Any of you ever had terrible visitors?

We used to have this visitor come over to my house sometimes when I was a kid. He lived in a trailer with his mom down the road from us, he looked kind of like a grown-up Bobby Hill. He would plop his ass down on the couch and complain to my mother ad nauseum that he was gonna die a virgin. He would also drink all of our diet Coke.

Any of you ever had terrible visitors?

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Comments ( 6 )
  • 1WeirdGuy

    Shortly after I got a douplex for rent I was 18 and was my first place my neighbor from childhood came over one day to smoke weed and brought this random black guy with him. The black guy was acting pretty shady and rude and eventually pulled out a pistol and talked about what kind it was and then just kept it in his hand as we smoked weed and talked about other shit which made everyone uncomfortable. Later my neighbor told me he talked shit about me when he left saying he doesnt see why "that hot girl would be my girlfriend". He was referring about my girlfriend. He was a hater and a bully I guess. I wanted to tell him to leave but he had a gun. Only other option was to go get my shotgun, I decided the best option was to just roll the dice and hope this stranger doesnt kill us all.

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  • ospry

    Laughing loudly is out of the person's control. Talking loudly can be annoying but most of the time people don't realize they're doing it. Talking about politics though, regardless of which side you favor, should be considered grounds to punch that person in the crotch as hard as you can

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  • RoseIsabella

    We used to have rats in the attic in the house where I grew up, but they weren't that bad. I did babysit a really stupid beagle in my house once, and she peed on my carpet.

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  • Tommythecaty

    *Op goes for the shotgun.

    Visitor is Varg Vickernes.

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  • Cuntsiclestick

    I remember when my boyfriend's sister's boyfriend visited he left crack cocaine and a giant mess in the guestroom that doubled as MY exercise room. He pretty much lied to my boyfriend's family about staying sober. They want to forgive him because she's still dating him, but I'm nowhere near that. I've seen my own family forgive people like that only to get hurt over and over. I want him and my boyfriend's crazy sister to stay far far away from me. They're both incapable of doing shit for themselves and my boyfriend and I have zero intention of housing them in the future. XD

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  • wigz

    Yes, many people who showed up conveniently at dinner time, or beer 30, or couldn't take a hint.

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