Am i normal to think and feel this way about guys

I know I keep writing posts about the same thing. But my head is in shreads. I'm a quiet girl with little confidence. I always worried about fitting in.. I don't like going out partying like others and that in itself worried me like hell, now I've accepted myself, I'm going out and trying to find myself and be more confident with others and doing what I like. I've come across guys I fancy. Even trying to make a move on one at the moment.

I grew up with my mum controlling me, she still does, a guy came along 10 years older than me, I went on one date. And I knew I wasn't into him. My mum pushed and pushed so I went again, still no connection for me. To my mum this was wrong. Sure I'm a 22 year old virgin normal? Probably not this also worries me. Thinking about being close to a guy (sex, kissing) scares me. But the guys I meet who IIIIII FANCY I feel I could go on dates with and get closer to. My mum still kept pushing and it was hard my feelings got mixed up, I felt that I wasnt normal that she thought I wasn't into finding anyone.
I've never had a boyfriend but right now I'm happy trying to find myself I worry that I'll never find anyone, or that no one will want an inexperienced girl like me, I worry that I'm letting my parents down and that.

A guy asked me out recently, I know of him, never really spoke to him much. My parents are all excited and keep talking about it like he'll be my first boyfriend. Honestly I'm just worried about this kissing. Before I even go on this date I know I won't like it, cause he's not someone I'm 'into' is this normal? But I want to go just to say I've been on a date. Not in a horrible way, but that slowly I'm seeing different guys to find out what I like and don't like, and so when the right one does show up, I don't feel embarrassed about never seeing anyone.

Voting Results
71% Normal
Based on 17 votes (12 yes)
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Comments ( 9 )
  • Unimportant

    Alright, here's what I think.

    a) Your parents are WAY too involved in your (love) life. Although they - presumably - want the best for you, it doesn't give them the right to influence your decisions in this way.

    b) Don't worry about being inexperienced. I hardly know of any guy, to whom this aspect would be important. I am not saying this to make inexperienced girls feel better, I'm saying it because it is true.

    c) I'm unclear on whether you want to go on a date with this guy or not. I wouldn't go, knowing that I am not into him. But if you do, do yourself and him a favour and say, or at least hint at him, that you are not that interested in anything serious with him.

    d) Don't worry about disappointing your parents. You know what would disappoint a good parent the most? Their child being unhappy.

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    • Thank you, this made me feel much better.
      On a lighter note, I met someone at the pool I fancy. Can't work out if he's on holiday or married or what though! Haven't seen him in a week :(

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    • I'm nervous. I want to go and try the date and then I know myself I'm trying. But I also think the right person will walk into my life one day, I'll click with them and then we'll date. I don't know really I'm all mixed up. I don't fancy this guy and was happy on my own for the time being.

      Ach well.

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  • RoseIsabella

    I think you're normal, and your parents need to just back off.

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    • xibalba


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  • ______________

    Being a male, trust me, shy girls such as yourself are way sweeter and more attractive than the loud and obnoxious ones. Don't worry about not finding a guy, and don't settle for one you're not satisfied with.
    Don't rush things by all means, and tell your parents to lay off. Don't go on the lookout for guys, hunting them down, but rather live a happy and content life that suits you. Live at your own pace, and you'll know when the right guy appears at some stage.

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  • DaFakeBeepBeep

    I feel sooooo bad for you and yes I'm too young for this website but my parents are gonna probably do that to me too. Sometimes I wish they would back off and let us do our own things okay. I think you should date someone you really fancy in private. I mean its a great feeling but if you're not comfortable I guess its alright. But if you do date in private and you've done it for a while, tell your parents and they'll know its too late and it might lower the chance of them bossing you around because they know you've done that already and might think youll do it again. Your luck hun. ;)

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  • chained_rage


    You're all over the place.

    Calm the fuck down.

    Stop thinking. Just stop it.

    You'll be fine. I promise.

    Just... Stop. you know?

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  • Aries

    Follow your heart and do what makes you happy , don't do things just to appease your parents . You have all the answers you need between your posts .

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