American cops are funny

I love watching cops when they arrest someone they say "GET YOUR MOTHER FUCKIN HANDS UP!!!" the guy puts his hands up. Then they yell "GET ON YOUR FUCKIN FACE!!!" the suspect looks around bewildered at how its feasibly possible to get on your own face. The officer runs up and slams him on the ground yelling "I TOLD YOU ON YOUR FACE!! QUIT RESISTING!!"

Shit cracks me up everytime.

Not funny 8
Funny 12
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Comments ( 22 )
  • Boojum

    I'm sure what you describe is a deliberate tactic by the cops. It's all about intimidating the suspect and forcing them accept that the cops are in the dominant position in the situation. If the suspect gets confused, that's a bonus because the cops are then allowed to throw their weight around and demonstrate how Alpha they are.

    You may well find it funny now, but I suspect you might not be so amused if you ever happen to be going along minding your own business one minute, and in the next you suddenly find yourself in a situation where a couple of guys in uniforms are pointing guns at you and bellowing orders that don't make a lot of sense.

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    • I have been in that situation and you're right it was not funny. I grew up before bodycams and the police in my area were bullys. Its definitely funnier if its not you ans if it seems deserving like if they robbed someone and were running from police. If its some grandma trying to load groceries it wouldnt be funny. Its funny when it happens to ppl bein assholes

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      • Boojum

        Well, that I can agree with; it's always good to see assholes getting some of what they deserve.

        But I wonder if the bewilderment you describe might sometimes be due to something else.

        I can't recall the details now, but years ago I read about some prison program (maybe in Canada?) where they focused on first-time convicts and tried to get them to truly internalise the simple (and, one would think, obvious) fact that actions always have consequences of some sort. ISTR that they claimed this significantly reduced recidivism. In other words, it seems that quite a few people convicted of crimes were absolutely certain they wouldn't be caught at the time they did the deed.

        I can easily imagine some asshat being totally flummoxed about what the hell is going down the first time he's busted because, in the action movie running in his brain in which he's the badass star, he always gets away with whatever stupid, nasty shit he decides to do.

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        • I get it. I use to have the same problem where I couldn't actually process the consequences of what I was doing. I would try not to get in trouble at school but before the day was over I'd have been in the princibles office. My parents would bribe me with things saying if I didn't get in trouble that week id get it and I'd try so hard but I felt like I did not possess the ability to not get in trouble. I wouldnt understand why everyone was always so mad at me lol. I try to really lay low because I am still like this today.

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  • litelander8

    Cops is hilarious. If you pay attention, it’s half and half that they’re shady or super kind and understanding. But it’s the people in it that I find funniest.

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    • donteatstuffoffthesidewalk

      the ghetto dudes that git caught red handed at somethin and make that face as if tryin to understand how the situation could possibly be illegal

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      • litelander8

        That’s how ghetto people act in every situation.

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        • LloydAsher

          It's how poor people act.

          I dont get how some gangsta thinks they can pull out a bb gun from their pocket super quick and then people are shocked when the dude is shot to death dispite being "unarmed"

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          • "He was just playin with a BB gun and was gunned down by police for bein blacc! He was goin to college to be a priest! He wuz a good boi! His criminal record wuz just him bein young and dumb! That wasnt him!"

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    • Boojum

      You've seen shady cops in Cops? It's been years since I watched an episode, but I remember thinking that the most dubious thing about the show was how every cop seemed to be reasonably intelligent, articulate and generally nice.

      The show always seemed to me to be nothing more than a PR exercise for the police, and I was always sure that the cops the camera team rode with were very carefully selected. I had to admire the astuteness of the producers though; before "reality" TV was really a thing, they figured out how to make a show for peanuts where the cast didn't need to be paid, and dodgy camera work and cheap production values only added to the verisimilitude.

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  • MonteMetcalfe

    Really? I live here and have never seen that happen IRL. You been watching alot of movies?

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    • LloydAsher

      🎵Bad boys bad boys whatcha gonna do, whatcha gonna do when they come from you 🎵

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    • No on the tv show cops or youtube. Its like their protocol or their go too.
      18:24 of that vid is an example

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  • Somenormie

    Some of them act like corrupt pigs from what I've seen.

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    • Boojum

      Just about the only thing I find amusing about the current situation surrounding policing in the USA is how often police apologists keep saying, "Well, you know, any organisation will always have a few bad apples."

      That's darkly humorous because, while those who use the phrase are obviously trying to say that the problem isn't serious, the phrase comes from an adage that says something very different: "A few bad apples will spoil the barrel." (Which is literally true: if you store apples in closed container - like a barrel, as they were at one time - then the ethylene gas produced by a few rotten apples will lead to the rest spoiling sooner than they would have if all the apples had been sound.)

      So when these people accept that there are some corrupt, violent or just plain stupid cops in the force they're referring to and use that phrase, they're unwittingly acknowledging that the attitudes of those bad cops is going to have a negative effect on the organisation as a whole.

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      • litelander8

        You have to go deeper than that. I live in the city in my area with the highest crime rate and the highest 911 calls. It’s also the the least paid city for first responders. NO ONE wants to be shot at for shit pay. So you get bum ass applicants. On top of it, they get trained for 6 weeks to carry a gun.

        I work on the main strip. A few years ago, the bars would pay person checks to the cops to sit on the blocks and monitor everyone. And they’re chill as fuck. No ones getting locked up for smoking weed. But since no one wants to work in this city, people are getting murdered in the street.

        This is by far a government issue.

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        • They probably defunded them recently too

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          • litelander8

            The police are “defunded” every year. Politicians continue to line their pockets while the people suffer.

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    • LloydAsher

      To be honest its area depending. The most corrupt ones come from democratic cities and states.

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    • litelander8

      You’re American?

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  • MyZephyr

    American cops are funny...

    All cops are bullies and liars (that's not unique to the USA).

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    • But how does one get on their own face?

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