Animals make me cry.

I know it's very normal and even expected for people, especially girls, to love animals, but I feel like I love them more than I do most people. Don't get me wrong, there are a lot of people in my life that I adore and love very deeply. But I am always more empathetic towards animals than people.

Animals elicit a ridiculously emotional response in me. I can't bear the thought of an innocent animal getting hurt or being abandoned and lonely. In movies, all I care about are the animals. I hate war scenes because of the idea of the horses getting shot or falling and breaking a leg. The very thought of Free Willy is enough to make me burst into tears right now. The commercials on tv about adopting shelter dogs, or donating to humane societies...seriously send me into a deep depression because I can't help those dogs and cats. I've cried more about Homeward Bound than I have about relatives passing away. Right now, just thinking about a dog sitting in a cage in a shelter somewhere, wondering why his people abandoned him is enough to make me cry.

I cannot fathom anyone ever hurting an animal. It sickens me to my core. I have two cats and they mean the world to me. I buy them the best food available and I consider the expense to be part of my life, like paying my rent. I just love animals. I love their sincerity, their innocence, their vulnerability. Anyone else feel this way? I do wish I could be a little less emotional about it because sometimes it feels like torture.

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Comments ( 47 )
  • SuperTyler

    I love animals so much more! Especially in movies, 50 people could die and I wouldn't care but when that dog dies :( I'm a wreck

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    • Doglover0413

      Thank god I'm not the only one. I can't even express how upset and genuinely depressed I get when I think of animals and especially dogs being mistreated . They are just so innocent and all they want is to love people and the fact that people can mistreat them breaks my heart. However I do wish I wasn't always so emotional about them, I cry if I have to leave my dogs sleep outside and it's really causing me problems. At the moment my father wants me to let my dogs sleep outdoors because it's summer and one of them tends to go to the toilet indoors and even though they have a garage and dog box and multiple blankets I will lay in bed crying just thinking of them outdoors without me? I think it's unnatural .

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      • AnimalsAreTheAppleofMyEye

        I know EXACTLY WHAT YOU ARE GOING THROUGH. I have an immense amount of Love and Compassion for Animals, mostly dogs 🐕 but I LOOOOOVE THEM ALL. I Cry like someone died if I even start to think of someone mistreating them or abandoning them. I never imagined that I could love and feel like I do towards anyone or anything. I want to SAVE THEM ALL!!! I Feel like you, sometimes it feels like torture. I can never unsee some of the things that I have been exposed to while innocently browsing on the net.

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    • manyhandedmusician

      -same here!-

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  • ambermariemango

    Thank god for you!!! I feel the exact same way and it's nice to know that I am not alone!!! I cry over animals too and those commercials send me into depressions as well! To those people that say that animals don't have emotions and don't think Like we do screw you bc you don't know that!!! The bible says that we are all precious in his sight!!! Thank you for caring about animals as deeply as you do bc these animals can't speak for themselves!!! God gave them the land first before we ruined it and these animals need people to speak up for them!!! Thank god for you!!!

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  • heartless777

    I understand you, cause I totally have the same problem! Animals are innocent and they love you unconditionally. So, I think it's only fair if we love them back. Humans who harm animals are sick. Besides human are too self-centred. After all we are harming all nature - plants, animals, ourselves - by destroying our planet/climate with pollution, etc. Animals suffer because of humans. Also I don't think we should be placed above animals, only because we have a type of intelligence which creates technologies or because it's written in the Bible. All nature is equal and should be protected equally!

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    • The bible did say we are above the non-human aniamls yes ok... thats unfortunately true... but tht does not have to be bad cuz I think the bible just wanted us to protect the earth and all the life on it cuz we have the ability to do tht... The people just tend to interpret it on their own and see it like as they are the kings of the world and could do anything to our earth within being punished 4 it... but in a few yrs we'll c what that belief caused!

      BTW I don't believe in god and I think people have just written the bible to control the other people in their time etc. but I rlly think that the bible has many good sites if you just interpret it that way!

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      • 777electric

        1. The bible is bullshit.
        2. No it's not true.

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  • koala


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  • cbt729

    I'm the exact same way. Is it normal? Prolly not. But who cares.

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  • RIPTyson

    I feel EXACTLY the same! Specialty about the horse scenes and the shelter commercials! I would save an animal instead of a human baby!

