Anxiety around females, normal around males?

I'm 18, a senior in high school, and I'm realizing I've only been completely comfortable around guys ever since the 7th grade. From then to now I've either hung out with boys....or girls who were tomboys. Ocassionaly, I would meet a really nice, extremely feminine girl to talk to, but I was never truly able to open up to them.

By this age, I think it's bad for me because now when I'm around unfamiliar women, I automatically feel anxiety or shyness. I get extremely uncomfortable when I have to work with them in groups during class. And I can definitely talk to a male teacher more than a female teacher. My best friend is a guy (he's gay.) and my other best friend is a female, but with masculine tendencies.

People ask if I'm a lesbian or something, but I know I'm not. Believe me I LOVE MEN in a very obvious way, so it's not that;Plus I am shy around the guys that I do like.
I think many girls think I'm a slut, or that I'm too conceited to speak to them, but It's not like that.
(Imagine this too. I'm a African american girl, and I hang in a group of cacausian guys, all jokesters. XD It definitely sticks out. )

I'll be graduating soon, and I'm a bit worried if this will affect my future. The high school environment, or so I've been told, is one of a kind. Is it just a phase, or should I probably start conditioning myself to get used to females for college? If so, how would I do this?

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Comments ( 9 )
  • Shackleford96

    O_o totally thought you were a dude at first.

    I think it's normal. Girls can be pretty intimidating sometimes. Just try finding something you both have in common and talk about that.

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    • Shackleford96

      By the way, looking back on this, you still seem to have a high school mentallity about the college experience. Social acceptance is certainly not as important as you're thinking it might be. You can still make good friends if you want to, so definitely don't let that discourage you. If you don't get along great with the other girls though, it really doesn't matter because that's not as important this time around.

      The best advice i can give you is to just do what you enjoy and try to be happy :)

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      • Thankyou >:-D This was really helpful. I'llbe going to college in the fall so i was a bit concerned. It's good knowing its not important as I thought

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        • Shackleford96

          You are welcome, i am glad to have helped :)

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  • RileyG

    why do people your age call girls and guys "males" and "females" it's so dumb...

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  • regisphilbin

    girls are mean so i don't blame you for being uncomfortable. guys usually are more accepting.

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  • FredSumper23

    Perfectly normal to be afraid of females. Most (not all) are evil and vicious. I have met 3 exceptions though so I know how you feel. (I feel like this reply makes no sense but I'll post it anyways. If it doesn't makes sense tell me how and I'll change it)

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  • ilikeyou

    I think it's normal too. I realized recently that I'm terrified of girls the same age as me. I'm convinced that when I meet other girls my age, that they hate me no matter how normal and appealing I try to be. I have a good circle of girl friends but until recently they were ALL girls that I had known for a long time. I was worried about this when I started college because there was only a handful of girls in my course. They all 'clicked' instantly and I thought they thought I was strange but after being forced to be with them for a few months I'm really good friends with them! I think I need to spend longer than usual with other girls to get on well with them. Maybe you're the same. You shouldn't worry about it affecting your future!

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    • Coolieo

      Me too..

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