An easy girl or a girl who waits til marriage for sex?
A hot girl who has slept with many previous boyfriends | 449 | |
A girl who waits til marriage for sex | 737 | |
I don't care as long as I love her | 1102 | |
Other (Add a comment) | 115 |
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A hot girl who has slept with many previous boyfriends | 449 | |
A girl who waits til marriage for sex | 737 | |
I don't care as long as I love her | 1102 | |
Other (Add a comment) | 115 |
Ok, I'm a girl and a virgin. I really want to wait until after marriage to have sex. I'm a Christian but that's not the only reason I believe in this. I think having sex before will hurt if I have to break up or will hurt the significant other after I get married. But I also don't believe in my man having to be a virgin. I realize that people are raised differently (ok I would prefer if he didn't sleep with everything that moved) and I can deal with that. It would be nice if he was a virgin though so it could be all romantic and I could think about it in a really girly kind of way.
You've listed two extremes and didn't offer any middle ground, which is the most likely. Would you really want a virgen? Or a slut? lol How about someone that doesn't give it up on the first date but doesn't need a damned wedding ring to get into her pants either???
I'd date a girl to marry as long as she became easy when i got with her.
what is wrong in a girl who likes sex if its a boy he is called a stud
i don't call men who shag a lot studs, i call them manwhores or horny bastards... and i'm a guy, i have no respect for those people that just have sex for the point of it, sure it feels good, but you could just wank. if your having it with someone you love, then it's that much more special
STDS lol no really tho, I think most guys like girls who don't come off as easy because its much more of an ego boost to get with a girl who has higher standards.
I dated hot guys who waited for marriage just like myself and I had no problem with it. I dunno what the heck is up with some people thinking you have to make love with others in order to be date them, thats just weird.
obviously a girl who waits. Because if the girl has made an effort (or none) to preserve herself for until after marriage, then it's obviously a special thing for her and it also means that she would only be willing to do it with the man she is in love with.
it's a way to know how loyal that woman is most of the time.
Teenagers are starting to have sex at younger and younger ages. They are not old enough to make the decisions that they are making and they are not mentally developed enough to comprehend their actions. Sex is an escape and a release for many of them. If a teenager is sexually promiscuous shouldn't we question why this person is acting out in this way? So later in life should the girl be persecuted by men for her sexual past and feel as if she has to deny it or that she is unlovable?
And yes I am talking about myself. Im far from a virgin, I had a troubled past but I wold hope that would have no factor in a guy's decision weather or not to be with me.
I don't agree with you. I'm a younger girl myself and far from being a virgin just like you, but I feel like I am mentally developed enough to comprehend my actions. Indeed, sex is an escape and a release. If I wouldn't have sex I'd go crazy from stress, that's why I do it.
I'm not afraid my future partner would blame me for it. It's the way I am and he just has to accept that.
^at above: easy answer to this one, go out and ask 10girls if they wanna have sex with you 1 out of 10 will say YES. Then get a girl go out and ask 10 guys if they wanna have sex with her, 9 out of 10 will say YES. You getting the picture now?
There should have been the option of " A hot girl who will have sex with only YOU"
I dont see why sex is a bad thing or why a woman is looked down upon if she doesnt wait till marriage. Many of you feel virginity is necessary for a women to be pure but not for a man, why the fuck is that? Yes, i understand people are raised differently, and have different opinions but you people are losing the point of virginity. Virginity is special because it is the only gift God gave us the power to give away to the person we love. Why do you need marriage to love someone? Im 16, and i have been with my boyfriend for more than a year now, i love him with everything i have and he is the most amazing person i could have ever met. Im not a virgin, and i did lose it to him. And i dont regret it. Want to know why? Because no matter what the future brings, at the moment i lost it to him, i loved him, and at the moment i lost it to him there was no one i felt would ever deserve me like he does. Nothing is ever set in stone, not even marriage, because if it was then there wouldnt be divorce. You can wait to marry someone and lose your virginity to them, and end up divorced anyways. Does that mean you can never marry again because you are no longer pure? No. Does that mean it was a mistake? No. Does that mean you will regret it? Maybe, but in the long run im sure eventually you'll be able to think of it as a happy memory, not because you were married, but because you really did at that moment love them, giving someone all of you is never a mistake as long as you feel they deserve it, as long as if at that moment in time they deserve everything. Because everything can change, so you need to be happy with the memories you have. Loving someone with everything you have does not change with a "wife" or "husband" title, and if you love them with everything you have, regardless of how the future may turn out with them, and you feel that they deserve you because of the love you have for them, then i dont see why you would need to wait to express that love for them. A marriage does not strengthen a bond between people, it is a title, and a piece of courtroom paper, it is a ceremony to express the bond. It is not the actual bond. If you love someone and want to express it physically, i dont see the harm in it. If a women has had a sexual encounter before marriage it does not make her impure or ugly, it does not make her tainted or unworthy. And if you love her you will never look at her that way.
