Am i an ugly girl? is my best friend hotter?

I am 5 foot 2, I weigh 85 LBS, I have short shoulder lenghth black hair, small brown eyes, thin lips and a wide-ish nose.

My best friend is 5 foot 3 and weighs 105 LBS
she has long black hair, full lips, medium sized hazel eyes with long eye lashes. A lot of people say she looks like Angelina Jolie

we are both 16
Do I seem UGLY??? does she seem hotter than me??? please be honest.

Thanks. >_>

Voting Results
57% Normal
Based on 86 votes (49 yes)
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Comments ( 53 )
  • Kai'Layah

    I had this same problem. I soon came to realize that my friend wasn't any hotter than me or any uglier. My friend is in fact gorgeous, but I am now confident in my looks too. I was always comparing myself to her and often felt bad about myself, when in reality i have features that men are actually attracted to. Her features are just different than mine, and her features would not look right on me, because I am me. Also, looks don't even matter in the long run, so you are stressing yourself out over nothing. It is attitude and confidence that matters in the end.

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  • linjojo

    1. your weight scares me. I'm about 5"2-5"3 and when I weighed 95-100lbs people thought I was on the verge of anorexia, so you must look pretty malnourished. go get yourself some burgers and fries, darling.

    2. I think Angelina Jolie is absolutely HIDEOUS, in my opinion.

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  • CrunchieLice

    no i dont think so.. alot of actresses fit ur discription and they r sooo hot. u seem to have a nice lean body.. many guys like cute lil brown eyes. as for long eye lashes, use mascara.. put on some make up.. be creative and have ur own style.. i dont think u sound ugly but it will be boring if u dont have something that stands out in ur look..and this can be done if u start by finding ur ideal look and finding what u like about it. experiment with ur look at home but dont go out until ur confident enough. so no u dont sound ugly..besides angelina jolie is not that hot.. she has weird boyish legs and her forehead is full of veins. her lips are like jay z's .. so weird as if she got stingged by a bee.. (with all respect to her and her fans)

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    • BUA420

      i suggest you dont use her advice cuz she is trying to change who u are into someone your shouldnt be asking people over the internet because noone really knows how u both look...yall can be ugly for all we know...if a guy is going to like her over u cuz of her looks then hes not worth it...u shouldnt care wat other peple think have confidence!

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    • realitycheck

      Hello, just because your friend might have features that you think are attractive to others doesn't mean much to alot of men. You might me smarter and more witter than she is. Generally guys notice and have an attraction to this unless the only reason they're hanging out is to get a piece. Always remember there is someone out there that is more, or less attractive than you. Don't be so hard on yourself with comparisions. I've learned that there is always someone more or less beautiful than you. You sound really cute. Besides for anyone that really cares, they will be more intrigued by personality, self respect, sense of humor, and someone who is spunky but doesn't have to be in the spotlight. I belive those qualities in a person are much more attractive to any guy who is interested in a girl with an intellectual abilitly, as well as being cute. Brains and balls with a good sense of humor rocks!!!

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  • brothershamass

    I don't know, you didn't say how big either of your tits are?

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    • kia106

      you have your own type of beauty god created u perfectly with his 2 hands thank him for your healthiness

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    • Lucky_Marty

      Lol, that determines everything

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    • Confused101


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  • la_uva_mojada

    The wisdom that people don't realize is that self confidence can override looks, especially even if your friend is 'hotter'. If you're worried about being inferior, then you could totally surpass a hot girl just by having more self esteem and self confidence!

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  • borderline_crazii

    both of you are as beautiful as you guys carry yourselves to be

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  • JakkTheNinja

    you sound prettier but you need to put some weight on most dudes dont find girls who are too skinny attractive,but dont put too much weight on. so what im saying is , she sounds pretty but you sound prettier and just need to gain weight :-)

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  • Pussyfinger

    U sound prettier

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  • superguy99

    both of u need to gain some weight for starters, and yes, she DOES sound hotter than u, but u still sound hot:)

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  • xllewellynx

    Why do you even care if she's hotter??!! Aren't you happy with YOURSELF?

    Second.. gain some weight.. That's way too malnourished and therefore, unattractive. Seems like you're too focused on your image than your brain..

    Intelligence is sexy, narcissism and low self esteem are not.

