Anxiety ridden over therapy, iin?
I recently found out about some disturbing aspects of my childhood and due to suggestions from some users on here I've decided to go see a therapist.
I found myself a potential therapist a couple of months ago and I consulted this person via email. I have gotten a good "vibe" from this person and I've been preparing myself to make an appointment for hopefully sometime this month. However, I am very nervous. My last doctor in psychology was a psychiatrist who really did not have my best interests in mind. He was a truly horrible person. Needless to say, I'm worried about how my relationship with this new therapist will be.
What if this new therapist doesn't like me? What if I don't like her? I know that if this were the case that I would have every right to end things and look for another therapist but I fear hurting this person's feelings. So, if the situation were to arise, I'd most likely keep my feelings to myself. I know that usually first impressions are EVERYTHING so, I'm worried that I might make an ass of myself or some other social mistake. I'm worried again about potentially avoiding or being unable to talk about the main reason I came there. This person is rather liberal when it comes to certain things like dual relationships (no sex, of course), but it makes me slightly uncomfortable over the possibility of things becoming awkward or possible romantic feelings. I don't want to this person to have to lose their job! (Etc.)
Is it normal?