Am i normal to think weed should be legal?

I understand that weed can make you dumb and all this other sh*t no one cares about. Other than all that bullsh*t, weed is simply amazing. It makes you feel good and kicks all ass. Well on my point of view, Alcohol is legal and yes. It is amazing and also has bad effects in the end. Same with cigarettes. So why not just make weed legal. Could one of the problems be, if they did make it legal, they would have to let all the people who went to jail for marijuana purposes. Am I Normal for thinking weed should be legal?

Voting Results
85% Normal
Based on 972 votes (827 yes)
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Comments ( 104 )
  • You are very normal. Weed is not dangerous and should be legal. I mean hell, alcohol is legal and millions of people die in crashes and in murder because of it. The government needs to get their heads out of their ass and legalize it already.

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  • CA5422

    Not normal. You are exceptional. You are capable of thinking for yourself, and forming your own opinions about things that are controversial, and that the majority of people tell you are just "bad". I hear all kinds of just flat out made up shit about weed, like "it makes you dumb".

    I know some freaking geniuses that smoke weed. Good for you. Like anything else, if you do it too much, or let it control you, only then does it become "bad".

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  • hotchickie81

    Yup, that's one the reasons why - they don't want to let the people out that they arrested. Also, the pharmasutical companies don't want to lose out on money, and the government doesn't want to lose money. Same with drug tests for jobs, athetes, etc. Also, there is none - zero - proof that marijuna effects your inteligence or memory. You have probably heard about the studies in the 70s with the monkeys whose brain cells died from marijuna. The brain cells actually died because they were suffucted by marijuna smoke. They were not given oxygen to breathe when they were forcing smoke into them via gas mask.

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    • conquerer117

      Actually releasing people from prison would be a benefit the U.S government would embrace. In California alone it costs 23 dollars per day to house inmates, which consumes a legitimate portion of our state budget. Its actually the paper and cotton lobbies that have prevented its legalization. These corporations enjoy the monopoly they control, and would use their nearly infinite resources to prevent compitition. The issue of legalizing weed actually highlights the greatest problem with free market capitalism; oligopolies can stifle compitition. It is already used for medicinal purposes, so that is not a reason either

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    • notoriousD

      the same happened with mice, they managed to kill the mice with THC injections but it was because they injected so much that the rest of the blood became diluted. I think the human equivalent dose was to eat 4KG of premium chronic in one sitting. LOL

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    • wigsplitz

      OK, I agree with legalization but I have to point out that you're quite wrong about drug test companies for the most part-just because weed is legal does NOT mean it's going to be acceptable.

      WHY do companies drug test??

      1. LIABILITY!!


      3. SECURITY!!

      4. The legality AND liability of performing certain tasks with any substance that would impair a person, such as driving or operating equipment, and access to or handling certain hazardous materials.

      What bearing would weed being legal have on those issues?? NONE!! Legalization would likely cause an INCREASE in drug testing, actually.

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  • paperparks

    yes, extremely normal! Congrats

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  • Sheep

    i think that the only reason that the government doesn't make it legal is because it can be home grown, BUT THAT CAN BE SOLVED, simply release a weed license of which you can grow your own weed with a license and put a 20% tax on it, and just think of how much the fast food and snack industry would grow, weed is a very manageable product and the government just needs to look at this seriously instead of just shunning it.

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  • No_War

    This is absolutely, 100%% normal. If you watch the news, you would see that medicinal marijuana is becoming legal in many states, including Michigan and California. Oregon has even opened a "Cannabis Cafe" for those with medical prescriptions to come in, get free weed, and buy food. They may also consume their weed in the shop and it's all legal.

    I'm 21 years old and I keep a popular blog about Marijuana myths and facts. I'm desperately trying to help the media and society accept weed for what it is: an herb, not a drug. It has amazing medical benefits, no case of lung cancer has ever been linked to marijuana, it helps asthma sufferers by expanding their airways, and babies exposed to marijuana while in the womb showed no differences in development or intelligence to babies who were not exposed to marijuana.

