Am i just going through an age phase thing

IIN, for a near 40 year old, straight sexual, but now single because I have a crack habit that I can't shake off, but my fiancé felt let down and ashamed at my reactions in life, point me to my lap-top to watch and masturbation whilst watching guys doing stuff, that I'd normally cringe and turn off, but crack makes me want to suck her brothers cock than entertain her and what's worse, I don't hide it from her and said the next day I'll sort myself, I promisexpect my cock will be hers to do and use as she likes, but 2 crack pipes later, I'm online watching gay porn, masturbation and on gay chat lines where I can go live where he can watch me as I'm watching him ? Sickening that it's OK for her to perform oral on random strange men and I'm not allowed because I'd not be getting paid, but used and abused ?
So, what's on your minds folks, end my relationship with fiancé, or knock the cock sucking urge on its head and stop the crack binges ?

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Comments ( 7 )
  • CDmale4fem

    It does tend to put you in a rather euphoric state of mind. It's hard to resist the sexual urges brought on by that damn addiction, huh ? Get your head in straight, find the Lord, get him back in your life. He can bring on miracles like you wont believe. It can't hurt to do it and see, unless deep inside you don't want to beat it.

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  • cupcake_wants


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  • RoseIsabella

    Crack is wack!

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  • It's the government turning people gay to reduce the population.

    Stop doing crack... It's in the air too, and in food.

    You have to fight it.

    Also, you kind of contradicted yourself there, you started by saying you were single.

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    • Nikclaire

      You realize governments make money from citizens right? What would be the motive to reduce population?

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    • Doesnormalmatter

      Alex jones has joined the chat.

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  • Nikclaire

    I think you should reach out to people who are more qualified to answer your questions. Check out what could it hurt?

    The crack pipe will always be waiting if you don't find the answers you're looking for.

    Best of luck.

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