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  • lily2828

    I know this was posted years ago but I just discovered it. I typed into google this exact question because my family thinks I need counseling because of how sensitive I am with animals. They think it's sick that I'd cry over a bird getting hit by a car but not someone dying of cancer. Don't get me wrong, I still love my family and friends and it is terrible to lose someone, but losing my last dog was a thousand times worse than losing my grandparents. I loved them immensely but they were older and had lived their lives.
    I recently hit 2 geese in the road and they died instantly. I had to call my father to come get me because I could not stop crying hysterically. I do know I'm definitely on the "too sensitive" side, but it made me feel so much better knowing I'm not crazy! Sometimes I feel like a bad person because I love animals more than most people, but after reading all this I think it's ok, we all have different reasons for being on this earth, maybe mine is to help protect the ones that are often times forgotten about

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    • Perniciousophelia

      Same here....there are homeless cats in neighborhoods nearby and one of the little guys has his ear torn off. It kills me but I don't have a car or the funds for another rescue so I will call the animal welfare services but it makes me feel so guilty and so bad because I want to take in another rescue and already have 2. But because there are 2 of em out there I feel guilty for wanting to take in the torn ear one. Either way or ANY way they will haunt me and make me sad. And I know they aren't the only two homeless cats in this neighborhood, town, county, state! It makes me want to go find the people who let their animals who aren't fixed roam and mass produce and chew them out. But it's a never ending battle and it just hurts my heart to the point I wish I never took my walks down around that area. I'd basically hafta stop walking. Uggggh I'm just so glad to find other people who feel that same way and not feel like I'm crazy for feeling the way I do! It still doesn't pad my heart from the knocks that hurt though. It is absolutely emotionally draining.

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    • kennyray

      You’re not alone. I’m with you and can’t wait for the day nature is back to the way it should be. In the meantime I am speechless and powerless on how to cope with the suffering and murder of animals for the selfish reasons humanity has. I get sad and extremely angry as well. Sigh 😔

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  • Jenniferadan

    I knew i love animals more then Anything in the world since i was a little girl , I became a vegetarian since i was 6 year old. It's difficult normal .

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  • Jpholiic17

    Mygod. We experience the same thing, literally. I have 10 awesome dogs and i love them to bits.
    I just care for my dog buddies and other animals so much. I cry because of them, i pray for them, especially the sick ones, abused, homeless and untaken care of. I even get to the point where I scold other people hurting them. I even asked my mom is it normal to care for animals more than people? If i could punch every person hurting, abusing or abandoning such innocent creatures, I would. Seriously.

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  • Mona478

    I feel exactly the same. I went to veterinary high school and quit when I saw terrible conditions in which farm animals are held. I am studying molecular biology now and I am about to drop out again. I would rather die myself than to test drugs and chemicals on mice. You are not crazy. (And I swear I will not make further attempts to work with anything living again.)

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  • sky915

    Im the same way dude :)

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  • evagtz

    You sound exactly like me! I am so glad to know there are people like us out there. People even family always argue with me because I cry almost everyday and suffer for these animals.

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  • 1dog0kids

    I totally understand i feel the exact same way and no one understands. I love my dog more than my own life - I know its crazy but I can't wait to see her after a long day. My husband is jealous of my dog. I cry uncontrollably if a see any kind of animal in trouble even road kills. If i see animals up close like a raccoon i start to cry because i love them so much. I kiss my dog between the ears at least 100 times/day or more. We are always together and i know she would protect me from any danger. We have the strongest of bond.To me she is the best and i would not trade her for any child. Now don't get me wrong - I am not anti kids - I just prefer dogs over kids. I would never harm a child or allow a child (or human) to get hurt - I have feelings after all. But I have to admit that i prefer the company of my dog over that of humans. She does not make me feel insecure and i can trust her with everything. She is loyal and loving all the time and most of all always happy. Humans are not always loving, loyal and/or happy and that is a fact! I thank God for making the multitude of animals for us to love and enjoy. I know that one day humans will become loyal just like animals and that humans and animals will live together in peace.(Isaiah 11:6-9)

