Am i normal that no one seems to treat me right?

I want to know if it is normal that in your entire life you haven't had one true friend that really cares about you. My whole life I have tried so hard to fit in and be a good friend, but all I get is bad treatment by people. I have a wonderful husband, but he is the only person in this world who seems to love me. Even my parents don't care about me. I am no trying to have a pity party, I just wish I knew why. It seems like my entire life no one has really treated me right. Some people have friends that care about them and throw them birthday parties, care about their feelings, etc. I have never had this. I am jealous of people who have true friendship. I was very mistreated by my parents, who have told me they are going to move away to get away from their children, and that they should have never had any to begin with.
Does anyone out there feel this way, too?
Has anyone out there ever tried so hard to have friendship, but people just don't like you and you don't know why?

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Comments ( 51 )
  • PhilosopherKing

    Here is the honest truth that no one will ever tell you. You really have to perceive this by doing critical thinking and not just say, no that cannot be.

    YOU are different. Why? because everyone sleeps around with everyone they hang out with, or they only hang out with people that THINK like them, do the same things, live the same way. Anyone who is different, they will brush off in an instant. You need to adapt. People NEVER talk with emotions. If you are talking with emotions, it is because YOU are the only GOOD person. No one likes GOOD people because they think "oh they think they are better than me." Seriously, it is so sad and true. It is the law of nature. Because you do not give yourself to other people, they will never like you. If you are beautiful and not sleeping around, no one will like you. If you are ugly, no one will like you. It is what we call, reality. People do not let go, people jealous. You have to understand this concept because you are not a jealous person you will never know.

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    • Horrez

      so damn true..I realized that there are a lot of people that have such a special ora that others hate it because that person is different.I have also found that a lot of times when people don't like a certain person for no reason it is because they do have a good heart and believe it or not there are a lot of people that are afraid of things they are not used to and because you are not like a lot of people it makes others uncomfortable.I think these type of people were specifically designed to not have friends for Gods own reason.

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    • Y-knot

      Sad statements are the hardest fact to chew. If this lady has 1 person in her life in which someone loves and understands her; take not that ON for granted. Don't worry for now about anyone else. I am finding out so many people are living "friendless". Foe the most part people have acquaintances.
      And in times like these where ego is the mainframe of a society, you really can't ask much from humans.
      It seems as though the average person is really talking to themselves out loud while looking in the direction of someone else.
      Yet if she really wants to fit in, she needs to conform to the norm. It is an ugly way to be sometimes, yet...that's what the FEW sometimes need to do.
      Until further instruction.
      Forces be with thee.

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  • ffflintoff706

    Today the meaning of true friendship has completely vanished . If you share some of your feelings with someone emotionally they laugh at u and they never take u seriously . Sometimes it feels how dumb ass , stupid emotionless people have filled this world

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    • LeatricePetra2

      I strongly agree with this. Everyday iwakeup I ask myself who can I please today but at no time does ithe question "how many people can I fuck over for my own pleasure?" Or "who can I break down today?"or "who can I make as miserable as me if not more?" Those questions and so many more are processed daily by so many humans all over the world it's absolutely disgraceful. Why don't people want to go through each day with laughter and happiness? Why can't people stop and think of those around them rather than just about them selfish selves? Why doesn't the world wanna meet each other half way to happiness? We would all be so much better off and then us innocent bystanders wouldn't be the only victims....rather we would all be victims to one another pride. Sounds so much more fulfilling....don't ya think?