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  • your beautiful :D

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  • Freckly

    sweetie--- you need to stop comparing yourself to others, and you need to stop putting so much importance on looks. It will make your life a lot better

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  • AverageGuy1

    You seem hotter but i might have to test you give me your numbah

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  • I hope you learn not to fuss so much about your weight and don't attribute being "hot" or not to the difference of a few pounds. That just create mental anguish & sets girls up for unhealthy obsessions.

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  • Lambent

    What the flying f***.
    How the HELL are we supposed to know if you don't post pics?
    And your question is in its own way rhetoric because beauty is subjective.
    So in the end your question was quite pointless.

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  • babycake

    i ask my self the same q. sometimes cuz sometimes i look in the mirror and i look pretty but when im around people and i look in a mirror i just dont look the same i look ugly so i realty dont know if im pretty or ugly thats why some times i wonder how i look to people

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  • expoguy

    Don't worry nobody looks at the mantle when they are poking the fire.

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  • holy crap ur 16 and u weigh 85 damn u shud seriously eat bein anorexic is not hot

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  • Bishougen

    Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, this includes yourself. If you feel inferior next to your friend for whatever reason then a lot of things in your behavior will show it. This may in effect give other people the impression that you're less approachable than your friend thus giving her the edge in social situations. If that sounds like the case, maybe you should remove yourself from situations where you're constantly comparing yourself to her and just enjoy yourself as a young beautiful person.

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  • mistircek

    Well, I don't know if you heard about the theory that says every beautiful girl hangs out with an ugly one. Unfortunately, Murphy says that chance are good that you are the latter.

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  • Jim_Pfoss

    A young, healthy body is always attractive.

    The beauty of the face cannot be described by measurements, however. I have seen all of the features you describe on both beautiful and ugly faces.

    Ultimately, hottness is determined by attitude, intelligence and demeanor. Some of the hottest women I've known would certainly be considered undesireable by most in a mere photo.

    On the other hand, I've known otherwise beautiful woman to become barnyard pigs the moment they open their mouths to speak.

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  • Miss_Charlie

    other girl

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  • billabongsport

    <b>Why does it matter if your hotter than her or not?

    You're both as pretty as each other.
    And, looks may count for a little, but not alot, so don't think that if she's hotter you'll never get a boyfriend or anything.

    If you want us tor eally rate your looks, upload a pic of you and her together.
    But yeah, you shouldn't jealous of your best friend, coz envy doens't mix well with realationships.

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  • MapleSyrup

    First of all... you are severely under weight...and secondly you are not ugly, You are just going through a self esteem phase that will go away in time.

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  • eclipse

    I think that you can only be beautiful or ugly by your personality. Looks are just a trick sometimes.

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  • TheHolyCow

    hmm, it will help if you add pics :P

    But serious: if guys rate girls then the tit size and kind of ass matters most ;)

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  • polkadotguitar

    not healthy to weigh 85 pounds. eat something.

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  • apathy

    Well some people may not find Jolie attractive, so you'd be the more attractive one. Other than that maybe you should focus one more non superficial aspects of yourself. You'd get further in life.

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  • kaypee

    One of the best and available shags I ever had was far fom pretty, I used to meet her in the movies, during the day. After dark it didn't matter because we used to find, as quickly as possible, a dark place for ball busting shags, as we had been playing with each other for at least a couple of hours and precum was pouring from both of us. Hang in there girl, your turn will cum.

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  • rapemaniac

    and just so the last guy that commented this knows its sad enough u use a name like large penis when u probably have a pinner that u use to tickle urself at night and just a reminder... ur ugly

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  • rapemaniac

    ur both fuckin huge ass whale dope smoking fuckin wankers .. what do u do this shit for nobody thinks highly of ugy people like u get fucked by some hobo or something probably the only kind of people that think u look half decent fucked up whore

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  • LargePenis132

    Don't worry about your appearance, you're beautiful just as you are. Forget what the damn popular kids say aboout you, unless it's good.

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  • stop it yall!!!!!!

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  • Killington27

    how the fuck can you write/ care so much wtf is wrong with u peeps

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  • InFlictas doesnt stargirl like to go off-topic for arguements with others :p :D

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  • mmmmmmmmmmmmm...hotter!

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  • hixMOLLY

    shes hotter.

