Anxious about death?

I am so glad I stumbled upon this site. For the couple months now, I've been researching about anxiety, panic attacks and THE FEAR OF DEATH! I have to admit, I probably getting the most use of my IPad and cell phone because of these----just constantly researching about my personal problem of death.

I have read about other's concerning the same fear, and I am so happy knowing I am not the only one who suffers from. I also want to share my battles with it and how I am coping with it. Heck, we can be together on this journey; on how we are feeling when that thoughts come, how we are going to deal with it, and overcoming IT!

It all began with when my mother died to stoke at age 67 last December 2013. When she was alive, I knew it would come someday that she will pass away but it would happened at her late 80's. But, she died suddenly! I was so heartbroken because I was very close to her, then I started having panic attacks, anxiety and depression. It has been a year now since she past away and I thought it would get better but it isn't. My anxiety worsen, and for the Las two months, Death start creeping in every day! Whenever I things for people, even the tough of calling love ones, looking after my own family, and spending time with friends that thought of death will start creeping in, almost like it's trying to justify or contain my desire to do all the things is because I'm going to die soon!!! WTH right?

There are days when I don't even try to be a friend, a lover, a mom, a sister, an aunt anymore. I would just let that fear succumbed me! Whenever I let it, it's stopping me from enjoying the things I love because I am so scared of Death as it eels like it just in front of me.

No, it's not an easy battle. I just want it to stop and I can't wait for it to go away for good! Remembering who I was before this all began is helping me to cope with it. Reading about it a lot helps knowing that I'm not the only one who suffers is comforting. I realize is just a FEAR but it can't take over me because I am bigger than fear, and for you, who are going through the same issue, YOU are bigger than it.

I know it's going to be a long journey for me. How I am going to face it? Recognize that it is an issue I must overcome, I will not let it run my life and I need to be strong mentally and physically. It's going to be tough and starts to remind myself my purpose in this life and what matters to me.

I will write more soon.

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Comments ( 10 )
  • (s)aint

    I´ve been anxious about dying since I was like 7. I can´t remember anything that would explain it but I try to push the fear away and not think about it.

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    • Lyva

      I am trying to live my life as normal, making times to do do the things I enjoy and try not to think about it. I am slowly getting back to exercising and eating healthy too which i find its helping a bit. Its not easy but im trying. Writing little goals and accomplishing them helps too. It seems to help me find purpose to carry on. I will be seeing a psychologist soon too.

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      • (s)aint

        You should since it´s affecting a larger part of your life. Mine strikes me when I´m about to go to sleep and usually when I´m alone (Which is why it´s so crippling, working on a strategy to push it away however)

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  • Poor  Jeb

    Too long didnt read

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    • bakerjd1993

      you're a dick.

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  • myrealthoughts

    So so glad there's people that are feeling the same as me ... I try research death now to try detach all my emotions from the thought because it's all so overwhelming for me to deal with. I'm 22 and I'm like worrying about death coming already, my death, my boyfriends, my families ... I just don't know what to do to stop having these thoughts and I know death can't be stopped but it's fustrating and upsetting and argh ... :/

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    • bakerjd1993

      Same boat as me man. I cant begin to tell you - i'll wake up and just think, wow, todays my day, or, you know, just crippling crippling thoughts.../ I cant seem to shake them. Drinking helps, but since i've "stopped", you know...its hard to be alone with those thoughts.

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  • sour_cherries86

    It's great that you can identify your cause for knowing why you are scared of death. Because, I for one, have no idea why I fear it so much.

    I don't understand death...
    The thought of losing my mum and dad scares me...and it makes me sad to the point that I cry about it.
    I'm scared about losing my boyfriend.
    Scared about how I might die from just about anything.
    I get petrified hearing stories like...One guy, many years ago, just collapsed in his front yard while watering his yard, and he died then and there and there was no explanation to his death. Maybe he had a stroke, but I never heard anything after this was on the news.
    So things like this scare me.

    I do take life seriously, I spend most of my time depressed. I get mad at my mother, because my father is over weight, he has had 2 heart attacks and she still keeps feeding him bad foods and nothing in their lifestyle is really changing. So, I'm just, my dad won't live past 60 if he doesn't change his diet.

    My partner and everyone around me is completely different. They really don't care about death they know it's a part of life. My partner is scared about getting old and wrinkly but not death!

    I'm glad there are others out there that are similar :)

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  • thegypsysailor

    My advice; Don’t take life so seriously, it’s not like you are going to get out of it alive.

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  • themanofthepie

    That's very common for people who've recently lost a loved one. Watch this video, it might help you.

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