Am i the only one who gets angry about this

I hate the BSL. For those that don't know that the BSL is. It's an organization that want to ban certian dog breeds: pitbulls, Chow Chows, Rotwillers, Dobermans ect... They are the nazis of the dog world. There are several places where there law has been passed and anyone who has those breed have to turn them over and then their dogs are euthanized. Not only that they want to ban dogs that weigh over 100 pounds. I have a large 125 pound lab. Everybody who meets him falls in love with him and want him.

I recently found out that military bases have pass the law. People who are giving their lives for our country cannot have their dogs because of the breed. How dare the military do that; it's unexceptible.

I was raised with chow chows and have never had problems with them. I have a pit bull now and she is like the sweetest thing ever. I have 3 dogs and my most agressive one is a miniture schnauzer. I understand that some people have been attacked by certian breeds. Most of the times if not all it's because of the owners.

In the BSLs mind any dog that they don't approve of must die. Pitbulls have a bad reputation that is mostly unfounded so they must die. That's like saying if a few black people hurt people that all black people must die.

It's bad enough that there is racisim among people but now there is racisim among animals.

Sorry if this is a little long but this subject pisses me off. Is this normal?

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Comments ( 81 )
  • ladymantoloveyoulongtime

    sweetadeline - the dog whisperer became a celebrity because of the work he has done with dogs. its not the other way around. i think you are one of few people. klondikesam, moonbow and Mayfair. it has already been proved that klondikesam is moonbow so its only a matter of time before another mistake is made.

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  • MercedesBenz

    My other friend has a pit who is very active, likes to run around but is also really loveable. She also wears a necklace. Yes the owner put a necklace on the dog. Lol! But the dog sleeps on the couch all curled up with the two cats. She even whimpers if the cat doesn't go outside with her when it is bathroom time. This dog even has a lifejacket to go swimming in the river. She is not aggressive at all.

    My other buddy has a doberman male. This dog is lean and quiet. He is a nervous little guy. He is really shy. My friend found a little yorkie dog in a parking lot that was a stray and took it home. The damn Doberman shys away from the yorkie because the yorkie attacks it! The yorkie has bit me more times than I care for and the Doberman just sits there in quiet solitude.

    I am not sure where you all are from, but I guess I amjust not seeing these animal stereotypes that have been mentioned above. I think, like people, you cannot force everything into a predetermined mould. Also, I am a cat person. I don't really likw dogs, so I have no incentive for posting this. I am just sharing my experiences as an objective point of view.

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    • Ryuhei

      I think shyness is a trait of dobies, I had a friend who used to have a HUGE dobie and that dog was the most shy dog i have ever come across.

      People are crazy to want to ban a breed of dog just because of the reputation that some idiots give them.

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  • ladymantoloveyoulongtime

    NorthernStar - dog poo getting washed down drains and sewers is whose fault? who allows their dog to crap in the street - humans. who doesnt take responsibility for their dog crapping in the street - humans. who gets a dog even though they are an irresponsible owner - humans. why are you all in denial and blaming a SPECIES that cannot control what HUMANS should be responsible for. who breeds dogs to fight - humans. who allows their dog to roam the streets - humans. dogs ONLY DO WHAT IS NATURAL and INSTINCTIVE. they dont intentionally start fights with other dogs to win a bet. it is ANIMAL INSTINCT TO BE TERRITORIAL and with ANY ANIMAL, if you put two alpha males together, they are going to fight for TERRITORY. so HUMANS hate for animals is their OWN FAULT for NOT BEING RESPONSIBLE. if you dont understand this then all is lost with you and i feel sorry for you.

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    • Mayfair

      It doesn't matter who puts the dog crap in the rivers or wherever, the problem is that it is there and it is toxic to fish and other creaturs that live in the water. There are just too many dogs in the world that nobody wants and there are not enough shelters to take care of them.

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  • kellstar

    Why do you always answer KlondikeSams questions that others have posted to him? Dont you think he can answer for himself?

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    • Moonbow

      Who are you asking this question? People's answers do not always show up, or get deleted. Besides, most of the questions on here are open questions and if you happen to know the answer, why not answer them?

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  • ladymantoloveyoulongtime

    were you attacked as a child by a pitbull klondikesam? because if you werent then there is no reason why you should hate them. if you were attacked then the dog didnt do its job properly because you are still here.