    There's much more. You can contact me for the link by commenting on my "Is It Normal?" article if you'd like.

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    • rayjay88

      Hey, cud u plz mail me the link to ur marijuana blog..?

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    • It is further than that, a state or two have talked about decriminalizing it. I'm not sure how this will work as the Federal Government has banned marijuana but I think they mean that police will no longer enforce "pot" laws.

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  • deepthought33

    It should probably be legalized but it is kind of annoying when the pot-heads pop up and start ranting about how their knowledge and opinion of it is somehow more sophisticated than the rest. It is almost as if they don't realize it is actually a minority that believes pot laws should be so strict and that the minority has been successfully keeping it that way.
    On a side note, as soon as it does become legalized forms of it will surely become as toxic as a cigarette. Companies will start processing it and adding a bunch of crap to it just as they have to tobacco.

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    • notoriousD

      grow your own then

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  • Scrat

    I've never tried weed before and I don't wanna try it , but I say it should be legal because Alcohol is legal and has same effects so why keep weed illegal?

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    • Degree

      Scrat, you deserve to be slapped, "Alcohol has same effects as maraijuana" Do not reply to a story if you know nothing about the subject. Alcohol is behind worse than maraijuana. You can always die of alcohol poisoning from drinking too much, but now tell me, have you ever heard of maraijuana poisoning? Your a sped kid, honestly, Txt KGB if you don't know anything about maraijuana, then come reply to my question.

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    • ucipher8

      you can get off the bandwagon now.

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  • yummppyy12

    i think weed should toatally be normal! are u serious? if booz and all that stuff is legal ,why shouldnt wweed be ? its actaully alot safer than all the other legal stuff

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  • strangelittleguy

    You're a truly logical, intelligent, observing-the-facts kind of person

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  • ChevysGirl

    Don't legalize. That makes it taxable and government controlled. Decriminalize it.

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  • quethefux

    Marijuana is extremely lucrative. I don't know why we don't get in on it!

    It costs us so much goddam money to keep people in prison for stupid shit like possession of marijuana... Regulating marijuana will decrease our spending and maybe even take some crime off the streets!

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  • Lucadimontezemolo

    MUST BE LEGAL!! there shouldn't even be a debate people would be much happier, there wouldn't even be wars.

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  • dim0714

    It should, but then pharmaceutical companies would lose out on billions of dollars on the ineffective medications they are prescribing that cannabis could replace. Not to mention it would bankrupt the cotton, textile, and paper industry. Hemp seed oil can also replace oils used in shampoos, conditioners, toothpaste, detergent, and can be a major feedstock for biodiesel.

    If it was up to the government, I think weed would be legal right now. Only about 6 years ago the DOH was granted a patent on cannabinoids as neuroprotectants. They know what's up.

    Unfortunately, we live in a Corporatocracy. Until corporations stop having an influence on our government (pharmaceuticals and oil among the worst), we will contiune to see nonsensible decisions intended to increase the wealth gap.

    Smoke cannabis and free your mind

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  • roflyguy

    you're absolutely correct, weed should be legal! it's not a bunch of chemicals mixed in a vacant garage somewhere. it's just a plant that mother nature grew with the intention of haveing everyone who uses it become happy and mellow. our country will NEVER win the war against marijuana use. this is a plant, not a dangerous drug.

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  • DickyWiggle

    I live in San Francisco. There are literally over 30 pot clubs here. Medical Marijuana has been legal in CA for a well over decade now due to Prop 215. Last month Gov Schwarzenegger decriminalized small amounts for those without a doctors recommendation and this November Californians get to vote on Prop 19 to completely legalize Cannabis for adult recreational use. The Feds are pissed but as one "possible" Historical Pot head once said "this nation, under God, shall have a new birth of freedom -- and that government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth." Abraham Lincoln, The Gettysburg Address

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  • Conyn21

    I dont think its normal for the reason you want it..! Im from holland so YES ITS LEGAL HERE ;P but when its legal the kick isnt that great, and to make your joy out of drugs... find something else ;D making it legal isnt interesting

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    • waakus

      Weed is not legal in Holland. It is only tolerated by police.