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  • CDmale4fem

    I feel like I am who I am and if they dont like it, they can bite my ass. I am an average very openminded, very helpful to my friends when they need if something I can do to make a difference, I really try and not be judgmental, I dont want to be judged by others simply because I am a male crossdresser. I have tried overhauling the clothes for new stuff, but when it comes down to it I am a t-shirt and jeans, or in summer- shorts, no shirt and sandals, I dont drink to excess, I hate hangovers, I try to treat others as I would like others to treat me in return. I will stand up and defend those that cannot defend themself. I dont smoke, cant stand the smell, I DO keep my crossdressing home and private, for the most part. And NO I dont go skipping off down the street in what society deems as "female" attire or lingerie. I realize most of society is not nor ever will be accepting of guys like myself. I am not worried about being accepted or not, what really bothers me is the way many very outspoken, narrowminded, Macho-egomaniacal, loud mouths are. I have heard many things that "friends" have said about me behind my back to another true friend. The trust is lost, the friendship is shot to hell and never will be again. What Im tryin to say is just because people may hear secrets about someone, or even they tell you a very private part of them as a person, We DO NOT have the right to pass judgment. Either people will be my friend or they wont. I will say tho, (patting my own back) As a friend I can be a hell of a best friend, I work on cars, build and fix computers, repair your house if you need, etc. I will bend over backwards and go out of my way for someone that I know for fact is a true friend. You dont want people makin fun of your siblings or your kids, so why make fun of or harrass someone that doesnt fit in your "box" idea of a world around us. Im done- (stepping down from my soapbox now).

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  • PhilosopherKing

    It's kinda like, we are living in hell. Waiting to go back to heaven by trying to repent our sins here on Earth by doing good. We listen to the bible or something to teach us to be better people. But guess what, no one listens to the bible. They do not even know it themselves because they live this carefree life. They do not love people unconditionally like you.

    Sit and watch a room full of people and you will finally understand. You will see God's sick show. You will see people talking smack about others. We call this a sin. We call this gossip. We call this, hate. We call this jealousy. We call this bad. People do it, and they don't even know it.

    Now, another question is, who do you think you are? You are not your thoughts but the collection of roles you play with the people you know. Example. You go to france, do not take the time to learn french. The french call you a stupid American when you get there. You however, say "No i'm not a stupid american because I know who I am inside." We call this ignorance. YES, this is TRUE ignorance, when you do not even realize it yourself.
    (ignorance is bliss) (if you did not understand what I just say, reread it and think about the other person's perspective... CRITICALLY THINK)

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    • Y-knot

      Yet if you know the difference between accessing and judging you may see a contradiction. True compassion is an option, not understood by the many overall. That is a program shared by every living creature inside of this entity called "GOD". "God" she does what she needs to do, like everything else.

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    • mejbeopxncr

      Really, who's to say ignorance if someone comes to France? Is France the elitism country of the world? If anyone comes to America who doesn't speak English, it's not a judgmental thing. Same for any country. You don't know why they are there. Maybe they are visiting a relative who is sick. Maybe they got a free ticket. No one would pass that up because they can't speak French. To say you're not allowed in my country if you're ignorant about the language is ignorant. Elitism isn't correct. Treat people with respect. Enough said

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    • SherronG


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  • PhilosopherKing

    You have to understand that people do not CARE. If you do not truly understand that that means, i will try to explain it.

    You go to the store. They don't care you are there. You say hi, they wonder why you are so nice. "Are you leading them on to have sex?" You offer help. They take it because it is free. You keep offering, they keep taking. YES, the majority of people in this life are like that. They think like this. Because, "you need to take care of yourself before you take care of others" but guess what... people do not follow the bible.

    The more you act like Jesus, the more no one will like you. Think about it. You like so and so but if they don't like you, you move on. If they don't talk to you, you move on. Now, guess what... They are doing the same thing without thinking twice. People do not talk about life or stop to think, they just do what they want. This is what we call, freedom.

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  • emojo

    i never had friends, and then i got pretty and now everyone wants to be my friend.
    beware. people will betray you. its better to be alone with one good husband than to have friends who will stab you in the back at any moment.

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  • Deathonastick

    If you try too hard to make friends, it often makes it worse, and you have to reckon with the fact that b=people all have good and bad sides, and unfortunately most peoples bad side involves taking advantage of anyone who is really nice to them, and then not giving a damn about that person.

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    • Yea I always get used by people, so whenever someone asks me for anything I usually get angry, even if it's just for a ride, or to buy them a pack of cigarettes, I never do. I feel bad later too.

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  • You will find today a lot of people dont know what real friendship is unless your right in their face they dont care about you. Dont worry about just enjoy life with your husband. You might find its your husband people dont like just a guess

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  • yuri832

    don`t worry- focus on what and who is good in your life. A word of advice: I seem to often attract clingy people - its because I am very open and friendly and also because I empathize with lonliness (one of worst feelings in the world). But there have been a few such clingy people who I simply had to let go (not return calls). This is because they put great pressure on me- telling me I was their best friend when I hardly knew them...What I`m sayiing is- if you try too hard you scare people away because no one wants to be responsible for the feelings of a vulnerable person that they hardly know. You have to take your time and allow a bond with people to come about more naturally.