    Sweetadeline - dogs have different breeds but they are considered a species. you are too stupid to realise this so maybe you should do some research before making yourself look like an idiot.

    staffies are a different breed to pitbulls etc. if people want these certain breeds to try to "look cool" then you should hate those people, not the animal.

    dogs were bred from wolves by humans. so your hatred towards dogs should be focused on the fact that your high and mighty human beings are at fault.

    i dont see the point in trying to argue the point to these haters because they are too stupid / ignorant / arrogant / closed minded to even listen or read to reason and they wouldnt even try to understand.

    i read on a different post that a couple of people on here wrote that 30% of polution in the water is from dog poo. well who put it there? dogs certainly dont run up to the waters edge and take a dump, HUMANS dump it in the ocean. why cant any of your morons see and understand this?

    you can not blame animals for how humans treat them and have bred them to do. they live by instinct which was drilled into them over a long period of time, like dogs for example. they were bred from wolves and humans used to train wolves to clean up after them eg. eat their poo and left over scraps. so you talking about how dogs eat human crap is only because humans trained them to do it and in doing so over a long period of time, it becomes an instinct.

    you will never understand anything that happens in the world if you dont get off your high horse and realise that you are not smart like you think you are which is okay, we understand that your parents didnt bring you up properly.

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    • NorthernStar

      Why are you and others getting so upset about this and making way out accusations? I believe that canies are a species, but dogs are breeds. If that is incorrect, please show me where I am wrong.

      Also, people do not dump dog crap into water, it is washed off by rain and that's how it gets into rivers and lakes. Dog crap is toxic, not like the crap of cows and other herbivores. All you have to do is look at how dog crap burns and kills the grass to figure that out and it is dog lovers, not dog haters that are responsible for all the dog crap in water, so I can understand why people who hate dogs are upset about it.

      So, your telling these other people that they aren't smart like they think is a case of the pot calling the kettle black.

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    • Ryuhei

      True. ^^

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  • equitable75

    This bothers me every single day. It bothers me about people being narrow minded, about people who fight them, about control, laws, other breeds, sex offenders in my neighborhood. I can go on forever it's a major concern and issue that goes against our rights.

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  • MercedesBenz

    That is very sad that that happened to your dog. But, it just goes to show, that just like humans, animals can also have many of the same moods and personality changes with pain conversion disorder. Many people, when dealing with a chronic physical illness or injury, will experience personality and mood disorders. I think this is likely what occurred with your dog.

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    • Ryuhei

      Me too, I believe that there is always a reason why a dog acts out and attacks. My granfathers neighbor had a pitbull one of the sweetest dogs you could meet and then he had a stroke and his personality changed. He didn't even reconize me. That's why I believe that when a dog attacks or get aggressive I believe instead of euthanizing and trying to forget about the situation, we need to figure out why the dog did what it did.

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      • CraneyCrow

        But who is going to do find out what caused the attack and where will the dog be kept while it is being evaluated? Humanitarian suggestions are great, but not always practical.

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      • NorthernStar

        My uncle breeds and trains German Shepherds and when a young (or older) dog acts aggressive, he puts it down. He says that if he sold a dog that had been aggressive and it bit or killed someone, he could get sued. He says that anyone who passes on an aggressive dog to someone else is irresponsible.

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      • Mayfair

        So if a pit bull kills a kid, like so many do, you're saying that people should spend time and money to find out "why" the dog attacked? That's a very noble thought, but who do you think should pay for feeding, sheltering and evaluating the dog? Governments do not have the money to do that. That's why so many non-violent dogs are put down every day, because there is no money, and if there is no money to look after the non-violent dogs that haven't killed or attacked someone, you can't justify spending money to evaluate a dog that has killed someone.

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  • MercedesBenz

    Yes! I still Actually like Chows. If I had a dog, it would be a Chow. When people say that they are aggressive I just don't see it. The black Chow we had when I was young that bit my brother, his name was Bear. Really the only reason I think Bear bit my brother was because he was on edge. We lived on an Island and we constantly had alligators coming up to our house. There were several occasions where there was an alligator trying to eat Bear and Bear had to run around very quickly to get away for fear of being eaten. I am not making excuses but that is a very real threat and the day my brother got bitten was when he was trying to put Bear back outside after a near alligator attack.

