
I Find that When ever some one starts talking about god.. I get so F**king P**sed About it.. I can never help it but i ALWAYS HAVE TO Step in and Shove my Philosophy Down there Throughts Cause There So Nieve
God is a Bunch of BullS**t That Some People Came Up with As An Excuse For What they Couldn't explain..
Now my intention is NOT To Make Religous Personal Anger er to offend anyone Period.
But I Live in a Free County I'm Aloud to Be What ever Religon I Want
But People still Descriminate Agenst me for being Athest
People still Judge Me One it
People Still Glare at me Because of it
and People Try to spoon feed me there Pilosophy..

Look i've Read the Bible infact i've read 4 differnt versons of it.. i've had conversations with Preists and Bishops and Such But The Whole "God" Theory Is Just to Made Up for me to follow.. I was educated before decideing God wasn't real and the Devil isn't real..
so i do know what i'm doing But People Still Go At me For It.. i Was Even Beat up Once By Some Angery Catholics Because We got into a Fight about it and I won the verbal debate and it made them mad So They Beat the Crap outta Me and I ended up in the hospital.. Now
Tell me Is that Even Right ?? I live in america I'm Suppost to be able to believe what i want.. and People Still Judge you on that and Hate you for it.. Now i Dare Someone to tell me Thats Okay
Because I don't care who you are thats Just NOT Right

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Comments ( 37 )
  • jrphotographer

    Religion is crap. All lies.

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  • maffi

    Okay, yeah. I reaaalllyyy despise when people just go on & on about their god & all this crap about stuff that isn't real, but I think you're way too... Passionate about this. Take a deep breath, dude. Don't listen to those god freaks, they're not worth it!

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  • jen79

    thank you for standing up for what you believe in. im not on the god thing right now or the "universe" crap. so what do people like us do?

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  • billabongsport

    I'm Atheist too.
    I feel your pain, bruvah.

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  • pringlehopper

    I know where your coming from, I'm atheist living in the bible belt, but you we also complaining about how people hate you for being atheist and saying "this is a free country I can believe what I want" while saying that you hate religious people. Thats kind of contradictory really. It's good to know that you looked at both sides of the argument though. Do you like the religious debate?

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    • Sweet_peaches101

      Yes I Find the Religous Debate to be Really Interesting.. BUT It gets me all hyped up and it ends up being more of a verbal fight then a debate

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  • Racoon

    Anyway , to all the atheist, WHO THE FUCK DO YOU THINK YOU ARE?!

    You hate religious persons preaching to you and forcing you to belive in god but you do the exact same fucking thing about it's non-existance!

    Kind of ironic, to pig-headed groups in contradiction trying to win on both sides

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    • burrrr

      i feel religious ppl do it waaaaaay more find god blah blah blah we never say forget god

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    • chaskins

      better response than what I could've come up with.
      You deserve a froggy treat!

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  • i hate people like you as much as religious people and it's NOT because i'm a agnostic i hate them too

    i'm more of a i don't give a fuck but if i had to pick i'd be athiest but i don't care what i am or what you are

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  • Nogoodusernames

    If you would i will be willing to have a peacefull-clean debate. I am willing to side with eaither christianity or islam. Please do not insult me or my god and i will be willing to debate with you.

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  • Hooviva

    This is morally corrupt I tell you! I never imagined the ignorance of a Catholic going so far as to beat you up because you don't believe in God! My plot for world domination is on the atheist's side: vote as to whether we should ban the way of life of a Catholic.

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  • lacrosse


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  • chicken471bologna

    Yes that is normal but I think the part about you talking to bishops and getting your ass beat is just...


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  • syndicate383

    "I was educated"

    Learn to put that "education" to use and not look like a tool bag when you type. Yes, Religion is BS.

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  • i also hate how people bring religion into stuff, like when my uncle lost his keys me and my cuzon helped him look for them for an hour and then he said, spencer, my cousin, say a prayer. i was trying not to laugh because it was so stupid and i didnt want to offend anyone but i didnt participate in the prayer. to me religion is bullshit, even if there was a god he wants to see how we do on our own not by his principles so he can judge us on our morals.

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  • Malfoy

    The idea that god exists is not impossible but ridiculous anyway. I think you should get over it and stop whining, just accept that some people are more "black" than others.

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  • reddawn17

    yes its all bs. however many people aren't able to coap with all the bullshit in life and have to convince themselves of anything to get by. they are dependent on it and completely convince themselves that it is the only plausible concept and following such religions teaches them that they have to recruit all others to save them from eternal damnation. It's best just to think of them the same as a homeless crack head holding a sign that says "teh end is naer" they're pretty much retarded in the sense that they can't percieve anything beyond what they force themselves to believe or else they would come to realizations about their life and the state of the world that would probably cause them to have a nervous breakdown.
    so rather than getting angry just feel sorry for them they pretty much have a disease.

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  • weird_one

    im on your side, religion is for people who cant let go of imaginary friends and grow up.

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  • mattjay

    There are loads more athiests out there than is widely believed.

    You are normal. It is understandable to get frustrated at people's ignorance/naivete/pig headedness.

    I'm not going to go into the whys and wherefores.

    The point is, even though you get frustrated and angry at these people, you must not treat them disrespectfully. Often, these people have been indoctrinated by their parents through seemigly benign religious inheritence. if you had been born in saudi arabia to islamic parents and had been indoctrinated to believe in god from year one, you would not be an atheist.

    You are lucky for being enlightened and free. It is natural to want to try and open other people's eyes. it's the same for religious people, who seek to convert others because they beleive they are right.

