Anxiety in public
Today I decided to go shopping and got all dressed up. I left the house and drove to the shopping center and right when I got there I got anxious. I haven't really been out by myself (for the hell of it) in awhile. It took twenty minutes to get there so I couldn't just drive back because my roommate would think I was an idiot. So I walked around anxious as hell like a dumbass, couldn't bring myself to walk into any of the stores and then left. I thought I would be okay but I wasn't.
I even find it difficult to take my dog outside and dread it on a daily basis. I'm uncomfortable in places I'm not familiar with (which is almost everywhere besides home and work) or where I don't know who will be around. I'm not a recluse. I work and I do hang out at a few places by myself but I always have this underlying feeling of dread or that something bad might happen at any moment so I have to be on guard.
People have said I just have to keep facing my fears and it will get better but it hits a plateau. I can go to work but my anxiety levels almost always at a 10. I can sit in a coffee shop but I sit there rigidly, paranoid that I'm being watched so I constantly peek over my shoulder to calm myself down. I can drive but I dread red lights where the person next to me could be looking at me or I constantly flinch at anything I perceive could go wrong.
is it normal that I can't get over this fear?