Anxiety !!!

Ok so I'm constantly anxious especially when I'm in a car I'm always waiting for a horrible thing to happen and on the weekends I'm home alone and I'm always waiting to see if someone tries to break in and hurt me the only way I can relax myself is if I'm smoking and I hate smoking I don't know what to this normal?

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53% Normal
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Comments ( 12 )
  • chrisgopher2003

    don't take medication. Read books, relax yourself. If someone breaks in and tries to kill you, fuck it, you got shit luck and you die eventually anyways. don't let it freak you out. Life is all in the mind, you can control it.

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  • cannibus14

    friend you have general anxiety disorder. there's medications for that

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    • and its called marijuana/pot

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      • Aleks85

        Wrong, marijuana makes it worse. How do I know, I have anxiety/panic disorder.

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        • thats why you only smoke a tiny bit at a time

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  • sassafrassi

    If it's bothering you then it's not normal.

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  • joybird

    Just make sure the doors are locked and you have your cell phone handy. Maybe you could consider getting a dog to be with you at home. It's good to be aware of your situation but this may be a tad unrealistic.

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  • Megid

    Paranoia, to me it's normal, but it's not healthy.

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  • karmasAbich

    My girlfriend does this. I think its your analytical side of your brain over seeing the rational side of your brain. It males total sense. Hope things get better for you and im sure they will. Good luck!

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  • p0c0no

    I have anxiety as well as a bunch of other things that pretty much rid all of my social ability and save that part of my brain for capacity. Also, I know this sounds a little uncomfortable, but mabye tell one or two people you trust. Parents, Gf/Bf, siblings, etc. I know because I have experienced this sort of stuff and worse. Trust me :D. Oh and michael.. that's terrible advice. Smoking can do some TERRIBLE things to you.

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  • well smoke anyways and get over it

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  • violetgrape

    you are attracting the wrong things in your life.stop.(law of attraction)

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