Annoyed at people thinking adhd is fake or an excuse.
The other day I was debating with someone who belived that adhd is fake and an excuse. Funny thing is after a while he admited to faking it as a kid to get the pills. I have met several people who think this though.
Now I understand that all psychiactric lables are simply a lable for a group of symptoms, but they make these lables for a reason.
Also I would agree that adhd is overdiagnosed and that kids who grow out of it may not have actually had it. Some people claim adhd was invented in the 1980's, however before then it was labled as Hyperkinetic Disorder which required more symptoms to be diagnosed and they lowered the diagnostic threshold to cause overdiagnosis.
I was first diagnosed at about 6 although it was at first inconclusive because I failed to perform and complete the test. Luckly for me my parents decided not to put me on meds (which I am against for children because their brains are still growing) although I was a D/F student throughout school and graduated high school at 22.
Even today I have difficulty holding a job or even watching tv or reading for a while. Even if I force myself to, I will find that I don't recall much of what I watched of read because my mind was elsewhere. I have difficulty paying attention to things Im intrested in too.
I am also often accused of being high on meth too even though I don't do drugs. I have to constantly be doing something to keep from being incredablly bored.