    Good luck- take care and appreciate your husband`s love.

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  • asskicker20230

    seems odd to me,everyone i end up meeting in life is mostly likely my friend i all ways found that to be wierd it may because am outgoing but who knows while maybe you should just relax with your husband till you get a friend i mean i think that as long as your husband caers about you thats all that really matters

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  • theusedfan

    ignore flick. hes just an ass hole that should die. it sounds to me like your parents are very cruel and aren't worthy of the title. Further, I'm afraid we are just in such a day & age where friends are only there to laugh at people, and it's now acceptable to not care about a friends true feelings. so i would definitely say this is normal.

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  • PeterMakodo

    I have the same experience as you are before because I was self center without realize myself. Well now I have a lot of friends now. It not depend on how ugly you are. It depend on your heart and how you think for people are you. Always think about other before you think for yourself. That how I gain a good friend.

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  • FacelessMe

    I ran across this post of course SEVERAL years after it was initially posted (figures)! I can't remember what exactly brought me to it but today I felt exactly what was expressed oh so many years ago.
    Earlier today I got into a huge fight with my overly-critical mother because today...TODAY I didn't feel like hearing about how I never have and never will measure up to her impossibly high standards. In her eyes everyone else is so much better at life than me. This probably wouldn't sting so bad if I didn't have so many so-called friends turn their backs on me and treat me as though I'm not worth their time. One of my oldest friends quit associating with me but she's still friends with my mother (who by the way couldn't care less that she no longer speaks to me). Sometimes I feel like I'm the one who is at fault. I mean I HAVE to be at this point, right?? I want to fix whatever it is but for the life of me I can't figure out what I've done wrong except try hard to please everyone as best I could. It's like no one Like there's something about me that the world detests. There are days where I feel like I should just cease to exist. But I have a son so that is out of the question. I'm just so damn lonely.

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  • dcybhgb

    there can be two reasons for the problem.I know many people with the problem no one is listening to me.even I myself had felt it for long 15 yrs from my birth.then I thought I should stop this and I won completely.
    the first reason is lack of communication skills,ie,u are not expressing ur words with effective facial expressions to convey ur feelings about them.u should use facial expressions efficiently for it is the thing that keeps others attention on us.
    the second reason is u might be so criticising or very harrassing so that people are avoiding u consciously.
    thank u.hope will help u.

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  • snowtoopers

    Your not alone I feel the same way you do in my teacher would bully and so would my class mate

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  • snowtoopers

    They don't respect you then don't respect them

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  • snowtoopers

    There always ass hole in are life I know because I was tried the same way as well they to bring down and make feel bad about you're self

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  • The_real_badass

    I feel like trolling a bit, so I can befriend me. I will play ball with you if you want.

    Now being, serious, try to chill, be the way you are, sometimes, we want "things" or be with people that we don't want to be in the first place. This might not make much sense, but there are some visual signs that you see in people that makes you a loner, can't stand those flaws and you start to think you can't make friends, when the problem is "How can people be like that?".

    Beauty is in the eyes of the beholder.

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  • The_real_badass

    I think he lives in you, he sees you as you seee him!

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  • Burtgrenwich

    I'm in the same boat as AJ1995 in that I've never replied to a forum, but felt horribly compelled to in light of the utter bigotry sprouting from the self proclaimed "PhilosopherKing"'s digitized mouth.

    I want to make something very clear, this user is passing off his own hastily concocted opinion as fact. The majority of his messages can be distilled down to a a mix of poorly explained materialistic, Darwinian and Cartesian influenced model of the world, with an utterly terrifying simplistic Judo Christian Element. Which in all honesty seems to culminate in a very strange disjointed way. He's central argument is in essence the notion that humans are animals driven by their desires. An idea that rings startlingly similar to Freudian psychology.

    Now, I have no way of actually proving him wrong, or at least the ideas hes hinting at as wrong... to go through his posts and point to the absurd amount of contradictions would be pointless. For the sake of argument I'll ignore his ignorance of the rules of logic, and his use of "CRITICAL THINKING", and I will instead attempt to offer an explanation as to why the ideas he is most likely unknowingly referencing should not be taken into consideration by anyone in the above situations.