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  • Freakyfinderskeepers

    I live in B.C. so I don't really need to worry about if it's illegal, but it should be legal, I mean the worst thing I ever did when I was high was rob my own fridge..

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  • mofomilf

    I think weed should be legalized because it is the same as alcohol, maybe even less negatively affecting, and it would also save the economy since it is one of the top purchased items in our country. People buy and sell that stuff like crazy and it would save us. I think it's okay for things to be legal if they hurt yourself but if they hurt other people it is illegal.

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  • UserFriendlyDrug

    It's a herb, unlike Acid and Meth. You aren't the only one who wants it legalized.

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  • Contrary_Canary

    No, it's normal. Lots of people feel this way, and there are many MANY arguments for why it should be legalized. I mean, alcohol and cigarettes are legal, so why not weed? Plus, we could use all that money fighting weed for other things, like education. And by regulating it, we can make money off of the taxes, and make it safer to use because honestly, people are going to smoke weed whether or not it's legal. And smoking it isn't the only way to consume it, too, if there's the health aspect - vaporizing and eating it eliminates the carcinogen issue.
    So yeah, if you haven't noticed, I'm with you all the way!

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  • christine

    In a perfect world no one would want to smoke anything but if something has to be legal it should be pot and not cigarettes. Aside from smelling nasty, there is less harm in second hand pot smoke plus it isn't laced with poison like cigarettes. I bet regular pot smokers live longer than cigarette smokers.

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  • I have Multiple Sclerosis and my "green card" so I CAN legally smoke it, anywhere.

    The funny thing is that I never tried it and perfer to not as I like being sober and would rather not fight yet another thing in my life to stop.

    Just wanted you all to know that I can smoke weed in front of a cop at the front of the downtown police station and get away with it.

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    • Jen118584

      But it's soooo lovely :)

      PS I'm jealous.

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      • Yeah, most people are and I cannot tell you the offers I have had to give out my "green card" to them so they can legally grow it.

        It is a shame that I have watched my parents wither away to nothingness but the idea of LEGALLY growing pot in my house does kinda bring a thrill to me. However, I was warned that my apartment would be burglerized if others knew about it. Also, I was told marijuana plants stink rather horribly but the idea that I can and others can't just brings giggles to my mind.

        An afterthough, my fiance and I will never be friendless again if I did this.

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  • coulterb

    hells yes it should me even if it isnt keep smokeing

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  • overall. I just though my chair when I heard it was being legalized. It just ruined my day. I am moving to the west coast. Its so not fair. fuck life and shoot me. It better fucking come and fast. I am seriously tired of waiting and being cought smoking it. I am grounded at this moment becuase my mother found my fucking tray.

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  • MichaelCollins

    abso-f-in-lutly! Weed never harmed anyone. No one goes out and gets high then comes home and beats his wife!

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    • notoriousD

      LOL even thinking of the possibility of that made me laugh. its just not possible

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      • Just1question

        Its cuz I can't be bothered to hit the bitch.


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  • boonaz

    You are completely normal! I think that it should be legal too. The country would make alot of money from weed! And it's amazing also!

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  • DanB

    Lol..."all that other bs"

    Clearly your bias, put the weed down, take a step back and think about it long and hard.

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  • thecyg

    Sure it's normal. I don't agree it should be legalized (though penalties should be lessened to just scaling fines) but it's a 100% normal stance to have.

    BTW, I like how all the potheads have come out of the woodwork for this question. lol There are more important things than pot ya' know!