I definitely only want a Christian girl that can wait until marriage for sex! Previous sexual relationships will ONLY hurt a marriage.
actually some people wait until they r 18 like me im 16 and female and im almost 17 so 2 more years i have to wait i think thats reasonable
Me and my Girlfriend are waiting.. best thing we could of ever done. I'm pretty sure our relationship is built up on more trust, understanding, and commitment than most marriage. pretty much, instead of f*cking, we are helping each other to grow and learn. so what if we wait and sex isn't great? life isn't just about sex >.>
and how can people miss something they never had. lol
I waited until I was really in love... I've only had sex with one person & we're happily married :) (he's only had sex with me as well) but we didn't wait until marriage
A girl who just likes sex, but that doesn't make her "easy"! I don't understand people who want to wait till marriage.
I think waiting untill marrage is ridiculous.
I think people (men and women) shouldn't just go fucking whatever walks pass them, sure, but marrage is irrelevant when it comes to this, in my opinion.
What matters is that you love the person and understand that everyone has a past.
I'm a virgin, Big whoop, ya wanna fight about it?! lol I'm not religious or anything, I just want my first time to be with someone I really love so that i never regret it and it would be super special :D Plus I don't want to have slept with alot of men though my life. I don't believe in this day and age that there are vary many teenage virgins left, and I think it's perfectly exceptable to have 2 or 3 partners under your belt before actually getting married as long as you felt like you loved the men/women enough to give them that, but I think whores (both men and women) are disgusting, when they just have sex for the hell of it, whatever happened to personality and mental attraction rather than Physical? Would if She/You got pregnant? You'd be stuck with a person you have nothing in common with forever! Imagine, "Daddy? how did you meet mommy?" "Well honey, we got super wasted at a bar one day, and daddy liked mommys body so he talked her into getting in the car and..." PRESTO! You just scarred your child for life! lol I know for a FACT that the guy I give my virginity to will undoubtably love me, and I, him. :D thanks for reading my rambles lol
Read your rambles - Hate to burst your bubble but can I point out a few facts...
Point One: You can be in love without being married or together for ages.
Point Two: You'll never really know if they love you.
Point Three: As much as you love them, it doesn't change the fact that it really hurts and is tricky to begin with.
Point Four: People you love can carry STI's and get you pregnant.
Point Five: You said it's acceptable to have partners between being married, lets say one of them got you pregnant (even if you loved them) nothing lasts forever.
Conclusion: Honey you need a reality check. I'll be honest I lost my V's at 15 (I loved him, he loved me) and since then I've slept with two other guys and then my fiance. But even though I rushed into losing my V's I don't regret it because just because I didn't wait it doesn't mean that it wasn't perfect.
OH, I read my rambles, the question is: Did you?
1)I pretty much said that You can be in love without being married.
2)Thats true SOMETIMES. You can tell if someone really loves you, There are obvious signs most of the time and if you can't well.. your just deluding yourself Because of your love for that person.
3)I'm not too sure what you ment by this one, but If it's what I think you mean, than It's something everyone gets over.
4)No duh they can. But if you REALLY love someone you'll be careful to use protection and be honest if you have a disease. Not everyone is though, and I know that, but there are precautions you can take if your that worried.
5)If I love someone when the child is conceived but it doesn't work out, I think it's still okay, because chances are that you'll love that child more than your own self and will be greatful to your ex for them. Relationships don't last forever, but the love for your child will.
