Amber bird

When I see pictures of Amber Heard in a movie or on the red carpet walking around all dolled up I think shes honestly one of the hottest girls I've ever seen. But then I see her in court and she looks like she has a nice facial structure but no where near as pretty. She looks alittle more swollen in court. Maybe she does alot of training for her movies to look like that and when shes not shooting one she gains alittle weight.

Has anyone noticed she looks way hotter everywhere else but in court?

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Comments ( 3 )
  • hauntedbysandwiches

    She's doing that on purpose. She's trying to look like the girl next door, a more average looking woman. That's also why she dresses like that and has her hair up but it's not working either way lol.

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    • Hmmm I see. The girl next door doesnt ordinarily dress like a guy tho. She would have been better off going with the "im a pretty girl" defense. Kind of sad but good looking people do get advantages and have an easier time getting jobs and shit. She is coming off as unlikeable and not even very good looking either. I dont get the logic in it.

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  • Tommythecaty

    She’s plain for a movie star, very plain.

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