Anime and gaming new forms of porn

Do you think anime and games are the new form of porn? Other post on is it normal have asked about them sexualizing women or being addictive. Real porn industry seems to be dying while the fantasy industry is growing fast.

Yes, only because of the addiction 2
Yes, they exploit women sexually and are very addicting 1
Yes, they are worse than porn. They are sexually explicit, addicting, and very violent against women 0
No, they're just games I see nothing sexual or addicting in them 1
No, they do have some sexual content but not like porn, there's no sexual turn on to it 1
No, because it is animated it's not the same as exploiting real people and it's not addicting. 2
No, but I do get turned on and masterbate to them so there are some similarities 0
Anime is but games aren't 0
Games are but anime is not 0
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Comments ( 22 )
  • ibrokemyds

    Personally I think hentai and nsfw games are less harmful than real porn. There’s been more and more people coming out saying they’ve found underaged videos of themselves on porn websites or stories of girls being coerced into doing porn when they signed up for something else like modelling (the girls do porn case is a good example of this.) At least with fictional porn there’s no chance that the ‘actors’ you’re watching actually aren’t consenting. I have some issues with fictional porn as well but overall I think it’s better than irl porn.

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    • I agree on at least it's not against their will or knowledge, however the trade off is the watcher/player is now a part or directing it. Do players walk away wanting to do the same irl.

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      • ibrokemyds

        That’s one of the issues with porn in general, it doesn’t exist in a bubble. If someone watches a lot of porn involving, say, Japanese women they’ll inevitably start to see them less as real people and more as sex objects. But if we’re trying to convince people who watch a lot of porn that it can be harmful you’re a lot more likely to get them to start consuming porn that doesn’t directly harm the women involved than getting them to stop completely. I think the death of the traditional porn industry, while it isn’t the end of the fight, is a victory we should be celebrating.

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  • Clunk42

    You really think that porn games are a "new" concept? MS-DOS had porn games made for it.

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    • Depends on your age or what you're comparing it to. In the world of porn computers are still "new". Although, pornography came around with the invention of photography it was around in painting and live form long before that. It was just considered obscene or art depending on the viewer.

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    • charli.m

      Why do you know so much about porn, zealot bot?

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      • Clunk42

        Well, if we just take a look at, click "search by criteria", change the platform to "DOS", then change the theme to "adult", we can see there are 120 adult DOS games available on My Abandonware alone.

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        • charli.m

          Why are you searching that, self righteous bot? Narrow road getting wider, eh?

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          • Clunk42

            My Abandonware is where I've gotten a whole bunch of DOS games from. I looked at that because I was looking for DOS games and saw that "adult" was one of the themes available for restricting searches on the website. I thought, "Are there actually very many adult DOS games?" It turns out that the answer is yes.

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  • litelander8

    The porn industry is actually doing really well bc of the lockdowns and shit. I don’t know where you get your information from..

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    • Are you talking about stuff filmed basically by amateurs. The real production and industry of porn is still there but the amateurs and free stuff has taken a toll. Print and feature film is not doing well. Xxx stores are more toy and accessories stores than movie or mag stores. If they have survived at all. The industry has change from professional to sleezy filming of the drunk gf or ganging the wife. Yes a big part of that is an industry acting out scrips but the industry has changed drastically.

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    • Somenormie

      Porn industry is always doing well for themselves.

      They always have been.

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      • litelander8


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  • I think it's just a matter of free real estate; the demographic is for younger people to play games, which already have sexualized characters, so a good portion of the population already knows the characters and are horny so it only becomes a matter of time for porn to be created of those characters

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