

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      • JustDave

        You wanted opinions, I gave gave mine. You provided the evidence for one to come to that conclusion.

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        • "You wanted opinions, I gave gave mine."

          Yes, but you didn't back it up. Again.

          "You provided the evidence for one to come to that conclusion."

          Care to show this "evidence" to me?

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  • First off, calm down dude. You seem a bit mentally unstable to me.

    Second off, if you yourself can't tell if you're an anti-Semite then what good are we? That's like a painter asking those around him how to paint.

    You yourself should know of it.

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    • NocturnePonyFan

      Are you a fucking psychologist? Then who the hell are you to tell someone they are mentally unstable?

      Step on a lego, you prick.

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      • Ohh, that would really hurt, I've done that before myself.

        And I am VERY heavy.

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      • Hear, hear!

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    • 1000yrVampireKing

      I have to agree. The creator of this post is just an extremist. The fear is irrational and seems to be stemming from jealousy.

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      • How many times do I need to spell it out for you, brainiac? I AM NOT JEALOUS OF JEWISH PEOPLE.

        Oh, and you may call me an extremist, but then what about those who consider themselves "chosen?" Are they not extremists?

        You're a fool.

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    • "Second off, if you yourself can't tell if you're an anti-Semite then what good are we?"

      I said that I do NOT regard myself as an antisemite but that some people - unjustly in my opinion - think so regardless. I was just curious what you thought, that's all.

      PS: You have NO reason to insult me, questioning my mental stability. Fuck you.

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  • Judeo-Christianity is twisted, hypocritical garbage. Literally anyone who can read can see this.

    Btw, are you familiar with the Talmud? Check it out - you will not believe your eyes.

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  • Betraying jesus does rile some up.

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    • Jesus was Jewish himself (IF he even ever existed). Besides, among good, loving things, he also said some pretty vile and idiotic things.

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      • I know Jesus was Jewish, he was betrayed by his own remember.

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        • I don't really care about Jesus.

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          • You just went onto a thread and spoke about him, you care more than many.

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            • I spoke about him, yes, but ONLY because he's relevant to the discussion, NOT because I really care about him or that he was betrayed. He wasn't the messiah.

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  • kelili

    I think that the Jews don't give a fuck whether you loke them or not because their religion gives them a confidence that you certainly lack.

    And if you have read the Bible instead of making research on the net and clicking on every link you would have known that the Bible doesn't force people to become cannibals.

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    • "I think that the Jews don't give a fuck whether you loke them or not"

      I agree, but that's not the point at all. Besides, there isn't anything such as "the Jews". There is a HUGE difference between Jews who follow Judaism and those who do not, a difference you obviously don't grasp.

      "because their religion gives them a confidence that you certainly lack."

      Their religion? A lot of Jews aren't religious you know (some of my friends for example). Besides, what do you know about my level of confidence? Nothing.

      You seem like a very simple person to me.

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      • kelili

        If you re read what you've written you will understand my comment

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        • Your comments are all blatantly inaccurate.

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    • "And if you have read the Bible instead of making research on the net and clicking on every link you would have known that the Bible doesn't force people to become cannibals."

      I have indeed read your foolish Bible. Have you actually read it btw, or just certain little fragments in Sunday School or in church? Anyway, the Biblical God certainly DOES sometimes force people to become cannibals. Check out my link, then check your horrible Bible. It all there, I guarantee it.

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  • You are not an anti-Semite, you stated several times you aren't. I however am an anti-Semite, I hate the Jews and I think they have done so much wrong in the world. And you are right, the Talmud is a sick, twisted, evil piece of literature.

    The Jews have been expelled from EVERY nation they have inhabited, yet people like to pretend it's everyone elses fault but the Jews. Antisemitism is both logical and justifies, as is anti-Christianity, luckily for us Europeans there is no suck thing as an "Ethnic Christian".

    To all of you "Goyim" who are getting hot under the collar, please read the Talmud.

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    • As much as I despise the religion of certain Jews, I will NEVER EVER become antisemitic, and thus also hate the DECENT Jews (and there are PLENTY).

      "The Jews have been expelled from EVERY nation they have inhabited, yet people like to pretend it's everyone elses fault but the Jews."