    First of all it is only one way of viewing reality. One with its own host of evidence and arguments for and against, but one that is ultimately no more right or wrong then another way of viewing the same events, and objective facts. As an alternative perspective I'd put forth the notion that existence, and as a reflection of that humans, are fundamentally good. This is in contrast to bleak view point presented above, that humans and the world by extension are in a constant state of suffering-and that this is our supposed natural state, and that its bad.

    This is fine, view the world as a trap if you want. All humans are selfish to the extreme, and can only ever think of themselves! Why though? Humans are altruistic. Humans are selfish. They are both just claims, and both equally as unable to be proved. We are either suffering because that's our natural state, or suffering because that suffering is self or species imposed, that a brilliant radiance of love and compassion exists within all of us. Freudian psychology would say that love and delusion is a trick of the ego, not real! Buddhists would say the opposite, and some will strive their whole life trying to uncover their inner radiance. In any case they are both options, and ways to see the world.

    Now I'll draw it back to the nature of this discussion, friendship and motivations behind friendships. If your worldview is that humans are selfish then you'll approach friendships that way, and ascribe lack of friendships this phenomenon as well. Inversely is your worldview is altruistic, you will instead approach friendships in this way. One system of thought begets shallow friendships and a live centered around sex, power, social status, wealth ect... and the other on what appears at least to me to be more genuine and deeper connections.

    So in the most vain sense, yes someone seeing the world through selfish eyes clouded with suffering and the ugly ugly world around it might have more people around them who they consider "friends", but that other guy, well maybe he only has one- but its real.

    So do whatever you want with that. I just wanted to act as a beacon of hope for those who read this drivel and realize that it isn't an absolute truth of nature, that it is a self imposed opinion masquerading as fact.

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  • MelissaB

    I stumbled across this as I was interested in finding an answer to this very subject. @Philosopher King Wow! You nailed it! I have wondered my whole life why people treat me poorly. I have a need to want to make someone's day. By a smile, a compliment and making people feel special everyday. I have always known I'm different, and my whole life I've been told I'm "in the wrong" in every situation. My co workers use and backstab me, probably because they know I won't say anything. But it's only because it's not worth it most of the time. Good people are drawn to me, and Bad people hate me. Of course, because there are so many toxic people in my life (family and co workers) I am the scapegoat in every situation. I have often wondered why when I do so much good, that there are so many people who bad mouth, gossip and make up things about me, that I can't quite figure out why. I feel the pain of others. And I can't quite grasp why people would deliberately hurt another. Including myself. I know I'm different, but I would much rather be me and alone helping people, than be like them high giving each other for destroying people.

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  • missmorgan

    When i read this it was as if I had wrote it. I feel the same way. My parents too moved away, and have disowned all of their 5 children. I always felt it was just me, and i was different. People constantly take advantage of my good will, and kind heart. I often question, if I am just too nice, and need to be rude or mean to people to get friends. But I cant even pretend to do it, thats just not who I am. It is so frustrating, i got to the point where i thought something has to be wrong with me, it just isn't possible that it is everyone else, and not me. What do I have blinders on to?
    Thank you for your post, as it is not easy to talk to people about this.

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  • Dsktdwn

    I feel the same way. I always speak through my emotions and how I'm feeling. To this day I do not have many friends or anyone who talks to me just because they want to. I know I am different and I am beginning to realize that other people are just shady. It can't be me if all I ever am is nice and I try to be a good friend and listen. Oh well their loss. I'm glad from reading all of your posts that I am not alone and that I hope one day i can meet and befriend people and start a relationship with guys like me. We are here to show people the real way to live.

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  • flusteredmustard

    I promise you if you are a man in this world you are fucked. If you are a woman you are fucked. If you are alive, you are bound to be fucked. And you best learn how to fuck other people. That's how it works. It's not even a dog eats dog concept. It's a Man Becomes Dog who Abuses Dog and blames Abused Dog for deserving being abused world. And if you are a man again you're in for a heart-breaking reality acceptance: most of the problems can be attributed to the fact that no woman is capable of harboring any of the virtues she claims she uplifts. In fact, you will be made into the monster she says she hates, and once you are that thing, you'll have more women swimming in your pool than sperm in your splooge.

