I Find that When ever some one starts talking about god.. I get so F**king P**sed About it.. I can never help it but i ALWAYS HAVE TO Step in and Shove my Philosophy Down there Throughts Cause There So Nieve
God is a Bunch of BullS**t That Some People Came Up with As An Excuse For What they Couldn't explain..
Now my intention is NOT To Make Religous Personal Anger er to offend anyone Period.
But I Live in a Free County I'm Aloud to Be What ever Religon I Want
But People still Descriminate Agenst me for being Athest
People still Judge Me One it
People Still Glare at me Because of it
and People Try to spoon feed me there Pilosophy..
Look i've Read the Bible infact i've read 4 differnt versons of it.. i've had conversations with Preists and Bishops and Such But The Whole "God" Theory Is Just to Made Up for me to follow.. I was educated before decideing God wasn't real and the Devil isn't real..
so i do know what i'm doing But People Still Go At me For It.. i Was Even Beat up Once By Some Angery Catholics Because We got into a Fight about it and I won the verbal debate and it made them mad So They Beat the Crap outta Me and I ended up in the hospital.. Now
Tell me Is that Even Right ?? I live in america I'm Suppost to be able to believe what i want.. and People Still Judge you on that and Hate you for it.. Now i Dare Someone to tell me Thats Okay
Because I don't care who you are thats Just NOT Right