Am i too young to consider hysterectomy?

I don't want my periods. I never did, even before I got them. I'm constantly wanderlusting, and I hate not being able to go anywhere the first five days or so because my cramps literally incapacitate me. I also don't want to carry a whole pack of maxi pads and a couple of spare clothes changes even on day trips if I do happen to work up the courage move those first few painful days.
Plus, I find that the idea of having children is one I don't want to consider at all. Don't get me wrong; I enjoy being around kids, and am pretty good with them if I do say so myself, but having my own is another matter entirely. Of course, I'm willing to wait a some more years (maybe till I'm older than 25) in case I change my mind.
I haven't been to a doctor, because my mother doesn't want me to and since I'm still dependent on my parents, I have no choice but to obey them. And even so, I have a healthy diet, I exercise regularly (except on those days when I can't move for pain) and from what I know, neither side of my family has no history of reproductive trouble aside from one infertile maternal aunt of mine of whom I don't know the exact details.
So right now, I want to consider my options on stopping my periods. I think the best option for me would be a hysterectomy (removing my uterus). I refuse to go on the pill, because no one in my family, especially the said aunt, recommends it.
Opinions please.

Yes, too young, but if you're willing to risk it. 1
Just go on the pill! 10
No, not too young, but it is risky. 3
No, not too young, and if you're willing to risk it. 4
Try a less invasive procedure like an endometrial ablation. 3
Yes, too young, and it's risky. 4
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Comments ( 24 )
  • McBean

    Your family, especially your Aunt, are fucking retarded for not suggesting the pill. The least invasive therapies should be tried first. I'm sorry that you live with such scummy morons. They are not helping you. This really isn't any of their business.

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  • charli.m

    Try the pill. It gives you some control over when you menstruate.

    Having a hysterectomy means you'll go through menopause, fyi.

    Also, it would be very hard to find a doctor who would do the procedure.

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    • Ellenna

      Menopause won't cause OP to go through menopause unless her ovaries are removed as well as her uterus.

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      • charli.m

        While it is true that hysterectomy may leave the ovaries, you also are so stupid that you think the mere act of calling it a period and not a withdrawal bleed when on the pill is what will make someone

        Shoo, imbecile.

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        • Ellenna

          I didn't say anything about anyone getting pregnant and it's correct that any bleeding when in the "off" period of taking the contraceptive pill is not a true period but a bleed caused by withdrawal of the hormones in the pill.

          Who's a stupid imbecile?

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          • charli.m

            Not in this post, you redundant cunt.

            You have said it before, because you're a fucking retard.

            You said that calling it a period instead of a withdrawal bleed is what leads to pregnancy.

            And it turns out, its roughly 50-50 as to whether they're removed, so go fuck yourself, you senile hag.

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            • ogrelord

              hey pal hey buddy maybe you should clam down a bit there ol friend

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            • Ellenna

              I have never said any such thing at any time. You can use as many childish insults as you like, it doesn't make you correct.

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      • Cedric_Diggory

        Ovaries are part of the uterus, genius. You can't just leave the ovaries and ovarian tubes in there to rot. And for fuck's sake, read your replies before sending them, you retard. "Menopause won't cause OP to go into menopause..."???
        Were you drunk when you replied to this?

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        • Ellenna

          You are very ignorant: ovaries are quite separate from the uterus and are often left and only the uterus removed, specifically to prevent the woman going into premature menopause overnight. Obviously this is only the case where there's a medical reason for removing the uterus but the ovaries are healthy. The ovaries don't rot, they continue to produce the hormones which prevent menopause.

          The word menopause at the start of my post is a mistake on my part: I meant to type hysterectomy but was interrupted so didn't read it before sending.

          Woe woe woe is me for making such an unforgiveable error, please please please forgive me ......

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        • charli.m

          They are not a part of the uterus, but to to my knowledge, they are usually removed in a hysterectomy. I could be wrong, but that woman's a retard so I wouldn't trust her say so.

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          • Cedric_Diggory

            Yeah, that's what I meant, thanks. In a hysterectomy the ovaries and tubes and all that stuff associated with the uterus get removed.
            I do agree. That woman is a retard. I have no idea why she is always saying things on here without thinking it through or doing research first. It irritates me tremendously

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            • charli.m

              They're only removed in about half of procedures, and a few articles I found say they're now trying not to, unless they show signs of disease.

              She may have been half right and I may have been half wrong, but she's still a creature.

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    You didnt say how old you are.
    No doctor will do a hysterectomy on a woman before she is at least 25 years old.

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    • charli.m

      30, idiot. Stop pretending you know shit.

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        NO , she didnt say she is 30 , because she said maybe she will wait until she is older than 25.
        So , how could she be 30 now ???????
        Damn , you are the dumbest creature that ever infested the earth who knows nothing.
        It must be tough having alzheimers at 19 years old.

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        • charli.m

          Fuck you're a retard.

          You: No doctor will do a hysterectomy on a woman before she is at least 25 years old.
          Me: (They are highly unlikely to do it before) 30.
          You: *spazzes out to the point of short circuiting because you don't do basic comprehension*

          Have you managed to work out which imaginary family member you're pretending you fucked today?

          Shall we take it a bit easier? Have you worked out how old you're claiming to be, yet?

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  • amelia22brown

    Go on

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  • Ellenna

    What's your problem with the contraceptive pill? You won't have heavy or painful periods while taking it because you don't get a real period, only a withdrawal bleed, and many authorities believe it's quite safe to take it non-stop anyway, and that way you wouldn't have a period at all.

    If you're only 25 that is in my opinion too young to have the irreversible surgery of a hysterectomy and totally remove any chance of having a child later on.

    Have you consulted a doctor about your period problems? They may be treatable so I'd suggest that as a first step.

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  • Rihyae

    If you know for sure, go for it. I personally would try something less permanent. You could always adopt. Having kids just to spread ones genes is selfish.

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  • Angelandme

    My gf has considered the removing the uterus thing and has come a ross people claiming that if it's done at an early age people have to be given hormone shots to make up for what won't be given anymore.

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    • Ellenna

      That's only true if the ovaries are removed, it doesn't apply if only the uterus is removed: it's the ovaries which control hormone production, not the uterus

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