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    • Ryuhei

      Omg one of my chows was named bear. I totally understand about your dog biting in his eyes it was a survival instinct. My only agressive chow was maggie. For years she and my schnauzer faught constantly. Her stomach started getting big and we suspected it was cancer, and when the vets xrayed her it turned out that her spine fused into 1 bone from a birth defect. It caused her so much pain that she would attack my mini schnauzer because when he played he jumped on her back.

      Chows and Sharpei's are some of the best breeds out there.

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  • MercedesBenz

    I grew up with Chow Chows. We had three of them. One of them was really a lighthearted animal and was not aggressive in any way, it kind of reminded me of a freespirited hippie. Haha. We had her since she was a puppy until she grew old and passed. The other two were males. One was laid back and tolerable. Good around kids. We had him until he passed from old age as well. The other was always a bit aggressive, but he had been a stray. He ended up biting my brother on the wrist, tearing it down to the bone. The vet recommended he be put down so my parents agreed.

    My old roommate had three pits. One was a bit anxious for lack of attention. He was not violent and I never feared the dog. He was just full of excess energy. I would always walk him because the roommate didnt pay him much attention. One day he jumped the fence and a neighbor called the police because he was being rowdy and jumping on her fence. She told her husband she was scared he would try to bite her and the husband shot the dog. Now I am not a dog person, I prefer cats, but in the times I spent with the dog he was not violent. He was just damn hyper. It really bothered me that because it was a pit bull they just shot it. Its like, if I see a suspicious person walking down my street, I don't just shoot them because they look suspicious. They better like say something or physically threaten me or else I would go to jail for murder.

    The roommates' other two pits were females. One is just a big chunk of butter. She was chubby and just wanted to lay on you and get petted. It was a sweet laid back dog. An old soul if you will. The younger female was a bit exciteable and hyper. She would run around with her taik up in the air, jump on people who came over, bark when the doorbell rings. But I never took her as aggressive either.

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    • Ryuhei

      OMG YOU GREW UP WITH CHOWS TOO! They are great dogs. <3

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  • ladymantoloveyoulongtime

    moonbow - stop pretending that you are not klindiksam. we know you are. we arent as stupid and you think we are. get help.

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    • Mayfair

      I think that some of the people on here are the same person, but moonbow and klondike sam don't seem like the same person to me.

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  • exvat

    Geeze guys,...why do you start insulting people you don't know. Can't you have a discussion as mature, adult human beings? So disagree--about everything from where you got your facts (a legitimate area of discussion) to calling people hot button names for typos. Is this how you behave in your daily interactions with other human beings.
    OK,...on topic: I have a 100 pound plus Akita. He has a wonderful temperament & I have very carefully & responsibly trained him. But Akitas' in general have 'iffy' reputations. Large Akitas can look scary to people. I know this, accept this & can talk about it without losing my mind or mindlessly insulting people I don't even know. In an anonymous forum like this I know people can act out, whether playing games or with having real serious anger issues.
    Some of you sound like borderline psychotics. Are you?

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  • Mutt22

    BSL has always irritated me, I have been around more then dozens of Pit-Bulls, Rottweilers, German Shepherds, Dobermans and other "dangerous" breeds and never once been bitten by them.And there really are more Pit-bulls and Pit-bull mixes in this city then probably any other breed of dog if it were the case that every Pit-bull was a man eater my city should be in the news every second.

    And I'm not convinced that there are breeds that are inherently more dangerous then others, if that is the case then explain to me how the Dog Whisperer owns literally 50+ dogs at his dog center of all different breeds,including Pits and Rotties, and has NO problems with them AT ALL.

    I believe every living thing human,dog,cat, or whatever walk of life are all born individuals and so we all act individually so not every person or dog or any other animal within whatever group they're thrown into will act the way that society says that group is "supposed" to act. In other words not every invidual dog of a deemed "dangerous breed" will actually act like a deemed "dangerous breed".

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    • KlondikeSam

      You don't know much about animals and breeding. If an animal -- dog, horse, or whatever -- has certain tendencies, the animal will pass along those tendencies to offspring. I have seen this firsthand in the raising of horses. Gentle mares bred to gentle stallions will produce gentle foals. Gentle mares in the same lot bred to a stallion with a bad temperament will produce bad-tempered foals. The fact all foals are raised, treated and trained exactly the same will not eliminate the tendencies of a bad-tempered sire. The same is true of dogs. Pit bulls were bred to fight. In the beginning, a dog that showed any aggression whatsoever toward humans was immediately culled (killed). Today, that is no longer the case and bad-tempered pits are allowed to reproduce and their puppies retain those bad tempers and aggression toward humans, no matter how well they are treated, trained or raised. It might not manifest for months, years, or ever, but it is THERE!

