Anxiety attack over a phone

I cracked my phone screen. And I feel so sad and down. Like, I seriously do. I just got this phone a couple of months ago. I love this phone so much and now the screen is cracked! If I deeply think about it I feel like I'll cry! Ugh. It costs too much to repair it too, so I'll have to wait a while. It's going to hurt looking at my phone like this.

*No mean comments please. I'll just delete them.

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Comments ( 14 )
  • DangerousPotatoGuy

    chill out, you can... jump off your bed... up and down... shouting "I'm awesome"?

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  • Phishy

    Hm, sounds pretty bad. I feel so sorry for you. And so do the 6,000 hungry children who die every day in 3rd world countries.

    Seriously, grow up. It's just a phone.

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    • Energy


      The classic "your problems don't matter, people have bigger problems" argument. Shake my head. Just because other people also have problems, bigger ones, doesn't mean the op's aren't any more valid.

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    • lolol555

      If people can't be sad because they're others sadder, then people can't be happy because others are happier.

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      • HelloMotto7

        Exactly. I hate when people say that. Like you don't know me. I donate every year. Just because those things are happening doesn't mean I must be happy all the time.

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  • howaminotmyself

    Really? That is sad. Sad because you got emotional over a material object. Youll get a new phone and in the meantime maybe you can get upset when you get a stain on your $300 coat. Because life is over at that point.

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  • I know how u feel I lost a 14k gold earring and walked like 2 miles backtracking to find it, never did. I know its just an earring. but you still feel a loss. I know this sounds stupid, but pretend it's not a crack but a stain or something. maybe that will help?

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  • candybee

    I had anxiety for months when my computer screen got slightly discolored due to a windex accident. I'm still in denial about it.

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  • IsitUnique

    Is this how girls feel when they break it? I thought they just go "whateva" Man I need to leave the ghetto.

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    • HelloMotto7

      Uhhh, okay?

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  • gummy_jr

    I thought you meant that you have an anxiety attack while talking on the phone...

    You should have thought the title through

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  • Shackleford96

    What kind of phone is it?

    Here's a neat website:

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    • HelloMotto7

      HTC one m7 and I already called them. I have one near by. They said they don't five my phone anymore because it's too hard to fix. Ughhhh

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      • Shackleford96

        Well that sucks. Get a new phone.

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