Am i ok???

Ok I so became super dehydrated the other and went hyperglycemiac shock. Started drinking water, next day woke up a bit better. Made soup had about 4 quarts. Haven't been peeing much at all, woke the day after and my pee was yellow after 4 quarts weird. But I slept really well first time ina couple weeks. Flash forward to today and I just did the math I've drinkin about 14 quarts of fluid today between soup, water, and tea only peed three times and never clear clear fluid. My ear is ringing now, my stomach is upset (i think from the spices), and I am really bloated. Where is all that fluid going?

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Comments ( 14 )
  • RoseIsabella

    See a doctor ASAP!

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    • despuit

      It's diarrhea lol, they're gonna shit their pants before they can even make it into the office lmao. Why does every one all ways think the doctor is the immediate solution god damn. I live in Canada and this is why those who are sick can't receive good coverage cause all the hospitals are filled up with these issues.

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      • RoseIsabella

        I'm glad I don't live in Canada.

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    • Are you just saying that, or you have a reason?

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      • LittleGirlInexorablySodomized

        Some people have no other reason to add such a comment but to either obtain top comment or shit out the sugary lie the majority wants to hear...

        However the saddest part is when someone does it to accumulate additional Karma because they can no longer comment.

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  • Steve2

    Have you ever heard of a person called a doctor? Maybe go and see one?

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  • Navilluschizo

    wouldnt do any harm to get that checked out. doesnt sound normal to me, i dont know though

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  • FeralDefiance

    I second the "massive diarrhea on the horizon." Your body is retaining water and trying to find equilibrium. Continue drinking water, but don't chug the shit and gorge yourself. Just drink however much your thirst tells you to. Ideally, you want aim at about 4 quarts a day, but your body will tell you.

    Don't eat straight-up salty shit to make up for the extra water if you're still drinking two gallons+ a day. That won't help your electrolytes as much as it would seem. A much better option is to drink some of your water intake from an electrolyte-rich sports drink like gatorade (if you don't mind the sugar). If you want to avoid the extra sugar, you can get pedialyte (NASTY TASTING OH GOD), or, my favorite, dissolving electrolyte disks that you drop into water. Lemony fresh.

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  • Cuntsiclestick

    Maybe this will help?

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  • charli.m's_Period

    Your large intestine stores water. Or, you may be consuming too much salt.

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  • LittleGirlInexorablySodomized

    Continue water intake but also add salt as well for fluid retention.

    What caused the dehydration are you a DUMB-FUCK by nature or did you have to work on it?

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    • Read post over again, I am now over-hydrating at about 13 liters consumed today and only urinated three times(and still not fully hydrated based on colour) . Bloating is present as well, so where is the water going?

      I am eating a pack of dehydrated noodles to maybe help with the bloating and to add salt to my blood stream.

      And I had to work on it I went away last week and was at a friends but I didn't eat or drink much and 16 beers, 4 days later I had a migraine. Then I got home that night and was puking, and shaking, then my whole body went to shock I was freaking out cause I thought I had a stroke but my friend reassured me it was just dehydration and I went into hypoglycemic shock. So I tried drinking water but couldn't too well. Fell asleep waking up after 20 mins for 6 hours in delirium hearing and seeing shit all in a mixed up order of everything that happened that week so the voices and video didn't match. Went through hell that day as well (sunday) just stomach pains but migraine went away. Drank 4 quarts of soup before bed. Then today I woke up perfectly fine, even had a bowl movement and urine indicating very little dehydration was present.

      But without noticing it cause the soup is so good I drank 13 litres of it and now I am bloated naturally right but I haven't been urinating at all three times total today which doesn't seem right. And my stomach hurts but I guessing cause the soup is quite spicy so prob just IBS. But the thing that concerns me is my ear the ringing in it. Like is it apart of water not being flushed out of my body like shouldn't I be pissing like a racehorse?

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      • LittleGirlInexorablySodomized

        I read your shit clearly and stand by what I said. Sadly this site didn't allow my comment through because the algorithmic comment blocker is turned up too high. What a shame because I won't be re-writing it.

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      • despuit

        Dude relax you are just going to have ridiculous amount of diarrhea exploding out of your ass soon enough. All the excess liquid is probably being trapped into your intestines and is why you have bloating. The spicy food is definately causing the stomach and have fun when all that burning hot liquid comes gushing out. As for the ear issue go to the doctors if it is still like that tomorrow.

        And by the way drinking soup and water are two different things, drinking lots of pure water and you will piss like a racehorse no problem.

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