Am i normal to get annoyed when people puke?

Iv`e always gotten hacked of when anyone throws up, or even when people start going on & on about their stomach virus, & how sick it made them, how many times they chucked or whatever. A nother thing that really gets me is why is there at least one puke scene in just about every movie or tv programme? I know that people getting sick is part of life, but really, do we need to see it on on screen? I have a Facebook account, & recently it`s been little else but who`s had the norovirus & all that. This time of year is a pain because I just can`t get away from it. How I wish that humans were more like rats, & didn`t evolve a vomit reflex!

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44% Normal
Based on 16 votes (7 yes)
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Comments ( 5 )
  • VioletTrees

    I sometimes kind of wish vomiting were normalised more. It's hard enough to explain an eating disorder to friends and loved ones without dealing with all the "But that's so gross!" reactions.

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  • drugsrbadmkay

    It only annoys me if they are puking because they drank too much. Like, you're too stupid to control your own drinking and now everyone else has to see, hear, and smell your puke? And they usually leave it for someone else to clean up.

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  • hairyfairy

    It makes it worse when hot people puke, I suppose it`s because they seem to be superior to other people & it`s not pleasant to be disollusioned with someone.

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  • GoraIntoDesiGals

    It depends on the puker's attractiveness. If I see a dude puke I cringe but if it's a hot girl it's OK. Maybe I like to see a hot girl being lowered from their pedestal every now and then as it makes them seem less unattainable and more human lol

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  • Silivrin1

    So you would classify it as a simple annoyance, rather than something that bothers/disturbs/frightens you? It's normal to dislike it, but if you're really that deeply affected by it maybe it's leaning more towards a phobia?

    Still it doesn't seem that serious. It's perfectly natural to be annoyed by it -- it's gross! You don't need to hear/see that shit at every turn!

    I completely agree with you on this one. While it's an important reflex to have (for safety/detox purposes), it is really bloody disgusting and doesn't need to be publicized everywhere. It's become too much of a pop culture thing, and it really shouldn't be.

    Essentially, it's defecation - the expulsion of waste materials from inside the body. It's just like faeces or urine. People don't openly talk about how bad their diarrhea was or how strange their pee smelled, do they? You don't see graphic scenes of people going to the bathroom on television or in films. What I think people need to learn is, if you don't want to talk about what comes out of your genitals, don't talk about what comes out of your stomach either!

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