Anorexia = death

Some years back, I wrote a post on here called "anorexia = perfection". This is an update and I'm here to tell you that it actually = death.

I thought I was cured only to find out that the behaviors, which I believed to be subtle, have continued since then. It's been estimated that if I continue this way, I'll be dead in 5 weeks. My weight has been estimated to currently be in the low 90's. I've barely been eating for 4 weeks. I've basically only been eating one yogurt (skyr) per day.

I had my wake up call yesterday. It took me by surprised. My fiancé, who is long-distance (UK), finally was able to get me to wake up. We went down the rabbit hole together and were able to piece the behaviors together. I went to bed terrified that I was going to die of a heart attack. I know I have hurt my fiancé deeply and our relationship has been severely damaged. I am going to get better for the both of us. Yet, the anorexia still has a hold on me. My fiancé is helping me. I know that we can get through it together.

I've experienced: severe hallucinations (akin to Black Swan), severe emaciation, wasted tons of food and money (years), verbally and emotionally lashed out at my fiancé and family, chronic lack of energy, chronic teeth problems, extreme amounts of stress, severe pain in my torso, painful headaches, poor self-esteem and self-hatred, self-destruction, extremely negative thoughts at both myself and my fiancé, distrusting other people's words, throwing food, denying myself foods I wanted - sweets and Asian food (my favourites), throwing foods out because I couldn't deal with them, believing I had food allergies when there were none, believing I was swollen/fat when I was emaciated (my cheeks are sunken, for fuck's sake!), fantasising about being a invalid, wishing to get AIDS so I could lose weight, being obsessed with famines and other conditions that cause emaciation then wishing them on myself, wanting to look like a holocaust survivors, obsessing about diets (not fad diets), anger, believing I HAD to eat, what I believed to be, large quantities of food or else some unspecified bad thing would happen, controlling all aspects of my life and not allowing much progress to be made, actually digging candy out of the trash to eat, obsessing about the latest superfood, etc. I can put the rest in a comment below. I want to cry.

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Comments ( 13 )
  • Pussy_Destroyer_69

    Search help. If you don't do that everyone in your life will leave you. Be brave, for your sake and for your loved ones' sake.

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    • Avant-Garde

      You're wrong. My fiancé won't leave me.

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      • Pussy_Destroyer_69

        Well, I did. I gave her an ultimatum. She said she would go to see a therapist. She didn't and now she's alone.

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        • Avant-Garde

          Well, I'm sorry it wasn't able to work out between you. I wish the both of you well.

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          • Pussy_Destroyer_69

            Don't be sorry. People choose their own paths and she chose her's. Just try your best to don't pick the one that ends with you dying or something like that, alright?

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            • Avant-Garde

              Thank you. I won't choose the wrong path.

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      • Avant-Garde

        Who the fuck thumbed down the comment where I said my fiancé would never leave me? I wasn't lying. My fiancé my not like my emaciated appearance, but she still loves me regardless. Some people can't wrap their heads around real love and it's sad. I wish everyone will be able to experience real love like this.

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  • Why are you not in the hospital?

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    • Avant-Garde

      I don't trust doctors. I have a lot of bad experiences there, especially with my eating issues. My fiancé is the one who made the estimates. One of the things that angers me the most is my family's complacency. How could they see me look like this and my behavior for so long? My mother was put in the hospital for anorexia and I was threatened to be put there too , but it may have been made in a more jokey manner. This same person, my grandmother, throughout the years, has worsened and been the cause of these behaviors in the both of us.

      Aside from online, my fiancé is the only other person who I can trust to share this with. It's too risky to share it with others. People will treat you like a criminal.

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      • Mark92

        Do you expect people here could help? see a therapist! Anorexia is a deadly disorder, you would end up extremely underweight and heven have hypoglycemia and have some irreversible brain damage and fall in coma like this poor woman and later die whilst in coma:

        Please dont expect people to help here, ive known you for a long while Avant-Garde and you should know by now no user here are medically qualified specialists that can help. Out of so many immature people here, you are one of the most matured I know of. See a therapist ASAP!

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        • Avant-Garde

          TBH, I really didn't post this for advice. My fiancé and I wanted to spread awareness. I'm eating now and I'm able to see through most of the disorders tricks. My fiancé keeps letting me know I'm still emaciated. I look in the mirror or at myself outside of one and I see a swollen (in the face), bloated in the stomach, muscular, person. If that even makes sense. Like my arms still look like as though they have muscles. I can feel flab where there is none. I've been eating a good extended lunch today.

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          • Mark92

            Its good that you are spreading awareness, and I really appreciate you for that. But you also need to help yourself overcome your own crisis. Start therapy immediately and hopefully you will be back to normal and simultaneously you can help spread messages of the dangers of anorexia. I wish you all the best, both in a healthy recovery and in your goal in spreading anorexia awareness, take care :)...

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      • I don’t think anyone will treat you with anything but caring and respect. Go to the hospital to get your body healthy, then your mind. They will help you.

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