      Yes, they were expelled, but because they were blamed for the death of Christ, NOT because they were actually bad people. You have cause and effect all mixed up.

      Besides, you describe anti-Christianity as logical (with which I actually agree btw), but it's funny that Christianity (which you claim to despise) is responsible for the birth of antisemitism. YOUR antisemitism.

      You suck.

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      • He is right in them being expelled, AND its not always just because of them being blamed for the death of Christ.

        It seems history likes to use the Jews as a scapegoat when problems arise either socially, economically, or politically. Sometimes all three.

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        • "He is right in them being expelled, AND its not always just because of them being blamed for the death of Christ."

          Yes, they were expelled. I never denied that. And perhaps it wasn't always just because of them being blamed for the death of Christ. However, that IS the UTMOST important reason.

          "It seems history likes to use the Jews as a scapegoat when problems arise either socially, economically, or politically. Sometimes all three."

          That is true.

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          • "That is true"

            Yes it is, and why is that true?

            Why is the same ethnicity, race, religion however you want to define it, consistently the scapegoat ?

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            • You need to make a distinction between the Jewish ethnicity and the Jewish religion, because they aren't REMOTELY the same. You seem to think they are. That's very simplistic. There are lots of Jews out there who don't like Judaism.

              And simplicity is also the reason "the Jews" are consistently the scapegoat. It's very easy and convenient to blame all your problems on one group. It's also dumb as fuck I'm afraid.

              Btw, the very word "scapegoat" implies UNFAIR treatment.

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      • The idea that Christianity (a Jewish creation) is solely responsible for anti-Jewish sentiment is a blatant falsehood. What about the pagan Romans or Egyptians? What about Muslims? Or the very many agnostics (such as yours truly) who speak out against the Jews?

        Try again.

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        • I never said Christianity is SOLELY responsible for antisemitism. There are indeed lots of other factors. However, without Christianity antisemitism would NEVER have become so incredibly powerful and destructive.

          For example, Adolf Hitler's book "Mein Kampf" contains sentences such as: "by defending myself against the Jew, I am doing the handiwork of the Lord."

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  • Cheese123

    It's ok to not like the religion. Christopher Hitchens was ethnically Jewish,and he was a formidable critic of Judaism and many other religions. Of course criticising the ideas in a religion fairly is not bigotry (i say this as a religious person myself).

    I do have a problem with the way you're looking at this.

    Here's the deal:
    - Judaism is a broad and varied spectrum, from modern freer reformers to ultra-orthodox haredi Jews
    - secondly, the Jewish identity is a much more complex thing then what you described. Judaism can be ethnicity or practising religion, as you describe, but it can also be a nationality OR ANY COMBINATION OF THE THREE IN ANY QUANTITY
    - so you can't sensibly say I don't like these Jews but I like those Jews - it's simply too individual to box people into different categories of 'like' and 'dislike' like that.

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    • "Judaism is a broad and varied spectrum, from modern freer reformers to ultra-orthodox haredi Jews"

      Yes, but they all share certain core beliefs (like supposedly being "chosen".

      "the Jewish identity is a much more complex thing then what you described. Judaism can be ethnicity or practising religion, as you describe, but it can also be a nationality OR ANY COMBINATION OF THE THREE IN ANY QUANTITY"

      I think you are mistaken here. You can be ethnically Jewish or religiously Jewish (as you acknowledge). However, being Jewish as a nationalty? Nah. Israeli is a nationality, Jewish isn't.

      "so you can't sensibly say I don't like these Jews but I like those Jews - it's simply too individual to box people into different categories of 'like' and 'dislike' like that."

      Well, there probably ARE religious Jews out there who I'd quite like and non-religious Jews who I wouldn't. In general, however, it's FAR likelier to be the other way around.

      I didn't know that Christopher Hitchens was ethnically Jewish BTW. Thanks!

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      • Cheese123

        Thanks for being non-horrible, unlike most of the people on this page.

        I'm afraid I'll insist Jewishness can also be a nationality. In fact, it is. Any Jew in the world is entitled to Israeli citizenship by the sheer fact they're Jewish. It's down to each individual Jewish person and how they want to approach their own take on their Jewish identity though. Natually, not all Israelis are Jewish. That's incorrect, of course. And not all jews wish to be considered Israelis, so there is a fluidity in the concept of Jewish identity.

