Am i responsible for the death of kittens?

I recovered a repressed childhood memory. I'm not sure how old I was, somewhere between 5-8. At the time I lived with my mother and my uncle at my grandmothers house.

It was winter and it was very cold out. A stray cat and her kittens took shelter in our garage. I wanted to bring them inside but my grandmother wouldn't allow it "because they probably had fleas" etc. however my grandmother had 2 cats and a dog in that house before I was born and they were mostly outdoor pets.

I remember finding the cats huddled together in a rolled up carpet, frozen solid, like kitten popscicles....
I think my uncle took a snow shovel and through them in the garbage can...

I'm horrified to remember this now that I'm 20. My mother confirmed it isn't something I imagined. I'm left with many questions about this but my main question is:

Because I was aware of the situation and didn't do anything about it (like disobey my grandmother and bring them in anyway) am I also guilty for the hypothermic death of a litter of kittens?

No 29
You were too young 50
Idk 3
Yes you're a murderer 15
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Comments ( 25 )
  • bananaface

    He threw them in a garbage can? I think that's one of the vilest things I've heard in a long time. I personally don't think it's your fault, you were very young and you tried to help them. What's their excuse? Just letting kittens die like that. People like that make me sick.

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    • Sara0303

      Their dead, who cares

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  • dom180

    If your brought them in they would have been discovered and your grandmother or uncle or someone would have killed them anyway. It's a horrible, terrible thing for them to do. It's not your fault; you were too young and obviously outnumbered by people who had less heart than you.

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  • Shackleford96

    No, it was not your fault and that is all I am going to say about this matter.

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  • CraneyCrow

    For a cat and kittens (and they had to have been older kittens for them to have taken up in your garage) to have frozen to death, it would have had to have been way, way, way below zero. Aninals have fur and they can withstand the cold and I'm sure that wasn't the first winter the stray mother cat had spent outdoors. What probably happened is that the cats died of something else -- carbon monoxide poisoning, rat poisoning, or whatever -- and then froze after death.

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  • KillerWombat

    You were way too young to truly understand the concept of death, and you were just being an obedient child anyway. I'm so sorry that this happened to you and to the kitties. :( If anything, the adults should have the blame.

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  • myweirdself16

    I don't think it was your fault at all. Don't blame yourself :(

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  • Not your fault

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  • Terence_the_viking

    Kitteh will punish you.

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  • Shroot

    If this story is true (Which its not) Then no it's not you're fault

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    • myweirdself16

      How do you know it's not true? People do terrible things.

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      • Shroot

        na, its a load of BS like 80% of the posts on this website

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  • -Solitude-

    What horrible, horrible people. Not helping kittens near death and just throwing them in the garbage. It's vile. Are you even sure they were still alive though? Either way, throwing animals in the garbage is disgusting. But it wasn't your fault. You were too young, you couldn't have rebelled and take care of them yourself.

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    • CraneyCrow

      The cats were already dead when they were thrown in the garbage! Read the question.

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      • -Solitude-

        It wasn't clear. If they were found dead, why would OP be blaming him/herself for their deaths?

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    • Ibelievethis

      Sorry that previous comment was sent to quickly as I thought you were blaming them for the kittens death (yes we all know what thought did he pissed himself and thought he was sweating)
      but after analysing youur comment in further detail it is claer that you were offeing support. xx

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      • Ibelievethis

        Them should have said him/her. My god I am sending replies to myself now! x (and kisses)

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    • Ibelievethis

      Oh great advice make a person feel even worse than already do. x

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  • Can you control the weather? No? Then it wasn't your fault.

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  • Ibelievethis

    No you are not to blame and you do not need to got through your life believing that. You were only 5 years, and you did all you could to help them. xx

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  • Isabella80s

    Oh dear... poor kitties : / You're definately not at fault, though. You were just a kid and you did try to help but an adult in authority took over. At your age now you'd probably have the where with all to call an animal rescue place and get the animals help, but most young kids wouldn't think of that. Ideally, an adult should have contacted someone who could have helped.

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  • NeuroNeptunian

    Doesn't sound like there was anything you could do at the time. At that age, your say so means little. The least they could have done was taken the animals to a shelter. I sure as hell don't have the time, money and energy for so many cats.

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  • Couman

    Considering your age, I don't think there's much you could have done. It seems strange though, how cold must it have been that a garage, plus a carpet, plus their fur wasn't enough to keep them alive?

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    • I live in New England, it gets pretty cold.

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  • dinz

    You shouldn't place blame on yourself. Like Banana face said, considering the situation that you were young and helpless in this matter you played no part in the death of those poor little kittens.

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