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    • bongabud

      but this whole thing is about weed so thats why were discussing it

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  • violetkitten96

    If you want to know the real reason why weed is not legal... Well, It's all because they want to make money off of peoples' deathes... I mean, Why give them weed when they're dying instead of putting them through something they may harm them in the end and earn them more money? :/ All they ever cared about was money... Weed is actually a good thing unless it's laced... It helps people sleep, cures certain diseases (well, helps) and so on and so forth... Btw, Before you all call me a pothead, I've never done pot a day in my life, but if it were to become legal, I'd go for it X'D Also, Why else would they have something as harmful as alcohol legal and not weed? :/ Obviously MONEY.... It's sad how horrible an issue this has become and how people value money over peoples' lives, if you ask me :/

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  • xoxochick

    alcohol, cigarettes and weet are all bad for you so I don't really seen the difference

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  • volksdude

    I agree

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    To me its normal, to society its normal(yes people talk about it a lot on TV),... Wait then why the hell isn't it?

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  • AwkwardlyMe

    Accidentally clicked no instead of next, i have no opinions on this matter...

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  • DrJerry

    When you're really drunk, you can't even stand up correctly, but its legal. When you're really stoned, the worst thing that will happen is that you're gonna empty your fridge.

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  • imAjoint

    Weed is great i totally agree with u man .. i smoke it everyday. the problem is .. weed or hash are called the gateway drugs. they are most likely to drag u into other dtugs. and tht is y its illegal

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  • wildflowerkmk

    Legal legal legal legal. For sure. I don't like the idea of people driving high, but it's never going to stop. I smoke even though it's illegal, so the government might as well clear up some jail space and make it legal. It's a pretty simple resolution..

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  • ryryan123

    Yes i think that too

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  • mrbobmarley4

    It should stay illegal because could you imagine going outside and smelling that.. It would be horrible and plus lots of kids at my school smokes weed so personally it would drive me crazy and everyone else..

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  • blurch

    The problem is people who smoke pot aren't lobbying in big numbers to get this going because... well, their smoking pot. However, those making money off the medical marijuana in CA don't really need to make the effort, because money + lazy pothead still = results.

    May be another couple decades but decriminalization will eventually become legalization in CA. I was surprised it didn't pass on the last ballot, but then the whole medical marijuana thing took a few shots and still is not federally recognized.

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  • chingon

    come to california bro where is the marijuana is legal :)

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  • Thatguy777

    There are many stupid reasons why it is illegal. The only reason that would make sense is this: People would start smoking it out on the streets, and people that don't want it would breathe the second hand smoke and get high or buzzed off of it. They should still legalize it though. Ffs

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  • webjock

    I agree with barcafutbol!

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  • barcafutbol

    this thread about weed should extend into a petition to legalize it! WEED IS WHAT AMERICA NEEDS!!!!

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  • soixer

    It's real normal;

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  • LoveYouBabe

    I don't agree with you in ways. Ganja doesn't make you dumb. I think your not thinking for yourself and believing whatever people tell you. I say alcohol is horrible, kills thousands. Have you ever heard of anyone dying under the intoxication of ganja? Or anyone blazed crash and kill the "innocent"? No. So Ganja is the way to go mann<3

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  • alright well - I would agree - so it is normal, but I mean it should be legal because it's not like anyones gonna change. The people who are already smoking weed will continue smoking it, and the people that don't won't be sitting in their houses "Hmm, if weed were legal, I'd smoke it :]" The way I say it, it's to everyone's benefit because people would be able to smoke it legally and the people that sell it get money, so were all happpy

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  • kamilion

    people go to jail for either possession or dealing. if you are charged with possession you only go to jail a few days. if weed was legalized the people who were in jail would be released because charges would be dropped. dealers wouldn't automatically, although they would make a plea. even if marijuana were legalized it would only be legal to sell it legally not illegally. illegal dealers could still be charged and convicted.

    obviously, marijuana could be legalized without many adverse affects. it takes a lot of legislation and needs approval.

    i think it should be sold as a recreational substance like alcohol. medicinal marijuana laws are exploited. obviously 98% of the california population doesn't NEED marijuana because they're ill for example. imho corruption of medicinal marijuana will cause a lot of problems becuase it further corrupts the medical industry.

    its pretty normal. every pothead agrees. most people actually agree.

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  • VoLoPoK

    If it were legal nothing would get done and we'd go into another economic crisis.

