Am i the only one scared?

I am scared of going to any water area alone.....even the swimming pool...the moment I'm in the water alone i feel like i am going to be attacked.Worst of all, scared to actually open a huge pail of water.That size of a pail everyone use to store water incase of emergency.I feel like theres something in the water thats going to scare the hell out of me.

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Comments ( 11 )
  • Avant-Garde

    I have a phobia of water too but, it badly manifests itself with other things: Thallasso Phobia (Fear of large body of water), I can't stand liquids of any kind splashing themselves on or near my face, I don't like water as a projectile in general except for the shower. I am perfectly find with creeks, though. Also, sitting down in the tub for an old fashioned style of bath, makes me very uneasy.

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  • donteatstuffoffthesidewalk

    last time I got attacked by a pool shark I lost all my money

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    • UmuAzhar

      lol WTf why you care if yu got lost yur asshole money

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  • KeepsakeDoll

    Just some kind of phobia. Not sure what kind. Might do you good to research types of phobias.

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    • elizabeth14


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  • gummy_jr

    I feel like I'm almost the same way. I keep having dreams about water, like if I dream about filling a bathtub and I turn off the water it's still running, then it turns pitch black and starts flooding the bathroom. For some odd reason water is always scary in my dreams.

    The other day the sink at work had a clog and started filling up and I almost freaked. I had to come to my senses and tell myself it's not a dream. So I turned of the sink and all was good.

    I think you might have some kind of suppressed emotion that's overwhelming you. I know it sounds crazy but dreams linked to flooding signifies some kind of emotion that's being held in or something....

    I'm rambling now.... Sorry...

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    • elizabeth14


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      • gummy_jr


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  • thegypsysailor

    You sound like a very wise person. Swimming pools are extremely dangerous, as you know. The drain can suck you right down to the bottom and hold you until you expire, and chlorine is a sterilizer, everybody knows that. Also, I can assure you that those are not Baby Ruth candy bars floating in every pool, public or private.
    Going in the ocean is stepping down on the evolutionary ladder a couple of dozen rungs and you can become dinner in a heart beat, for some hungry sea creature, almost instantly.
    It is said that one can drown in 2 inches of water, so that means even the bath tub is just waiting to steal your life.
    A shower is just like water boarding, apparently not the most fun way to die, so getting clean at all should be done with a wash cloth in the sink.
    Lastly, one should take to heart those wise words of WC Fields, "Water? No one should ever drink water; fish fuck in it.", when speaking of his preference for Scotch.

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    • elizabeth14

      What r u saying ...huh?

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      • thegypsysailor


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