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    • mejbeopxncr

      "no woman is capable of harboring any of the virtues she claims she uplifts" are you fucking kidding me, do you realize how idiotic you sound? With that sexist belief, I don't blame any woman for not treating you well. Sexism is not a virtue. Not all women are monsters. But people like you who use women to blame for their loneliness is a sad pathetic story. Fuck off

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  • Aion007

    I for myself have been in that situation and believe me it's not a pretty sight, now I am the oldest of the three children I am a hard working 31 year old who has looked after my siblings for a number of years. My sister is the spolit one of the family while my brother is the hard working student who knows what life is like in the outside world. I have been treated like shit for the rest of my life by my father and let me tell you he is the strict one while my mum is the one that sits down and discusses the problems at hand. Now my sister has always been spolit from the day she was born right up till this year, "Daddy I want this, Daddy can I have a car and Daddy I am going out with my friends. What happened she got a car, goes out with her friends to smoke sheesha, sleeps late and does not help out me and mum with the housework or anything.

    Even my brother is warning her not to go OTT or else she might get what's coming to her but it's like yeah whatever that sort of attitude. Now if I ask for anything my old man says that I cannot get a car I cannot go out with my friends cause of his lack of motivation and even when something goes wrong I always get the blame for everything. I did lose my rag a couple of times with him but then my mum says what's the point in you arguing with him just agree what he has to say and walk out of the room and believe me it works. At least if you had someone closer like my brother for instance he gets me out of these situations and I do the same for him. Don't worry what goes around comes around me and my brother will be hard working, loyal loving husbands while for my sister she will have four or five kids, a shitty job, not enough money to pay for the mortgage and she will crying to daddy to help her out.

    This is what I am planning to do save up a lot of money and see if I can get myself an apartment that way I have got my own space and my own free life, no hassle no problems and even my brother can move in me if he wants cause I am thinking of moving to Manchster and plus it will be a great move for him as he has been accepted at Manchester University.

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  • I have been making crude jokes on here but this sobered me up

    I see much of you in me

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  • PhilosopherKing

    When you figure out who YOU are is when wisdom will finally flow to you. It is when your life will have meaning. It is when you will learn to be a better person. It is when you will finally accept everyone for there flaws. It is when you see that people do not know what "finding god" really means. it is when everything you have learned in life will TRULY have meaning. You picked your life, so did they. They find people that are like them, so should you. But it is true what they say.

    Majority of people will never acknowledge 1 life form. They will "stay here in hell". Relive, retry... We cannot "save" them.

    When one can truly understand nature vs nurture. when people learn that people cannot set themselves free. when one can truly CRITICALLY THINK about how ugly this world is, is when one can see beauty and fight.

    When you understand why YOU do what you do, is when you realize that you yourself have been doing the same thing they have been doing, without even knowing it. Yep... YOU are just like them, but also different in the path you choose.

    So, who are you? not the you that thinks by itself, but the you that people see you as.

    You are what you want to be.

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  • PhilosopherKing

    FYI, no one can see your thoughts. What you are is what you present. Look in a mirror for a change. Stop self reflecting and ask, who am i? why do certain people like me and certain people not? why do certain people never approach me. why do I only approach certain people. or, why are YOU the only person who is still being "friendly" to everyone you meet? you will NEVER see them again. you go to mcdonald's to eat not to meet people. you go to work to get money, not to meet. you go to school to learn, not to meet. people realize, they need only do things for themselves.

    They are sinners.

    And, I used the bible and god as a ref. but it was the best way to explain it.

    because people wake up thinking, "what do i want to do today. what do "I" want to do.

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  • PhilosopherKing

    We who cannot understand this or do not wish to do this are what they call, "failer to launch" or "NEO" from the matrix. Because, we are the only TRUE FORM OF GOOD.

    ***Listen to everyone. what are they saying, what are they not saying, and what are they trying to say. This is a part of "growing up"

    No one will ever tell you their secrets. They keep it secret. You are the only one who has not taken the leap because YOU are the only one who is NORMAL. You have choosen to live a good, honest life like the bible has said. That is why people say, "GOD = LOVE". Everyone else is playing a game. How many people can I fuck in my life time, how much money can I make, how many people can I... etc...