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  • jamustheignoramus

    I get sad when i think of animals being put down because of them being vicious towards people in particular. Animals havent evolved to be aggressive and vicious just because. Obviously if they are that way theyve faced adversities that were most likely brought about by humans. Its almost like if someone came into your house and pointed a gun at you and you were 'put down' for defending yourelf against him. I hate that theres a double standard with anial cruelty that if a human is mean to a pet then he might get a fine or watever, but in the long run that pet is probly going to be f*cked up mentally snd be vicious and probably get destroyed as the result. I hate that people destroy animals for their own enjoyment, whether it is int3ntional or not. Like in my home town, i saw builders taking out all the trees and forest in this area because they were going to put a rec centre in. A REC CENTRE. They were destroying innocents animals habitats, most likely killing a lot of them, because they wanted to build something that we didnt even need here!

    You are quite normal for feeling this way and i glad theres more people like you. :)

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  • Lolafredrick

    Me to i fight with people all the time and my familuy yells but my bird when I'm sad justs gives me comfort

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  • i love animals equally to humans. i think it's wrong whenever someone hurts a human or an animal. humans are animals as well though. but it just gets on my nerves that people think it's okay just because they cant talk! THEY NEED TO BE PUT IN THE PLACE OF THE ANIMAL!

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  • sgbslp

    I have the same problem. I don't think it's normal to place animals above people but you care about both- like walk and chew gum at the same time. My preference for animals began as a child. My father was a cruel alcoholic and my mother wasn't much better. I was an only child for nine years and my pets were my friends. The relationships with my pets didn't hurt, they had time for me and were always loyal. Alot of people have close bonds with animals for many reasons. I don't think you are weird to have compassion for the helpless, abused and neglected. The ads on the TV make me very depressed, too. But I find any cruelty and suffering depressing.

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  • prayerwarrior75

    I like my pets cause they don't make fun of me and are always there when I feel sad

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  • whyhellothere

    I hope your a vegetarian because if not then your love for animals mean only so much

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    • Nice useful comment.

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  • Perniciousophelia

    I am so glad I saw your post. I feel the same's almost debilitating because I can't hear about or see an animal in need or animals in shelters or advertising for rehoming an animal I fall apart! It physically causes pain in my chest like someone grabbed my heart and squeezed it I feel it in my sternum and I burst into tears it causes overwhelming sadness it devastates me. I really wish I didn't feel like that so much because it haunts me and lingers like feeling guilty or bad plus sad. It's emotional overload. I wanted to adopt a cat and I couldn't go into the shelters or peruse the ads because I couldn't stand seeing all those faces if animals in need knowing I can't save them all. It's terribly overwhelming and distressing and causes me to be sad so often. I just love them so extremely much.

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  • kennyray

    You’re not alone. I’m with you and can’t wait for the day nature is back to the way it should be. In the meantime I am speechless and powerless on how to cope with the suffering and murder of animals for the selfish reasons humanity has. I get sad and extremely angry as well. Sigh 😔

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  • kennyray

    I feel you 100%. I just cried watching a business channel on tv. They were talking about pork prices. Then showed breeded pigs being paraded like circus animals to potential meat companies. Sickening!!! all for $$$. That’s how I found this thread.

    humanity kills animals primarily for $$$ for the thousands of supermarkets and restaurants. Most people take for granted all the meat they eat. They don’t know or care how it got there, as instant gratification provides food on demand.
    As long as there are humans with intellect/technology, easy ways to kill , and $$$$, there will be the breeding, hunting, mistreatment , and killing of innocent animals.

    Its truly sickening and heartbreaking and I wish I could end it all. I would save all the animals and could care less for the humans that hunt, mistreat, or kill animals for profits. They could burn in Hell.

    “Humans are stupid. Ashamed to human.” -Kurt Cobain.

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  • Desiree234

    I feel exactly the same way. The very fact that I have had to google whether this is normal , speaks for itself. I can sob for days if I come across a case of animal cruelty or the unjust death of an animal. I have even come to literally hate all humans except my immediate family due to the pain and that some humans inflict on the purest souls of this universe. It tears me up knowing that people have no mercy for such a vulnerable, defenseless soul.
    I obsess about animals. Whilst every person posts updates of their lives and a new pair of shoes or boyfriend on social media... all I do is watch animal rescue videos and cry myself sick or cute animal videos to brighten my mood. I have this deep jolt of pain in my chest when I hear any sad news regarding an animal yet I could laugh when hearing of murder of humans.

