Anxiety ridden over therapy, iin?

I recently found out about some disturbing aspects of my childhood and due to suggestions from some users on here I've decided to go see a therapist.

I found myself a potential therapist a couple of months ago and I consulted this person via email. I have gotten a good "vibe" from this person and I've been preparing myself to make an appointment for hopefully sometime this month. However, I am very nervous. My last doctor in psychology was a psychiatrist who really did not have my best interests in mind. He was a truly horrible person. Needless to say, I'm worried about how my relationship with this new therapist will be.

What if this new therapist doesn't like me? What if I don't like her? I know that if this were the case that I would have every right to end things and look for another therapist but I fear hurting this person's feelings. So, if the situation were to arise, I'd most likely keep my feelings to myself. I know that usually first impressions are EVERYTHING so, I'm worried that I might make an ass of myself or some other social mistake. I'm worried again about potentially avoiding or being unable to talk about the main reason I came there. This person is rather liberal when it comes to certain things like dual relationships (no sex, of course), but it makes me slightly uncomfortable over the possibility of things becoming awkward or possible romantic feelings. I don't want to this person to have to lose their job! (Etc.)

Is it normal?

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76% Normal
Based on 21 votes (16 yes)
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Comments ( 7 )
  • flowergirl87

    Yes, it's normal, don't worry! You do sound very anxious. So the fact you're going to go and try it out is brave and admirable. I'm sure that after the first session, your anxiety over this will reduce. It's extremely considerate of you to think about their feelings as well and I can relate to that. I would have a similar thought, only it wouldn't take me over, if you see what I mean. You don't sound very confident in yourself but as time goes on and as you move on, I'm sure it will grow. You will gain great personal growth from this time coming up in your life if you keep an open mind and be honest with yourself. You must be honest with them and with yourself. I'm sure you get what I mean. And it's ok to be anxious, don't be hard on yourself about that. Just try and stay focused on your goal. Lastly, take a deep breath : )

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  • RomeoDeMontague

    Why I do not generally go to therapy. This is the issue with 90 percent of therapists. They label anything and everything as an issue. You can not go into an office and not have an issue. "Well my dad died so I was sad for a few weeks". CLINICAL DEPRESSION! No you were grieving. Everyone grieves. You go in saying "My child is hyper all the time". well how old is your child? 8? ADD! No probobly not. Children are suppose to be hyper. If you were not such a lazy parent you would put them in some extra curricular activity. That would tire them out and they would be sleeping instead of running up the walls. Well I have straight As but not many friends and people pick on me for being smart. "Well you must have Autism.(Alright Autism is a real one. However children generally will pick on people for these type of things in high school). My kid seems happy even when they should be sad. "Well clearly they are manic depressant". Are you really bitching your kid is happy? Also if whatever happened in your past is done why dwell? You clearly were never bothered by it till someone said something. Meaning it probobly was not something that have great importance to begin with. If everyone tells you that you have problems it does not mean you always have one. If people pick on the nerd for being smart should they make themselves stupid? You know from experience these type of doctors do not have your best interest at heart. So why bother? By the way being nervous about seeing any type of doctor is normal. However you are probobly going to be labeled with anxiety issues for not being super calm. However if you are too calm they will label you as "Mentally disturbed". They do not take into account your present situation when they do these diagnoses. Take this from someone who had to deal with this bull their whole life. You are not safe my friend. Entering that office is a death sentence. Unless you have type of severe mental illness that cant get worse or truly are disturbed its not for you. They might help the sick. However if you are not sick they will still group you in with all those people. They just assume all the world is sick. If you are sick "Great" since they already assumed so. However if you are not yet you will be ill in a week. Also trust me these idiots cant lose their jobs. They are the police of sanity. If you determine what is sane its kind of hard to fire you. They are like gods.

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    • Avant-Garde

      There are some things that I obviously need to explain.

      1. I have got to see someone. No one told me that I had a problem in regards to this. I am the one who found out by accident that I had been sexually abused by my grandmother as a child. It is still a problem for me. This person is violent and while she stopped abusing me in that regard, she has had a long career as a motherfucking teacher. She works in a trusted position of power over minors. I find it incredibly disturbing that no one seems to know about this. I can't allow her to hurt anymore children. She is still in my life due to means beyond my control. I need to tell a professional. I need to have some form of witness, some form of support. Someone that can tell the authorities.

      2. I have other problems that have made my life (I don't know how to describe the right word) as well as some health issues. Something needs to be done because I can't keep living like this.

      3. I think you are mixing up therapists with psychiatrists. Therapists believe in actually solving issues and treating the person as a whole.

      4. I have contacted this person and I have a good feeling. I am going to go ahead as plan and try to get an appointment hopefully for next week.

      The only people who have really told me that I have problems were immediate family and users on her. Doctors or offline friends never did because they never knew. I was forbidden to let people know that I remotely had "problems" nor was I allowed to extensively tell them the truth.

      I do have to agree on over diagnosing people. Not only is that an annoying problem area with this country but there is also the over prescribing of dangerous laboratory made pills. I understand that for some these "medications" have actually helped but for some, like myself, they have caused more harm then good.

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  • RoseIsabella

    Dual relationships?

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    • Avant-Garde

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  • I hate therapy. I can see why someone would be anxiety ridden.

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  • thegypsysailor

    Boy, you're in a lose/lose situation.
    I guess if you think you need therapy then obsessing over this too is logical, but so unnecessary.
    All of it is so unnecessary, though. Whatever happened in your childhood is in the past. Accepting it and understanding that it was probably not your fault is a simple way to move on without help. But if you choose to let it ruin your life and any attempt you make to overcome it is overshadowed by further obsessing, then what are you gaining?
    It's all about what you'd like your life to be like, and what you must do to achieve it.

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