        Regarding Jews sharing core beliefs, yes many of them do. But it's a nasty mistake to throw all the Jewish people into one box. It's like saying they must be hive minded because they share culture and/or religious beliefs among other things. That couldn't be further from the truth.

        The Jewish Identity has been a nationality for thousands of years.

        It's difficult to explain, but it is a nationality in the sense that Israel is a state founded for the Jewish people.

        With liking jews and what not, you have to get out there and met them, it's an idle thought to speculate that you wouldn't like these people because they're religious.


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        • You've given me no reason to be a dick to you, we simply disagree on a small issue. It would be childish as fuck to become verbally abusive over that.

          I must also insist that Jewishness is NOT a nationality. Sure, I know that any Jew in the world is entitled to Israeli citizenship by the sheer fact they're Jewish (it's called Aaliyah I think). This doesn't mean that Jewishness in itself is a nationality of course, merely that you can get the ISRAELI nationality if yoú're of Jewish descent. Not quite the same thing.

          It is indeed a nasty mistake to throw all the Jewish people into one box. I'm not doing that at all. I make a clear distinction between Jews who arrogantly regard themselves as "chosen" and those who do not. The idea of being chosen is pretty central to the Jewish faith I'd say, so it wouold be fair to say that pretty much all religious Jews adhere to it.

          You say the Jewish identity has been a nationality for thousands of years, but the most common definition (by FAR really) of Jewishness is belonging to a certain ethnoreligious community.

          "With liking jews and what not, you have to get out there and met them"


          "it's an idle thought to speculate that you wouldn't like these people because they're religious. "

          Well, it not that they're religious per se that bothers me (although I'm certainly not a fan of religion in general), but it's what the religion actually teaches (and not just about non-Jews BTW). I think it's immoral. Nice, good people can still follow immoral stuff (presumably because they don't see it as such), but the chances of me getting along with them are slimmer than with people who don't have such beliefs.

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  • zackattack

    You're kind of ignorant. Not extremely anti-semitic, but yeah a little. The whole chosen people thing is very misleading. Jews don't believe they are superior, some of us just believe twe were chosen by God to spread the teachings of the torah. We don't think we're the only ones going to heaven. As for the torah yeah, it has weird stuff, but the talmud, has changed through time. Jews are actually far more tolerant of others and progressive, when compared to Islam and Christianity. Note how Israel is the only free country in the Middle East.

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    • BLAh81

      "Jews don't believe they are superior"

      Really? At least some religious Jews sure seem to. Here's what the former Sephardi Chief Rabbi of Israel, Ovadia Yosef, a recognised Talmudic scholar and foremost halakhic authority, said during a night sermon:

      “The sole purpose of non-Jews is to serve Jews" and
      "Why are Gentiles needed? They will work, they will plow, they will reap. We will sit like an effendi and eat. That is why Gentiles were created."

      Also, some religious Jews won't interact with non-Jews, like they're too good for them. What's up with that? And even IF the majority of religious Jews don't believe they are superior, calling yourself "God's chosen people" sure is arrogant. The notion of a "chosen people" is akin to the Nazi notion of a "master race" in my eyes.

      As for Islam and Christianity, I also think they suck donkeyballs. Still doesn't mean I like Judaism, though.

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  • Lynxikat

    So, from what I read from the comments (and GOD, there are a lot of comments in this post), you don't appear to be an antisemite; you just don't like the extremists. Where do you even FIND these Jewish extremists? I see a lot more Christian and atheist extremists that I do extremists of any other religion.

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    • "Where do you even FIND these Jewish extremists?"

      Well, there are Jewish people all over the world. Some regard themselves just as people. I don't have ANY problem with those. Some, however, regard themselves as "chosen" and demand that their fellow Jews don't marry non-Jews. I find that extremist. Many, many people may not have a problem with that, but I most certainly do. Jews are just people. For example, I'm Dutch. I'm not saying I'm more than them, but am I less? No, we're equal. I think Judaism is a racist religion.