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      • Mutt22

        So again how does the Dog Whisper manage to train and keeps more then 50 dogs in his pack over half of these dogs are Pit-Bulls and Pit mixies and he has no problems with aggression issues...I mean you think with over 50 dogs, and with your explanation with breeding, there's bond to be some dogs born from bad-temepered parents and you'd think at least one of them should "snap" but they never do. Is that just a fluke?

        And I may not know much about breeding but I know there are exceptions to every rule. I have a friend who bought a parrot with potentially great genes, who was bred from well-mannered, gentle parents both mother and father were quiet,tame, and friendly and so were their parents.

        In your example this bird should have also been well-mannered and gentle but this bird turned out to be the exact opposite. No matter how much training and love it got this parrot was always mean, cranky, and biting at people, while its siblings turned out to be as tame as their parents. Eventually she had to give the bird away because it was too aggressive. So was this one bird also fluke? A "bad seed" perhaps? If so I would think even a bad seed would prove that inviduals rather then robotic animals are born.

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        • SweetAdeline

          The Dog Whisperer can do things that the ordinary dog owner cannot do, so that's not really a good example. Besides the Dog Whisperer is celebrity and performer, so I don't believe everything that he says or that I read about him. Celebrities have do and say sensational things. If they didn't, they wouldn't be celebrities.

          Human babies can suffer brain injuries before, after or during birth and the same thing can happen to other animals. Members of the bird family can be brain injured before, after or during hatching. Just like two healthy humans can have a brain-injured child that will be uncontrollable, bad-tempered, or just not right in the head, two healthy animal parents can have the same thing happen to their offspring.

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        • NorthernStar

          What Klondike says about breeding is true. I know because my uncle breeds German Shepherds and trains them for police work and other things and I have been hearing him talk about breeding and helping him since I was around 6 years old.

          As for the parrot, just because someone said that the parents of a bird, or anything else, are gentle, does not mean its true. Also, animals can be born with mental defects just like people. If the parents of the parrot were gentle, like your friend was told, then it is possible that your friend's bird was just hatched with some kind of mental defect.

          My uncle has had to put down puppies that were defective and could not be trained even though all others in the litter were ok.

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    • Moonbow

      I'll bet if you check with animal control and whatever department in your city is responsible for rabies vaccinations, you will see that as in most places, pit bulls account for only a very, very small percentage of the dog population, probably less than 5%. In most cities, they account for less than 2% of the dog population. Other dogs do attack, but pit bulls were bred for what is called gameness and when they attack, the damage is usually much worse. As someone else said, if I'm going to be attacked by a dog, I'd rather it wasn't one that can shred a rubber tire!

      If you do live in a city where the majority of dogs are pit bulls, you should contact the news media and let them do a story on a city where most of the dogs are pits, but there are very few attacks.

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      • Pit Bulls were breed for "gameness" this is true. Gameness meaning the dog will continue to "work" no matter the extent of its physical injury, basically feeling but ignoring the pain so that it accomplishes the task set before it

        In the 1800s when dog fighting was legal, dogs were set upon each other and the winningest dog was the one who was able to complete the task while ignoring the pain being done to it. During these times the dogs rarely killed each other, it was profitable to the owners to let the dogs kill each other and many times owners had to jump into the ring to pull their dogs away from one another. Any dog that showed aggression to humans was either immediately destroyed or no longer allowed to breed. This is why today, Pit Bulls show such affection towards people yet can never be fully trusted not to fight another dog if given the chance.

        The Pit Bull breed during the early part of the 1900s was the most popular dog breed in America, some families trusted them as babysitters even (I dont advocate or agree on using any dog for this). During the later half of the century, lower income and still lower moral people began using them for dog fighting taking advantage of this instinct to fight breed into the dog. These are the pit bulls we see today. Dogs almost inherently friendly to people, while possibly being aggressive to other dogs.

        My Pit Bull likes all comers, on 2 legs or 4.