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  • Kchuck303

    I feel the same way and have always been since I was a little girl. I still save insects at 30 years old! I think it's normal but only for empaths. Sometimes I'm guilty that I care more about animals that aren't a part of my life than humans. I could cry on the spot imagining ANY animal suffering.

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  • Mitchier

    I bawled my eyes out today because there is a pigeon that has been walking the neighborhood for days as he has, what looks like, a broken wing. He almost got hit by a car and my stomach got so upset I thought I would throw up. I don't know what I can do for him so I just left food in my yard and hope he gets to it before the other birds do. My heart aches for all the animals who have gotten hit by cars and may lay there suffering before they pass. Humans sometimes suck!!!

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    • Perniciousophelia

      Yes!! That is how I am it just devastates me and causes me physical and emotional's hard to feel like that all the time.

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  • Jayfortune

    I'm actually crying right now. I don't have much to say because you have said it all. You took the words and the emotions and everything right out of me. I love my pets so much it literally hurts and I don't know what kind of person this makes me because I would always, always choose animals over people.

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  • maskofsanity

    I am the exact same way. But I don't just feel sad about cruelty against cats and dogs. I feel sadness towards farm animals and ALL animals that are mistreated. I cannot begin to tell you how much it upsets me. Keep in mind I am a vegetarian.

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  • Nipraparma

    According to Theosophy, the human animal stage is the last level in the organic realm. After that the humans no longer have a physical form and enter realms of light and love. Also theosophy states the humans had have to pass some realms before reaching humanity: Mineral, Vegetable, Animal and finally Human. I think some of us, have emotional memory strong enough to emotionally remember those very , very old ancient days when we were those silly adorable beings, moving around for food and mates. It is important to note the distinction Theosophy makes: we've always been spirits. But when we were animals we had no intelligence and no ego. We had only instincts for survival and intuition to perceive danger or being able to assess other beings next to us. According to Theosophy there were many Earths before the current. Every planet pass through a wheel of evolution and then devolution. The times when we were animals probably were not on this current Earth we so much love. But on another instance of life in a distant planet wich fir these days could be a dead forgotten rock somewhere in deep space. So you better take care of your pet, it could be the little boy from a future humanity that will be assigned to you in some couple of eons when you become what we know as am angel or a superior being of love. Kind regards.

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  • Gehna_kashyap

    I feel the same way. I just get sad and cry all night when I see those videos saying 'Last moments with my dog' or watching commercials in which those poor little innocent souls are crying to be loved. I just wish I could adopt them all. And when Im thinking death of dogs it just gets me... I feel sad and wish that there was someone to love them as I myself am a mom to a Lhasa apso and I wish she would never die and leave me in this horrible world

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  • Melanieam79

    God I thought I was the only person that felt this way about animals as no-one else in my life feels the same. I love them so, so, so, so much

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  • Audie

    You ever see what happens in factory farms? I don't care who you are. There's nothing humane about letting an animal(who DOES feel pain AND emotions) rot in cage with no room to even roll over so its in unthinkable pain and misery until it dies from the suffering. Feeder pigs. And obviously there are many more.

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  • doctormuraki20

    Humans have so many more laws, and other ways to help themselves. poor animals dont a many. Its okay if animals make you cry. but i dont think that any life should be valued more than another human or other wise.

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  • It's good to care for animals. However, there's a line and I believe you've crossed it.

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  • heavenbound77

    Actually , WE are created in Gods image. How sad that you say such hateful things. God created ALL LIVING THINGS in 7 days. We are valued above animals. I am one of the biggest animal lovers there are. Still, I know that animals DO not think as we do. They are not human :(

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    • No one said anything hateful and I'm not really interested in your interpretation of the bible so....thanks

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    • look at my comment above and pls give me one good reason why we should be ranked over other non-human animals!

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  • heavenbound77

    I used to feel that way too. But ever since I realize the value God puts on human lives, I realize that humans are WAY more important than people. I believe that animals don't have the same emotions and feelings we do. It can just seem like they do sometimes. Don't get me wrong, I still love animals, but people are WAY more important :)

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    • Go life in your self-centered way of life and life in a world so anthropocentric but god never intended to make us more important than any other living being he just might have given us the instruction to care for our world and not to be superior to other creatures on this world!

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