Any hangover help
Do you know any remedies/help for a bad hangover.
Mine is:
V8 and burnt toast.
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Do you know any remedies/help for a bad hangover.
Mine is:
V8 and burnt toast.
Drink water while drinking to avoid it entirely. Vitamin C also helps when you already have one.
Back in my drinking days, my thing was cocktails, and I found that trying to remember to drink a large glass of water before bed did reduce hangovers to a mere annoyance. I assume that wouldn't help if you're drinking beer since you're already well-hydrated, but beer isn't my thing, so I don't know.
Lots and lots of water. People who have hangover plans generally crave carbs and bready foods, but those will actually weigh you down more, slowing your metabolism, and making that stomach twist and headache come back. Fruits or salads are best to eat when hungover, as they restore acids and have antioxidants.
A soup! Triple soup. It's a Balkan thing made from cow, or pork stomach. Served hot, garnished with lots of garlic, chili and vinegar. It's the best hangover and cold cure ever! Also one of the best things to drink rakia to. Seriously, if I'm hungover af, I eat this and drink a beer and I'm as fresh as a spring flower! There is also another soup. Bulgarian soup, called "Tarator", it's made from yogurt, water, salt, cucumber, dill and garlic. Great hangover cure and great soup for hot summer days, especially with some ice. Or "Ayran"... Balkan/ Turkish drink made from yogurt, water and salt. Again great hangover cure and great drink with ice on a hot summer day.
Other tricks I've heard include lots of water, milk, orange juice, another drink (Fight fire with fire) and greasy burgers.
I quit drinking and haven't had one since. I also don't spend alot of time anymore worrying about what I did last night or where I left my car or pants.
Exactly. If you continue drinking constantly you'll never get a hangover or witdrawal symptoms.
Idk dude it takes a lot of liquor to kill you, if you don't just believe the temperence movement propaganda.
Yes it does. If you don't want to quit or can't quit then it's goodbye life as people won't want to hang with a drunk and eventually your liver will explode. Check the whites of your eyes occasional. If they are yellow that's bad news. Have a nice short life.
Salt, vitamin b complex and lots of fluids. I prefer powerade for the vitmain b.
Vegemite on toast, V8 (yes).
The best thing is to get an iv of vitamins and fluids. Short of that, multivitamins and lots of water and or gatorade helps. Soups made with meat and animal bones seem to help too, like ramen, pho, etc. Excercise if you can stand it helps as does massage and sauna.
From all I've heard a drink is THE only cure.
A strong drink with a headache pill.
Then get on with life.