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  • xxjenxx

    ya, but what pisses me off even more is that these racist organization are ahead of more peacefull groups like peta and wwf an spca. even though they've been trying so hard for years you know.

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    • Ryuhei

      P.e.t.a is not a good animal rights group. 95% of the animals they take in are immedatly euthanized. They are just as bad as everyone else....actually they are worse, they are the biggest hypacrits on the face of this planet. You can't be for animal rights and then murder innocent animals out of pure laziness.

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  • Mayfair

    In the news last weekend, a 9-year-old pit bull killed an 85-year-old woman and she had raised the dog from a puppy and family members said that she had never had a problem with it. I think that's the problem with pit bulls, at least from what I've read, that they don't show any signs before they attack.

    I have been afraid of pit bulls ever since one almost killed a neighbor's kid. They had raised the dog from a puppy, she was spayed and she wasn't even aggressive toward other dogs and she even slept on the bed with the child that she almost killed.

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    • Ryuhei

      Oh to back up my demenia claim I know from experence. My grandfathers neighbor had the one of the sweetest dogs on the planet and he was a pit bull and then one day he had a stroke and his personality changed. He went from sweet and docile to fearful and agressive. You can't explain to animals what happened to their body.

      Pain could have been another cause. I had a chow chow and she was agressive and we could never find out why. Sh was 7 when we took her to the vet because we suspected that she had stomach cancer. They xrayed her and it turns out she had a birth defect that caused her spine to fuse together and become one huge bone. She was in pain all her life and that's what caused the agression. I think dogs who do attack irregaurdless of the breed need to be eximaned and see if they can find a reason for the agression.

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    • Ryuhei

      Then you are retarded if you think all pit bulls are bad. Your not racist against all people of a certian color because some of them do bad things so why should dogs be any different. Ever think that the age could have had something to do with it attacking, humans aren't the only ones who suffer from dementia.

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      • Mayfair

        I saw on TV recently where a pit bull actually chewed up a tire on a car. A trainer who was interviewed said that only a pit bull had the strength and tenacity to rip a rubber tire to shreds. If a dog can rip a rubber tire to shreds, think of what it can do to a human. I mean, if, like you say, a dog can have a stroke, or have some physical defect or illness that makes it attack, I'd rather have a dog that wouldn't do such serious damage.

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  • deepthought33

    Dogs come in as many temperaments as humans and, when all is said and done, it is MUCH more about the owner who trains (or doesn't train) than it is about the dog. Sure, many breeds are more aggressive than others, but they were bred to be that way and they require an owner who knows how to take care of them. Therein lies the problem. So many people get a pup because that pup is o-so-cute or they had a breed like that growing up who was "the perfect dog". They're not buying a breed that meshes well with their lifestyle, personality, and training habits...and that is a big mistake. The one to suffer in this situation is typically the dog.

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    • KlondikeSam

      Right you are! OR, they are like Ryuhei and want something like a pit bull because they thing it makes them a badass.

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      • Ryuhei

        Um, I don't have a pitbull because I think it makes me look bad ass. The sweetest dog I've met was a pit bull, I worked at a Kennel and I was around pitbulls and guess what there were some dogs at the kennel who were agressive and NONE of them were pitbulls. The agressive ones where, Labs, Goldens, poodles, healers, ect. So before you go shooting your mouth off about how you think I am get the fucking facts.

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        • NorthernStar

          I'm not taking sides, but I also find it strange that someone who does not even own a pit bull, and has never owned one, is wanting everyone to think that they are an authority on pit bulls!

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  • amili

    I grew up with dobes - beautiful dogs. It's up to the owner to train and care for their dog correctly... That is where the difference lies, not in just blaming the breed as vicious.

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  • Moonbow

    McMinn County woman killed in pit bull attack
    September 4, 2010

    ETOWAH, Tenn. – An 85-year-old woman was mauled to death by her pet pit bull Saturday at her home officials said. Mattie Daugherty was outside with some family members who were helping her renovate her home on County Road 492 when she went inside to check on her dog, said Sheriff Joe Guy. When she went inside, the dog attacked her head and neck, Guy said. “It couldn’t have taken long because the family said they didn’t hear anything,” Guy said.

    Her daughter found her shortly after the attack and called a neighbor to come help. The neighbor attempted to kill the dog, but was unsuccessful. Officers responded around 11:45 a.m., Guy said.