Conclusion: Honey, I'm not a child. I'm not sure why you commented when your just validating everthing I just said. It's good that you don't regret it and I'm sincerely happy for you! I havent lost my V for the simple fact that I don't to yet. Haven't found the right guy, but when he comes along, chances are we won't be married and he probably won't be my last. But I Hope that it's perfect none the less. :)
I'm staying a virgin till marriage. If the guy doesn't wanna stay, I know he just wanted sex. simple.
Maybe you should think about what you really want, A girl that's been stuck so many times that she would look like a porcupine if they were sticking out of her lol, or do you want a girl that's already experienced but hasn't been around the world, or do you want a girl that has no idea what she is doing? The last one has it's upsides though... You get to teach her everything you like and how you like it. But keep in mind whatever it is you choose make sure your open with the girl about whether or your a virgin or not.
id want the virgin and to be in love one,honestly the rest is kinda gross and a wast if u think about t,why would i wat someone someone else already had.
Hahaha I find it amusing how people who want to wait till marriage to have sex always have the need to mention that they are christian. I was babtized christian and I lost my virginity at the age of 16. Just wanted to put that out there. Not all christians have to wait or something..
personally i dont think a girl should be judged or admit her sexual past ... guys have very small minds when it comes to such superficial things ... do what you want and LIE after.
I say screw the easy girl while you wait to marry the other. Then once you get married screw your new wife, and when she starts to say no, go back to the easy girl.
People who wait until marriage are ridiculous. If you're doing it because that's a personal goal or something then fine, still missing out. But because you're "Christian" is fucking dumb. Fucking and Sex can be two different things. It's going to be pretty disappointing on your wedding night when you and your partner do it, it hurts and lasts 5 minutes. Need to experience each other before committing yourself together forever, just like moving in with someone.
There's a HUGE difference between an "easy" girl who has slept with an entire football team, and a girl who will wait until marriage. I had only slept with 3 men in 6 years, before my husband. I don't think that makes me easy.
It's got to be"A hot girl who has slept with many previous boyfriends" The key word is HOT. The whole virgin thing only appeals insurcure men and religo types.
I don't think that getting with a slut is good. So many guys have been through her who knows what she could have, or she could be so used that sex with her could be compleatly nonenjoyable. Now take the virgin. I don't know about the rest of the guys out there when I say, I don't want to take the time and teach a girl how to please a man. It's true that someone has to do it, but I'm not that someone. I'd rather have a girl with a little bit of expierence, a girl who's had sex, knows about foreplay, how to behave totally innocent one minute then ripping off her panties and begging for you to have your way with her the next. I have dated at both ends of the spectrum and the middle suits me just fine.
I prefer the first one. I'm not a virgin so why sould my date be? It would be unfair to ask that.
I completely agree. If I want a relationship I want sex, I don't want to wait for some pointless thing like marriage. If I don't have sex with a guy within a week I break up and move on to the next guy.
That's a slutty thing to do and what if he gets into an accident and gets diagnosed with ED? what would you do then ? It's pretty much obvious that the only reason you get into a relationship is because of sex because that's the only thing you value, and not love. Sex is an intimate act between two people who are madly in love and it shouldn't go beyond that. (my opinion)
i gotto say there are plenty of virgin around here.. is this jurassic park or something ?
How about somewhere in between a virgin and a slut? I'm not gonna wait till I get married to find out what a girl is like in bed(or really much more than a month), but flipside I don't want a girl that has slept with half the people I know(I'm stingy that way). Maybe just a girl that has slept with a handful(or two) of people who I don't know.
seriously, just because you watch porn doesnt mean you know what your doing. porn is made for entertainment and its not realistic. realistically, these people get paid to things that the average person would never do.
as for men who have a nerve to say no sex before marriage, i dont find anything wrong with that, but question... say you wait until marriage and the sex is not good and/or it never becomes satisfying? what if your virgin, after marriage decides your sex isnt enough and ventures out. my grandmother has been married for 50+ yrs and to this day wishes she had been with another man.
just because it all looks and sounds good, doesnt mean its good at all.
i am celibate, but personally i will not wait until marriage because knowing me, if i wait all that time and.... then again let me retract my statement; be in love because no matter what, love sees past all things good or bad
Depends on if you;re a man-whore or a person looking for something serious. I'd like a girl who waited until she married me, but unfortunately I couldn't say the same, so I guess I don't deserve a good girl.
