American sniper

I spoke to a friend about the film American Sniper and he says que refuses to watch the story of a glorified serial killer (his words)

I was caught by surprise by that thought. What do you think?

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Comments ( 5 )
  • thegypsysailor

    Once again someone who has no clue about the reality of life, spouts absolute bullshit.
    All killing is not murder, period. Sometimes, and I am not justifying the killings of the American Sniper here, killing is a very necessary thing to do.
    For instance, killing each and every member of Boko Haram and IS are something the world should be actively engaged in doing. Not one of the men or women associated with these two groups has any redeeming value as a human being and they need to be exterminated like the infestation on this planet they are.
    Perhaps we can send a couple of hundred (thousand) 'serial killers' to handle the job?

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  • WolfDog

    The biggest problem I have is they have not had a fair, balanced and independent trial through the courts.

    I know people argue "I saw them do it", or "the video shows them doing it". Just cause a witness says so, doesn't mean it's true. There have been MANY stories of people being released from prison from false witnesses. It makes it really bad when a person received Capital Punishment. How do you un-kill an innocent person.

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    • Brownblowout

      The terrorists deserve fair trials? Have you seen the mockery the jihadists make of the judicial system? Oh, but I'm sure they're innocent. They're just victims right?

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      • WolfDog

        Terrorists, pedophiles, rapists, jaywalkers, peeing in public, speeders, drug offenders and prostitutes, ALL deserve a fair trial, (unless you want to send them straight to jail without court).

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        • Brownblowout

          How long has it taken to prosecute them? 10+ years?

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