    “Although every effort had been made to rescue the victim, it was apparent that she had already died due to her severe wounds,” he said in a news release. A K-9 officer, Deputy Randy Gabrel attempted to shoot the dog but failed to kill it. He finally hauled the dog off Daugherty before Deputy Tim Davis was finally able to shoot and kill it, Guy said.

    Daugherty had owned the dog for nine years and family members told Guy it had never caused a problem before.

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  • katyd

    Whatever I like dogs more than most blacks and Jews I know

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  • KlondikeSam

    So far this year in the US, 22 people have been killed by dogs. Pit bulls were responsible for 13 (60% of those deaths) even though pit bulls make up less than 5% of the dog population in the US. The fact is, there are many more negligent/abusive owners of golden retrievers, Labradors, German shepherds, etc. than there are pit bull owners, but of those breeds, only one (a German shepherd) is responsible for one of the 22 deaths by dog in the US this year.

    In Worcester, Mass., where a pit bull ban is being considered, it was discovered that while pit bulls make up less than 2% of the dog population in that city, they are responsible for more than 25% of dog bites.

    Wake up and realize the truth, People! IT IS THE BREED and pit bulls should be banned!

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    • Ryuhei

      If pit bulls are so dangerous why are they used as police dogs and servious dogs. I have a pit bull and she is the sweetest thing. In fact my miniture schnauzer tries to start a dog fight with her and she ignores him. It's the owners, just like children if you fail to dicapline them they'll act out.

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      • SweetAdeline

        I don't know where you get your information, but there is a facility near where I live that trains service dogs and they will NOT train pit bulls as service animals. However, I was told by a trainer that people are training pit bulls themsleves as service animals to get by the pit bull ban in places like Miami and Denver. As for police dogs, they are supposed to be vicious, however, I have never seen a K-9 officer with a pit bull.

        People are always claiming it is "how the dog is raised that makes a difference." If so, explain this: Pit bulls and pit bull mixes are responsible for 65% of the serious and fatal dog attacks in the US, yet, they make up only about 2% of the dog population in the US.

        The fact is that there are many, many more German shepherds, Labradors, Collies, etc., etc. with bad or abusive owners, and those breeds make up a significant percentage of the dog population in the US, yet, they seldom seriously injure or kill anyone.

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        • Ryuhei

          You should read up on michael vicks ex fighting dogs several became service dogs

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          • KlondikeSam

            Wrong! ONE of the dogs Michael Vick owned has become a "therapy" dog and that is NOT the same as a "service" animal. That particular dog is taken to visit Alzheimer's patients in a facility, however, he is harnessed and under close supervision of his handler at all times, which proves that even the people who rescued and "trained" him do not trust him.

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            • Wow great point you make, since he isnt a "service" dog and is just a "therapy" dog he should be destroyed?

              Therapy dogs arent under close supervision when in service, the whole reason they are used as "therapy" dogs is because they have been thorougly temperament tested with no failures being given. Nobody working in therapy would bring a questionable dog with them to provide "therapy" services.

              Here are temperament tests from recent tests:

              Old English Bull Dog 100.0%
              Mini Bull Terrier 100.0%
              Bull Terrier 92.1%
              Labrador Retriever 91.8
              Staff Bull Terrier 88.8%
              Standard Poodle 85.3
              Pit Bull Terrier 84.3%
              Boxer 84.3
              Golden Retriever 84.2%
              American Bull dog 84.1%
              German Shepherd 83.5%
              Amstaff 83.4%
              Rottweiler 82.6%
              Jack Russell Terrier 82.1%
              Dalmatian 81.8%
              Beagle 80.3%
              Collie 79.4%
              Doberman Pinscher 77.1%
              Mini Poodle 76.6%
              Akita 74.0%
              Chihuahua 70.3%
              Dachshund (Stnd. Smooth) 70.2%
              Chow Chow 70.0%
              Scottish Terrier 63.6%
              Tibetan Terrier 54.5%
              Skye Terrier 37.5%

              Pit Bulls score higher then Golden Retrievers.

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            • Ryuhei

              As are all therapy dogs. Its not that they don't trust him. If pitbulls are so dangerous why the hell would people take so much time to rehabilitate they? Why do police use them as police dogs all over the counrty. Instead of being so damn prejedous get off your ass and actually meet a pitbull and get it through your thick skull that they are not anymore dangerous then any other dog. Most the fatal dog attacks the dogs are claimed to be pitbulls when in fact they are not. Like I said you are a Nazi if you call for the deaths of ALL pitbulls. If anyone tried to take mine I'd fucking kill them!