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  • Degree

    Don't tell me what to do.

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  • JJT

    degree.."your a sped"? I imagine you should be using you're or you are. Take a seat.

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  • Come to Amsterdam you can even smoke it infront of a cop

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    • Degree

      Do you honestly think no one knew that? Really? Your a sped.

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  • Degree

    Honestly Sheep, that is what I myself have been thinking for a year in a half now.

    169 Voted Normal. 25 Did not.

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    • Sheep

      never even smoked it but i am all for legalizing it.
      the government are fucking assholes

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    • deepthought33

      Hahaha. A year and a half huh? Wow that is a long time. Never mind that there are a couple generations behind you who have been thinking the same thing most of their life.

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  • kwhatever

    weed is healthier than alcohol and tobacco. seriously. just look up any source, weed is classified as a soft drug whereas alcohol and tobacco are hard drugs. there is a greater risk of being addicted to those. and unlike the effects of alcohol, you can drive safely after smoking weed. the reasons that one is legal and the other isn't is merely for political and economic reasons. i could list them here but i'm too lazy. and for ages alcohol was illegal and weed was legal in many civilizations, so i guess alcohol is taking revenge now.

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    • notoriousD

      I think to drive safely while smoking weed you have to be a very experienced driver. its like if you try to learn a new computer game while high it is impossible to cope, because you do not know which information is important and which can be ignored, but once you are an expert sometimes the weed makes you more focused.

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  • followthefoolish

    Dude, I am with you 100% of the way. Weed isn't as harmful as people say it is. It's actually healthier that ciggerettes or, booze. I am a major pot-head. I also agree with that, some smart ass people smoke as well. I am totally smarter than my school. Even the teachers! They all just know me as the "WeedNinja". (I am obsessed with ninjas) I hope that one day, before I pass, they make weed legal.

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  • mieoux

    Only if people were not allowed to leave their homes until the had come down from the high.
    I wouldn't want to have to interact with people who are high, especially if they are doing something like walking towards me in the street or driving while they are high. If they can smoke at home and stay home until they come down from the high, then I would not have much of an issue with it.

    However if I am trying to make business deals I will have no problem with the other team being high on weed. In fact I would serve weed brownies with coffee. Me and my team wouldn't eat the brownies of course, but the other guys would not notice this after they have had the first brownie, in fact they would not notice anything - signature, signature, ka-ching!

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    • notoriousD

      whats wrong with a high person walking towards u in the street? i always go around town high and there is no difference in my interactions with other people. also it would not be allowed to drive while high, jsut like drink & drive is illegal. George Michael has already been busted many times in the UK for smoking weed and driving. one time he stopped his car on the side of the road to go to sleep because he was too high.

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  • infinity526

    dude i live in washington and it is legal now, not just for meds either, but go to a liquor store and buy it... lots of tax tho...33%

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  • wannarocktheworld

    i think it should be as long as the taker doesn't harm others in his high hours

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    • conquerer117

      "harm others in his high hours"? Canibus isn't a stimulant like speed; if anything it makes you more passive

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  • Degree

    So all together, almost everyone agrees that weed should be legal. Good to know.

    New pipe [never been smoked out of] -

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  • Jen118584

    It would be decriminalized up to a certain extent. could have, eighth or a quarter of an ounce on you and not face criminal charges. But you wouldn't be able to cultivate mass amounts in your home or walk around with a pound of pot on your person or anything. I am patiently awaiting that day :)

    And yes, pot plants do stink. They aren't easy to grow properly either as they need a ton of light and you can't get a male plant in there, etc. People often get caught growing pot because their electric bills suspiciously skyrocket. Skunky smell coming from your apartment outlandish electric bills = police investigation.

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  • jdcrad

    yeah i saw an add saying if it was legal the govt wouldnt lose so much money on it. It would probably solve that whole thing about not having enough cells in prison problem too.
    People should be aloud to choose what they want to do its our bodies and our lifes.
    Totally normal!

