Am i damaging my body?

So, what happens is I walk. I am worried I put pressure on my spine and this will cause a wear and tear effect. I do not want to jeopardize the quality of my skeletal system just because I desire to move locations.

I also have another concern, which is using my lungs to breathe. Is this damaging the tissue of my lungs as they constantly breathe in oxygen to replenish my body to keep it functioning? Will this damage my respiratory system?

Voting Results
42% Normal
Based on 26 votes (11 yes)
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Comments ( 4 )
  • TF4H

    Yes, it's normal.
    Listen, this is what you should do.
    Hire some live in staff (I.e. Maid, nurse, butler). Lay in bed 24/7 and be flipped periodically so you don't get bedsores. And be fed through a stomach tube. Other nutrients you might need can be easily delivered to your body through an ivy. As for the bathroom, just wear a diaper, it'll be fine. Make sure your butler gets you some baby powder so you won't get a rash.
    Have all your care instructions written clearly beforehand (of course). And use the remaining portion of your life recovering from all the energy your exerted putting all this together.
    Good luck.

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  • gloryholeflasher

    Everything you do is contributing to an early demise because you're not eating from the tree of life. Sorry to be the bearer of bad news!

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  • KittyKat93

    Don't forget you're also poisoning yourself when you drink dihydrogen monoxide.

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  • Calin

    OMG ! You're killing yourself !!!!

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