    This is where you really have to think...

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  • PhilosopherKing

    Anyone who TALKS to you LIKES YOU SECRETLY. YES! That is who you are... You are nothing but how you look. EVERYONE who knows you, LIKES YOU. They are waiting for you to notice. If you don't, they call you an "iny-mini-myni-moe" lover because you cannot choose. Only ONE. That is all you get. Pick one.

    The final revelation. Try and understand this because I am not lying. Many people do not understand philosophy. Philosophy is the metaphysical world. To make it easy on you, it is like saying... no wait, it IS saying "we live in the matrix". YES, like the movie, the matrix. Everyone likes being who they are, care free. They are not bound by a single soul. It is scary to think this, but yes. People are materialistic, nothing more. You need to reread everything you have learned because it is ALL TRUE.

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  • qweedawee

    thats totally fucked and i would be ur freind if u needed one

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  • CuppycakeXD

    I exactly know what you're going through.
    : (

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  • Pringletot

    Ouch that sucks, not many people really care much about me, my family and that's about it. I am anti-social most of the time, sometimes I don't mind big groups as long as not many people talk to me, like 2 or 3 is fine but if I'm in a big group and people constantly come up and talk to me then I absolutely hate it. I prefer being alone most of the time, I rarely actually want to go round a friends house, today I made up some excuse of why I had to leave my best friends house just so I could be alone. People don't generally mistreat me much, well not anymore when I was 11-12 that was a completely different story and those 2 years fucked me up a lot, I realized those 2 years were the roots of one of my major problems, which then caused me to go depressed at times and avoid talking to people as much as possible. Yeah I'm just wittering on right now.

    I don't care much about anyone either though, my family don't care about my friends much and one girl and that's everyone I care about really. When I was 12 and under I cared about a lot of people, but now I don't.

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  • Deathonastick

    All I know is, the best way to make good friends is not o get worried or anxious, and not to give a damn if you dont get through to them. Your definetly not alone and you ahev a good husband which is a lot more than many/most people have.

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  • mtnw

    you have to be a friend in order to have a friend. also, watch out for "users". stay cool, you will find one. friends have to have a common bond, such as where you work, having kids the same age or such. think about your own interests that can bring you to a group of people, such as a book, knitting, quilting, garden club, cooking class or bowling or golf league, maybe working for a political campaign or charity.

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  • Err... I don't try hard to make friends, I just be myself.

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  • slayer123

    omfg, i rly feel the same xO

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  • specialKajt

    oh man this is how it goes down
    ok first when people talk about shit like this its usly the way they precive it. i thaought like this for 2 moths and i was misreble . i thought the world was against me but in the end it worked out good because it left a hollow shell to be refilled with knowledge and understanding. thats a diffrent story thow so back on point 2. its probly not very true you probly have friends and you said you had a spouse so there are people that care for you its just not the stereotypical way that they show in media
    now to helpyou ill just tell you one thing play the game thats the whole thing all this be nice to be friends crap is bull you just have to damand respect and then that respect becomes whater you want it to be , fear, affection, hate , caring,anything you want go and live it

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  • PhilosopherKing

    Here is the honest truth that no one will ever tell you. You really have to perceive this by doing critical thinking and not just say, no that cannot be.

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    • AJ1995

      If there is any way I can contact you please let me know

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    • AJ1995

      4years too late but here goes nothing

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    • AJ1995

      PhilosopherKing, please please please pm me. I've never replied to a post on a forum before but you genuinely amaze me with the things you say and these things I've been realising over the past year and a half. Please pm me, really want to chat

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  • Galaxy500

    I am the exact opposite! I make friends extremely easy, almost effortlessly, but my boyfriend hates it. He says people like me "social butterflies" need to go out to be entertained and "why can't I find entertainment at home?" He has this whole conformity kick to him, but what I would do, if I were you.. is reflect on the outside how you're coming off to other people. Take a step outside the box and look in. Is your body language confident? Are your words clear and on a consistent tone? People are drawn to those who are confident. I think that's something to work on - also, appearance. Dress like you're confident, stand tall like you're confident... and the world will notice and be drawn to you like a moth to a flame.

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