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  • InFlictas

    no way... ur not ugly :p actualy by the description you gave you sound kind of cute ;)

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  • Potato

    Your friend sounds much hotter. Just being honest. But I could be wrong, since its impossible to tell with that description for sure.

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  • pooponyou

    And brothershamass, to say that MOST men don't care about what women want or need is just a bullshit excuse for yourself. By adopting those beliefs you actually limit yourself on exactly how much you will be able to pleasure a woman, not just sexually, but emotionally as well. It's men like you that turn women into lesbians in the first place. My wife and I are only 21 years old and we would die for one another. We are romantic with each other and give one another what each needs out of the relationship. The day that you learn to be a REAL man and get in touch with your emotions and learn how to get in touch with your girl's emotions, you will never truly be happy and you will die a sad and lonely little man.

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    • brothershamass

      As for you, when did I say that? And as for me turning women into lesbians that was just something that someone made up, there no truth in the matter.

      You got married 21, how long you been together?

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  • pooponyou

    And as far as parthenogenesis goes, you should be smart enough to figure out that Evolution for humans happens over a span of tens of thousands to millions of years. If men were not around, all humans would die out before that ever happened. And actually, scientists have successfully mated two female mice by combining their chromosomes and implanting them into an egg and putting it into the uterus of a female. Results came out to be that the offspring are ONLY female and 100%% healthy, they are actually considering doing this with humans (such as lesbian couples) as soon as they are 100%% sure that it is safe for humans. This does not mean that with the existence of this technology that the human race will drastically undergo any type of Evolutionary break, but it does go to show that women COULD possibly take things into their own hands and IF all women turned lesbian that there is hope for the possibility that they could continue to exist without men through the use of modern science. (Luckily for us men though, there are FAR more women out there who prefer a man over a woman).

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  • pooponyou

    You're right to a certain point Stargirl. The truth is that "petite" women are actually more fertile than those who are not "petite," it's a scientifically proven fact and is also a proven fact that that is the reason men are more attracted to petite, feminine women than the opposite (kind of a psychological thing that men have implanted in their brains). I, myself do not care about that, I am attracted to women who like to take care of themselves ie...exercise eating properly etc.. I do not really care that much about a woman's breast size and by saying that ALL men are that way is hypocritical as it is the same by saying that ALL women prefer bigger penises. I am only 4" long right now and I've given my wife FAR more orgasms and sexual pleasure than any man bigger than me and she's had up to 9".

    As far as breast augmentation goes, some women actually WANT bigger breasts as some men WANT bigger penises. The only thing is that men can get their penises bigger and would have much better results through PE (Penis Extension) exercises and traction devices like a penis extender. Women don't really have a choice on ways to getting their breasts bigger other than implants.

    My point is that you can't get angry at somebody for having their preferences. We all know that people like that's options are EXTREMELY limited to the people he/she will enjoy being with. I feel that the emotional aspects of a relationship FAR outweigh physical appearances to an extent.

    And, Stargirl, how can you not agree that a man who may have a smaller penis but who is more in touch with your emotions and the way you feel, knowing everything that turns you on and gets you going will not pleasure you more than just some guy with a big dick who sticks it in and out, rolls over and is done?

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  • eagel77

    send pics of both to my e-mail: [email protected]
    and i tell u then

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  • EccentricWeird

    I would have said your friend was hotter until I re-checked her stats. If she were 5 foot 4 and 105 pounds, she would be hot, or 5 foot 3 and 104 pounds, or 5 foot 5 and 102 pounds.

    Check again. If she isn't she's fucking butt-ugly.

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    • IsisIsIllegal

      That's not necessarily true; you're discounting muscle mass, physical fitness and all that. To me that actually sounds kinda thin..

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      • EmeraldCityAndBackAgain

        Call it a cliche, but beauty really is in the eye of the beholder. Angelina Jolie is a good example of that. I don't think she's attractive at all, but other people think she's drop dead gorgeous. I think Uma Thurman is gorgeous, but some people think she looks manly. It all depend on perspective. There are probably those who find you more beautiful than your friend, and vice versa. Time erodes physical beauty, so at the end of the day you'll be judged based on how sweet, funny, smart, and amiable you are. And most of us prefer all of those qualities over merely a pretty face.

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  • M0J00

    Its about boob size when will girls learn!

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