Am i falling for another fuckboy?

Hello Guys 👋

First time using this site because I am desperate 🙃

A boy slit into my dms a while ago and me and him started talking, everything seemed to go well and I quickly started to realize that I was catching feelings. However after a while I started feeling as if he'd become distant or didn't want to talk as much, which resulted into us not speaking for 2 weeks.

He started messaging me again after I uploaded ig stroys& told me that he wasn't sure if he should message me or not because he felt like I was annoyed with him basically stating the same reasons as I did, however than he confessed that he did have a crush on me as well.

We started talking again& sometimes the messages became a bit more "horny" on both ends. However I feel very insecure about all of this because.

1. He follows a bunch of OF girls who do very lewd pictures.
2. A lot of them comment under his posts.
3. He is quite good looking so many girls simp for him.
4. He lives quite far away.

+ Recently he told me that he still thinks his heart is broken from his last relationship, idk what I should do?
My first and last experience with love I was totally used and I am anxious of it happening again?

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Comments ( 12 )
  • Whatintarnation

    Hot guys have their pick of women. You're probably just the flavor of the month. Find a decent guy near you.

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    • a-curious-bunny

      Thats why I'm glad I finally mentality more attractive than human bodies. My ex while on the skight above average marker was mentally sexy as hell wich frankly made him the hottest guy in the room easily. I never noticed him still we started talking and after that first short conversation oh you betcha I was noticing him

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  • RoseIsabella

    Don't simp for him, and don't send him any lewd pictures of yourself.

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    • SkullsNRoses

      Exactly, once nudes are out there you can’t take them back.

      In terms of this guy, he’s a fuckboy. You already know he’s a fuckboy. If you don’t want to get fucked and chucked move on.

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      • Pilum

        Fucked and chucked. First time hearing that one, I like it. Lol

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        • SkullsNRoses

          Thanks, I first heard it in reference to Henry VIII and Anne Boleyn’s lesser known older sister Mary Boleyn who he, you guessed it, fucked and chucked.

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        • fuck n chuck
          pump n dump
          tap it and scrap it
          pork it and cork it
          hump it and dump it
          tag it and bag it
          shoot the jizz then out you is
          rock her box then change the locks
          cum in the beav then time to leave
          plant the seed and pull the weed
          tap that ass then hit the gas
          smash and dash
          nail it and bail it
          Pump and dump
          Pounce and bounce
          the ol' ejaculate and evacuate
          hit and run
          Slay and stray
          Screw and shoo
          Leave it in the dust after getting that bust
          Toot it and boot it
          Squirtle and hurtle
          Screw nut & bolt

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          • litelander8


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  • Bunnygirl25

    He sounds VERY manipulative and he sure does know what he's doing. Girl dont do it. Dont be one of the girls in his nudes gallery! I dont think its love hunny. Maybe, just maybe deep inside, you're hoping that you'll be the girl he'll pick among all the girls he has and you would have the bragging rights because everybody wants him. Not worth it sis. Ghost the motherfucker. That's the bragging right you need.

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  • Somenormie

    That dude ain't worth your time.

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  • Cuntsiclestick

    That guy sounds like a mess. Don't bother with him.

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  • ellnell

    Sounds like it. How about you value yourself and also go less on looks but more on a persons behaviour and personality.

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