Anti aging drugs theory

Oded here, Lets say medical science has created a one time dose drug which in turn freezes your aging process. The age you freeze at is the age you remain. Would you freeze your age of what you are now? Would you wait until a certain age of choice at a later date to freeze your age? If so, what age? Or would you not freeze your age?

I would freeze my age later 10
I would not freeze my age 9
I would freeze my age now 24
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Comments ( 12 )
  • fawnygggg

    yeah stop aging as i am now. i want to preserve my health and physical ability at it's peak. experience comes with time, not appearance. if you need to age in order to humble yourself then that's just sad, you can grow as a person regardless of what you look like

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  • Cuntsiclestick

    I'd like to freeze my age now. I'm 27 and would like to stay that way.

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  • thegypsysailor

    Too late for me. No way I'd want to continue at this age. I've had an absolutely grand life, so I'm OK with the end when it comes.

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  • flyingnostalgia

    NO! Absolutely not, because the arrogance of someones youth will never pass unless one age. There have to be natural process of aging to become humble. Of course one is in better physical health if one is young, but there is a wisdom and knowledge which comes while one age that is far better then youth or staying at the same age for many years. Thats is what i think.

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    • Steven_Glansberg

      Normally that would be the case, but thegypsysailor is an exception to the rule. He actually gets more arrogant, less wise, and less knowledgeable as he ages

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      • thegypsysailor

        As if you have the wisdom to judge anyone. Back to the sandbox, Stevie.

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        • Steven_Glansberg

          When a 69 year old feels the need to defend himself on a juvenile internet forum with childish insults like "go back to the sandbox", thats when you KNOW, without a DOUBT, that he lacks wisdom! LOL

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          • thegypsysailor

            If all your posts weren't so silly and childish, a sandbox might not have come to mind so readily.
            Honestly, I can just picture you sitting in the sand, filling your little bucket with sand and then emptying it over and over again.
            Gawd forbid any little girls join you in the sandbox, for you'd surely go crying to mamma and hide under her skirts.

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      Oded here, very well put. I appreciate a good debate. So let us talk about your knowledge and wisdom theory. It is a good theory however one flaw I see. As we grow and live life and such, we experience being part of evolution. As freezing your age will prevent aging, one would still live day to day life, living and learning as anyone else would. Back one time, we didn't know what a computer was. Now look. Pocket computers. You'd get the same scenario only age will stay the same.


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