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  • truelyme

    completely normal!
    i just think all the pot smokers in the USA should come together and make this happen. Im ready for change. And I think others do agree. WE NEED WEED!!

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  • NinjaCraze21

    Hell yeah it needs to be legalized, everyone does it- well just about everyone anyways.
    But yeah it'll fix a lot of things in this world expecially now days.

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  • hotchickie81

    But yeah I agree with you.

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  • smoldingfire

    they would do to much stuff to it like they do to tobacco

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  • nothing2

    it is in like a dozen states

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    • smileshihi

      it isnt legal just for anybody but it is legal in like 14 states i think to get a medical marijuana card for medicinal purposes

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  • Neo5152

    Marijuana is addictive like all other illegal drugs. If you let people use it they'll want more until... You get the picture.

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    • SassyFrassyLassie_old

      What a moronic, misled statement! Marijuana is NOT physically addictive like "all other illegal drugs", or even alcohol for that matter. People like you are the reason people like me have to go into detail to debunk the irritating myths you perpetuate about marijuana. Do you even READ other peoples information and real FACTS about marijuana... I doubt it.

      When the alcohol prohibition was lifted, did it cause people to act like a bunch of alcohol-starved loons demanding more and more booze to quench their thirst? No, so what would make you think it was the same for marijuana? Marijuana is illegal where I'm from and I smoke the right amount for me, and if it were legalized, I'd still smoke the same amount, only I'd grow my own plant in my own home and not worry about going to jail for it.

      If marijuana was legalized, the government wouldn't make much money off of the sale of a "weed" that can be easily grown in someone's backyard - it's not the same as cigarettes or alcohol. They could, however, make money off of selling permits to grow and produce it.

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      • dim0714

        Plus cannabis is a partial agonist on neurons, which means it's almost impossible to suffer any kind of dependence. If you are not a scientist, do not say that cannabis is addictive. Clearly you know nothing of cognitive neuroscience.

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    • BoredGuy

      no its not addictive.

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  • CountryRoads

    The world does need another Mexico. You have to realize there are regulations that need to be put in place, insurance issues, etc that make it complicated. Also, we don't need a country full of fucking retards that say things like "weed totally kicks ass man! yeah."

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  • Adrian

    Fucken pot heads lol...

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  • *remy*

    Most of this people say no but its cause they dont smoke but i think the same way!

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  • Marajuana is merely a stimulant

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    • notoriousD

      actually marijuana only acts as a stimulant for the first 15-20 minutes, after that it acts as a depressant

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  • EbonyMT

    They can't tax it.

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  • randomguy21

    No. I disagree. Because you supposedly can't overdose on it, EVERYONE will be high all the time, or at least the people who wants to be. Which will cause more vehicular accidents, more random deutchiness, and just a generally bad vibe.

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  • betsyjohnson


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  • Cooloyster

    God!!! It shouldn't be legal!!! Smoking should be illegal!!

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  • carkeyzz

    I find it funny how losers depend on this sh*t to "feel good". It's like, really? Get a life- that's not how one's supposed to be lived.

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  • peelover

    just one thing stops me from agreeing with you and beleive me i felt the same way for years, but consider this:

    right now coke and heroin and all the other really nasties are just legally one step away from the hands of weed smokers. but most people everywhere will freely admit that weed is much less harmful.

    so if we make it legal then where is that one thing that otherwise good kids can use to rebel against their parents with?

    its not rebelious if its legal. look at alcohol, that has no real rebelious cache.

    the kids would have to go to the next illegal drug which will be far worse

    so i agree marajuana is a gateway drug but its really more of a GATE KEEPER that stands as a barrier and pacifier for those kids who just want to escape the pressure.

    NOBODY really gets busted for personal use anymore. its just that having a law on the books gives the authority and leverage to use small time users to roll over on the bigger dealers.

    If anything the law on weed is just a tool to help maintain a safety zone between kids and REAL harm.

    a few kids will always take that next step to harder stuff and no laws will stop them

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  • huBelial

    Fucking pot heads...

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