An almost irresistible urge to steal

I want to make it clear that I don't like stealing and that I have been a good law abiding citizen my entire life. However, I just can't help but want to steal things for no particular reason. It doesn't even have anything to do with the value of the object! I've been confused and worried about this for a long time, but have always been to afraid to ask if it's normal. Am I the only one like this?

Voting Results
20% Normal
Based on 35 votes (7 yes)
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Comments ( 9 )
  • momwatcher69

    The "urge" to steal things, ideas, merchandise, or data, is called kleptomania. If you steal things, that you don't 'need' or even want, then that is different than shoplifting.
    Shoplifting stuff, because you can't afford it, or to sell for money, is not kleptomania.
    Neither is shoplifting food, to survive.

    Here's a website, from Mayo Clinic, to help you understand your condition:

    copy/paste it into your browser

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    • Blembo

      I didn't know this was a thing. I can't thank you enough for this man!

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      • momwatcher69

        This is why we're all here.... to share ideas, opinions, and information. You're Welcome !

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  • xxLucifer

    Kleptomania is a rare disorder. You should definitely seek a psychiatrist.

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  • No, kleptomania is not normal.

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  • cipro

    I think its called kleptomania.

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  • Blembo

    For anyone who finds this post now, I just want to let everyone know that I have been diagnosed with Kleptomania. I've been talking to a psychiatrist and have started to improve. It's been hard, but it's been worth it. Thank you to the wonderful IIN community who helped me realize my problem in the first place. Stay healthy.

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  • Phoebe2005

    No cos when ever I go past the shops when I walk home I sometimes feel so hungry and want a chocolate bar but don’t have any $ on me so I want to steal one but I’m too scared

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  • RoseIsabella

    Nope, not normal.

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