    I recommend finding an internet forum to discuss this and argue your case there. It's somewhere to take your frustrations out

    and unless someone is trying to shove their religion down your throat, I broadly recommend keeping your views to yourself. wage the the battle of ideas from within

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  • CalvinNHobbes

    I am ex Christian. I think you are awesome, by your post. Email me brutal (dot) conversions AT ya! com

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  • insertcreativeusername

    You say God is made up because we couldn't explain things. Obviously if we can't explain things, then WE didn't make the world, which means there's a GOD or a higher power (god) WHO DID. But calm down, you're like an over-excited Christian, only of course in the opposite direction. Do you really want to be like that? and here's some two cents for you today: SCREW YOUR EDUCATION. It doesn't mean shit.

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  • jenniferdp

    it's "throats" and "naive." for GOD'S sake. Poor spelling makes baby Jesus cry! LMAO

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  • This_charming_man

    how i hate Dawkins and Hitchens, but i also hate theologians like Alister Magrath, and others in that league. basically how can you promote unproven belief systems? i am atheist myself but smarter men than me have believed in god, so who am i to judge? each to their own i say. oh and by the way, if you call a bunch of catholic's stupid, what do you think the result of that might be?
    most books written on religion today are too preachy, and i do understand that after reading the old testament it can anger you when people say that god is all loving. yet if you are just as intolerant as them, exactly in what way do you differ?

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  • NoNamePlease

    I'm not as violently angry about religion as you are, but I do understand your views. People who are devoted to ONE religion DO think that THEIR religion is the ONE RIGHT religion. Just like people who have children think that their kids can do no wrong (I'm a teacher...sorry). It's a self-righteous thing. If people/humanity spent as much energy, money and concern as they do on religion on society as a whole, I think the world would be a much better place to live.

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  • icannevertell

    I felt the exact same way for a while. I am Atheist as well, and believe me, I HATE being judged and treated poorly! By judging and discriminating, those Christians and other religious folk are definitely working against their beliefs. Their "God" would never do those things. I am so sorry to hear you got beaten up by those Catholics. Just because you won the debate is no excuse for them to retaliate so violently. Nobody can get you to change your beliefs, and the fact that you stick with what you feel and are able to speak about it are both great qualities.

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  • MidnightBlossom

    Im sort of athiest. I don't believe in God and Im very educated about it like you.
    I'd love to have a fight with a strong christian about it, but only for fun.
    You shouldn't take it seriously. Don't try to change people's beliefs. Although I know it's not real, it does great good. It changes people, and for that, I respect the churches. But mostly I despise their beliefs.
    So don't bother with those people, cause they can believe whatever the hell they want and waste their lives. So don't waste yours opposing them.
    Hope this was helpful!

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  • CookieDemons

    Everyone is allowed their own view. Noone is wrong, noone is right, it's all oppinions. It's okay to tell people your oppinions, but it's not to force that view on someone else, or to claim that you are right about what you say.

    The world doesn't revolve around you sunshine.

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  • candysweetemo

    well...i have to agree with you in a way that God might not exist.
    I am raised a Catholic and will remain to be. But for me, God is more of a force that holds all humans in line. It is like the law. Law gives us boundaries and freedom. So is "God". If you look at all the religions, they share a common goal, common laws, common reward and punishment and common big entity that is supposed to uphold the judgment because we humans, like to judge and be judged. Why do we have this competitions anyway if we don't want to be judged. It is just either a good, bad, right or wrong judgment.
    however, i believe that we should keep faith and morality within a foot distance right? they will never be separate, as one thing causes another but a least we know where we should stand.
    Good luck with you new-found "ANTI-RELIGION". as long as you don't commit an anti-norm, then youre in clear

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  • brad015

    i am a christian and anyone who does that by beating someone up because what they believe in can't call them self a christian or a religious person at all. sure i may not be the best role model of the christian life but i hate it when a non-religious person get religion shoved down there throats it is completely stupid. and by the way i have a few atheist friends and I'd punch someone out if that happened to them. first of all because their my friends and because Canada and USA are both free countries believe in wut you want. so intern people who do that to you is not religious at all.

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  • any religious talk pisses me off especially atheist

    i'm getting to the point where i hate athiests even more than religious people and I'M AN ATHIEST

    but if it makes you happy i'll call myself a baptist, or a muslum, or a fucking JEW i just dont give a shit anymore

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  • To the poster:

    Look you said you get angry when people talk about God, and yet you are angry because they get angry when you say there is no God, right? Is this not a double standard?

    You must live in a predominately catholic area and I'm so sorry you have to deal with that, but you can't shove your beliefs down people's throats if that is the very same thing they try to do to you. Best advice I can give would be try a different approach or avoid the argument all together.

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  • AverageTMcFlannigan

    Believe whatever you want, sure, but when you start being all confrontational about it and an overall jackass, don't be surprised when someone gets angry enough to beat you down.

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  • animalcracker

    so you think that when u die its game over?? Haha, death is only the beggining. one day ull understand.

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  • kia106


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  • I am Christian.
    God bless you all.
    By the way,if you say there's no God,Who created you?
    Monkey ; But who created the monkey?

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    • Nerifes

      i love it when religious people advance some glib cosmological argument like "oh, well, you say humans are evolved primates, BUT WHO CREATED THE PRIMATES?"

      the same argument can be and IS made regarding god. if you want to judge this on the basis of causal relationships, you'll find that an infinite regress will inevitably result. this gets you nowhere.

      but this is not relevant at this point. the original poster's symptoms are completely normal and worthy of respect. advocating atheism has to take a lot of critical thought in the face of all the dogma surrounding us, and i daresay that you're that much smarter for it.

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