Anxiety/power of th mind

Right guys I'm at the end of my tether,for the past year now if developed and have some kind of mental disorder or just an obstruction in my life. I used to work I a cafe and It was a very high paced environment and I felt very lik agitated eventually I just became really closed off and a bit socially awkward which is ridiculous for me because I have th most outgoing personality you could meet. But now it's really destroying me I can't even describe how weird it is , I just feel very alert agitated and intense when I talk with people and I always say to myself oh this won't be awkward now and then it's just the in my head .im trying to win I took a waitressing job so I could purposely meet people and try to relax but I even feel it with my family.i always mentally run through a situation before it happens and say no it won't be awkward I will be myself and then boom I'm not relaxed,I've also noticed if become really withdrawn from usuall activities like I know I'm present but my minds not fully there and please do not say ddeprasion because I'm happy as ever ..I don't know how this has happened but I cannot deal with it any more. If anyone can help me please or guide me in some direction I would be for grateful

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Comments ( 9 )
  • yonduudonta

    Depression and sadness is like cars and tires they're related but there's more to depression than sadness as there's more to a car than tires it can also be the cause of irritability anger brain fog and other exiting prizes. It's more likely you could have an anxiety disorder or just be stressed out beyond your ability to cope. I hope I've helped in some way. Hope you find a way to manage.

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  • Digsbie

    Think they are saying might be part of why ur feeling the way u do. Is there anyone u can talk to, a good friend, counselor maybe pastor or priest? Its good that u understand urself so well that u want to get over how ur feeling now. How long since u've seen a doctor? Good luck and hope things work out for u

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  • bittermayonnaise

    give up sugar, carbohydrates processed food.

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    • yonduudonta

      Agreed food intolerances can do it gluten allergies can cause a slew of issues even neurological ones.

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    • Lifeistooshorttotakeseriously

      Sounds excellent! Could you share a program? A website you'd recommend for more information or weekly meal plans etc.

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      • bittermayonnaise

        It's simple just eat veg, meat, dairy, drink only water.

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        • Lifeistooshorttotakeseriously

          Hmmm ok thankyou will research the link.

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    • I don't understand why ? Obviously they are bad for you but that has no relevance here

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      • bittermayonnaise

        I've had mental health problems my whole life, I started the diet 2 months ago, my nightmares have stopped and I'm not getting episodes of depression and anxiety, I don't get tired in the afternoons and sleep better at night. The only thing I can attribute the change to is my diet, nothing else has changed and I'm not on medication.

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