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    • Ryuhei

      You ban one breeds you have to ban all breeds. It won't help dog bites because there are other breeds. It won't stop deaths for the same reason. I see reports of pit bull maulings all the time on the news and 99.9% AREN'T pitbulls. I have a pitbull and if anyone tries to take her away from me I'll kill them.

      It is the OWNERS. You say they should be removed from exhistance because of the stereotypes. Do you know who else did that. Hitler. Congratulations you are a nazi I hope you are proud of yourself.

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      • SweetAdeline

        What breed of dog did Hitler remove from existence? You are in serious need of a history lesson!

        I used to train dogs and I keep up with ALL dog attacks that result in serious injury and death and the dogs identified as pit bulls ARE definitiely pit bulls. You are just grasping at straws, trying to say your breed of choice is being maligned and misidentified. I challenge you to cite 2 or more cases in recent months in which the offending dog was falsely identified as a pit bull. By "cite" I mean name the location (city and state), date of attack and victim's name so that I can easily locate the report.

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        • Whether the argument can be made it was falsely identified as a pit bull or not is irrelevant.

          Dogs attack each other, and attack people based on one simple fact, THEY WERE TRAINED TO DO SO.

          And who does the training, PEOPLE.

          The dogs that resort to this type of behavior have been so abused they understood no other type of behavior or have been so in bred by irresponsible PEOPLE (theres that word again, strange right?) that they knew nothing else to do but violence.

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        • Ryuhei

          Did I say he removed dogs NO! People who want to kill all pitbulls are no different from hitler who wanted to kill all jews, thus you are a nazi!

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          • SweetAdeline

            So you're saying Jews are in the same category as dogs. That's what Hitler thought, so if anyone here is a Nazi, it is YOU!

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            • Ryuhei

              1. I am a Jew

              2. I don't call for the death of an entire breed.

              3. Calling for a mass extermination no matter what speicies it is makes a person a Nazi.

              4. I am NOT a Nazi.

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          • KlondikeSam

            How dare you insult Jewish people (human beings) by comparing them to dogs?! Banning a dog breed and annihilating a race of people cannot be compared and anyone who does so is an ignorant POS which you prove in everyone of your comments!

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            • Ryuhei

              Like I said I AM A JEW and maybe that's why I have some god dammed compation. Maybe I don't want to see an entire group percicuted and put to death for something they can not help. Anybody who thinks it's all right to exterminate a living creature weather it is human or animal for something they can not help is a Nazi and is no better then Hitler.

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  • Jackass_95

    I hate them too. Singiling out a breed of animal for what individuals have done is completely unfair. My family and my grandparents on the fathers side have pitballs. They are the kindest most protective animals we have ever owned. The one we own I've had since I was born, I love him to bits. He's saved my life twice now, once from a snake, the other from a stray. They cannot be aloud to ban breeds, WTF are they smoking.

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  • Lannip

    BSL sucks. All dogs are trainable, and BSL is so misguided. The highest bite rates are in small dogs, like Chihuahuas

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  • skintight

    One, it is weird that you singled out black people in your "argument." And two, it wouldn't be racism amongst the dogs; it would be speciesism.

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    • Ryuhei

      I singled out black people because i happened to be black. and specisim is just the same as racism

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    • KlondikeSam

      Dogs aren't a species, they are breeds, i.e., they were bred (created) by man.

      However, the person who wrote the story is wrong to compare dogs to black people or the act of banning certain dog breeds to racism. Dogs are animals and animals do NOT have the same rights as humans, nor do they warrant equal consideration.

      If a child car seat injured or killed even 5 children, it would be removed from the market. Pit bulls have killed and maimed hundreds of children and they should be "removed from existence."

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      • Removed from existence.

        Again your ignorance would be laughable if it wasnt so pervasive.

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  • lol_bamf

    I agree with the OP. I dislike them. Certain breeds just need more training than others. And not all dogs meet breed standards.

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    Animals are AWESOME! but shouldn't you be more annoyed that some countries still let people hunt rare species?

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    • Ryuhei

      oh i am believe me i am however, im not im in the usa and im more likley to be able to help animals here then in other countries

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