Well, I wouldn't want a girl who was easy, but definately wouldn't want one with such strong religious beliefs - probably wouldn't work out.
I'm a girl myself, but I prefer a man with experience. Waiting for marriage is just so pointless, I definately don't want to wait. Besides, I can't wait anymore since I'm far from being a virgin.
Someone who waits. For a number of reasons. Number one they are less likely to be riddled with disease. Though if I did love them I might still overlook this. Since marriage says for sickness and for health.
I've gotten to the age where everyone is starting to have sex (16) Ya im under the minimum age! Oooh!
But yeah most of the girls are having sex and I seem to be one of the only ones now and none of the guys are going out with me so in high school, they go out with the easy girls...
I don't think virginity is something special. I wouldn't mind a virgin, but I wouldn't mind a whore either. It's like saying that you can't love a whore, because (s)he has slept with other people. But sex doesn't equal love, so if my partner had sex before me, then it doesn't mean that (s)he have loved anyone like me.
And young girls who thinks that the first time is going to be romantic have read far to many love stories. If you both are virgins, it may be awkward, hurt when he enters you and bleed some. And you are going to suck in bed.
I absolutely agree. You can say I am a whore, but I prefer to call it experience. It certainly wasn't always about love, most times it was just sex and nothing more, but in doing so I did learn how to appreciate sex. You don't learn that by staying a virgin.
I wouldn't want my future husband to be a virgin either and if he would want to wait for marriage that would be reason for me to break up. I'll just move on to the next guy, plenty of choice.
lol..Id have to go for an employee who isnt new to the field...I dont get the big deal with fuking virgins...I mean is your dick that little...
Numbers don't matter, the past is past. What if the options to the Q were more like this; A. hot girl that's is an awesome person but has slept around before or B. A average looking girl that's is a total bitch but is a virgin.
I could do an easy girl, but if she was my girfriend, she would have to be a little less easy
i m 23 but i m still virgin...i dont know more about sex..but i have a sex feeling before my periods and i m very upset for that sex feelings..friends is it normal or not???
i never sex till today but i don't know why i had a sex feeling?
what u think i should go to doctor?
How about a girl that knows what she wants. If you want no strings fun, a wild girl might be what you want. If you are ready to settle down, who cares about the past as long as she is ready too. Both states of mind need to be the same, thats all. I personally would love a younger woman with friends with benfits for a few good years. With a lot of experience or little, doesnt matter.
i think its just that girls should give their virginity to someone WHO REALLY DESERVES IT
and if you marry,well its universally thought that its the right man already right? (thoguh its not always right)
but people should not be too harsh on the girls who had pre marital sex,WHY? is loving a crime???
Personally I don't think asking about anyone's sexual past is superficial at all, you can tell a lot about a person from their past because people are habitual and they follow patterns of behavior, if the police for example were going to catch a criminal they'd look at the persons previous actions and if it was repetitive which it usually is they'd start to create a character profile and get to know the mind of a killer so to speak.. people take degrees in criminology and a psychologist would form a similar profile this is called intelligence.. yet if you said to a girl who'd had 6 relationships in 3 years and had quite a few one night stands that you have a serious problem with managing a relationship and not much self respect they'd fly off the handle and call you judgmental :) what can I say logic always wins of emotions every time.. I would consider any girl that had slept with a lot of people a bad bet for anything long term because of her immaturity level, I'm not sure the world is quite ready for wait until marriage in the current religious climate, saying that I think anyone who jumps in bed before they truly know somebody and know their feelings are worth having deserve what they get, I certainly would and have walked away from anybody regardless of my feelings because of a promiscuous past
u learn drivin in a used car not to break it & when u're good driver, you buy a new car...
seriously??????????? girls in my place say they dont watch porn. bluffers.
I'm a girl and a virgin and I know exactly what to do during sex. you can be a virgin a nd still watch porn right? duh.
i think that after a commited relashionship like one that has lasted 2-3 years but not ready or sure about marriage if ur both comfortable with it have sex just dont do it for nothing it has to mean something or u;ll both be disapointed.