      BTW, atheism is NOT a religion. It has to do with religion alright, but it is the absence of religion. For example, is "bald" a haircolor?

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      • Lynxikat

        Personally, I always considered the whole "Do not marry outside religion" rule that some Jews have had more to do with the fact that there's really not a lot of Jews in the world as there are Christians, and that's just their way of keeping the faith alive.

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        • Well, if there WERE a lot of Jews, do you really think they would change this rule? No, it's not only ingrained in their faith, it is the very core of it. Remember, in times when there were many, many more Jews, they STILL had this rule.

          And the fact the community of religious Jews is small (certainly after all the antisemitic violence like the Holocaust) is also because they don't make converts. Know why? Because non-Jews don't really count in their eyes. Doesn't this indicate Judaism's inherent racism?

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  • Imsupernormal

    I hate Jews too man. It is normal.

    Fucking hate them Jews. I mean can anyone name one economic meltdown where a Jew wasn't somehow involved? If you research the economic history of America you will see that a Jew caused every single economic depression in history.

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    • Imsupernormal

      REAL enemy of America is the JEW

      Goldman Sachs CEO, Lyold Blankfein is JEW

      IMF Deputy CEO, John Lisky is JEW

      Ex IMF CEO, Dominic Strauss is JEW

      World Bank CEO, Robert Zoellick is JEW

      Ex World Bank CEO, James Woolfesen is JEW

      Fed Chairman, Ben Bernanke is JEW

      Ex Fed Chairman, Alan Greenspan is JEW

      Obama Treasury Secretary, Timothy Geithner is JEW

      George Bush Treasury Secretary, Hank Paulson is JEW

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      • AbnormallyAwesome

        And 70 years ago the REAL enemy of America was Germany. Why was that again?
        Oh yes, they had an economic crisis and become a bunch of racist paranoid basterds, who killed 6 million jews.

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        • DefJay

          That is the number the Soviets published after having the German files hidden/unpublished for years. The real number is around 1.1 million Jews. Not saying that this makes it any better in any way. Just some information/fact for you in future reference.

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        • That figure of 6 million is way overblown.

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          • Prove it.

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            • 6 Million Jews werent even living in Europe before WWII, let alone the areas that Nazi Germany occupied and funneled concentration camp prisoners to.

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      • You don't think the mentality of a people can stimulate its members to go far in life, without there automatically being some vague "conspiracy" being involved? Don't be so fucking paranoid. Besides, there are lots of non-Jews in key positions too.

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    • "I hate Jews too man. It is normal."

      I do NOT hate Jews. I hate the RELIGION of SOME Jews. Why? Because it's racist, just like you btw.

      "If you research the economic history of America you will see that a Jew caused every single economic depression in history."

      Simplistic and UNTRUE horseshit. Life's more complicated than that, retard.

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  • Judeo-Christianity is indeed twisted, hypocritical garbage. However, unlike you, I'm NO racist and ONLY dislike the RELIGION of SOME Jews, as opposed to Jews in general.

    I'm a bit familiar with the Talmud btw, but not terribly. I will check it out. The REAL Talmud though, not all the fake stuff online. I bet the genuine version is bad enough though.

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    • Alright; I can only assume that that was directed at me.

      Why are you acting like you know me? And what do you mean by "the fake stuff online"?

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      • "Alright; I can only assume that that was directed at me."

        Yes, sorry for not making that clearer.

        "Why are you acting like you know me?"

        Your profile says among other things that you're a "racial realist" which is just a nice way of saying you're a racist.

        "And what do you mean by "the fake stuff online"?"

        There is a shitload of incorrect information about the Talmud circulating on the internet. As immoral as the book no doubt is, I'd like to examine the genuine two versions (there's the Jerusalem Talmud and the Babylon Talmud).

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  • Retard73

    I hate yews they want peaplo to feel bad for them after hitler, and the fucking retard zionist controlled amerika and fn or whaqtever gives israel to the yews that fucked up and now the yews in israel got big boms and atom boms. they are sneaky and greedy i hate them yews they are ugly also i mean wtf have u ever seen a hot hebrow chik?

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    • BLAh81

      All you've said is garbage. As for the "fictional" hot Hebrew chicks:

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