Any of you on here have corona virus?

Any of you reading this right now have the Corona virus? If so, how bad is it? What are your symptoms? Is it milder or more serious? How long have you had it now? If you do or don't have it, does any of your family, friends, or spouse/partner have it? Any of you had it and now recovered?

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46% Normal
Based on 13 votes (6 yes)
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Comments ( 24 )
  • SmokeEverything

    Couple people I know tested positive, nobody died. Fella who works at the grocery store in my town whos car I work on from time to time had it. He's gotta be about 80 and has a whole laundry list of health problems, and he's fine back to work right now. Lives with his older sister and she didn't get it.

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  • donteatstuffoffthesidewalk

    no corona virus but i do have sam adams fever

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    • litelander8

      Yuck. Sam Adams is the worst.

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      • donteatstuffoffthesidewalk

        ive also got the rockin pneumonia and the boogie wooogie flu

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  • Mammal-lover

    I mean I just coughed up some blood does that count? Jk na got a killer headache though

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  • raisinbran

    My body absorbed my testicles, is that one of the symptoms?

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  • jodi1955

    dont have it, and reading and seeing doctors opinion on the matter and the numbers which are available on line, the corona virus is less deadly than the common flu! the survival rate is over 90% so one has to wonder why all the hype

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    • Holzman_67

      It’s 10 - 15 times more contagious. Without containment measures it would spread wildly amongst the population overwhelming the health systems, hospitals would run out of ppe, meaning that frontline healthcare workers would catch it over and over and many would eventually die leaving very few numbers to provide professional care in the already overwhelmed hospitals. This would leave many more patients dead or in critical states. Scientists still don’t know a whole heap about this, about whether we’ll experience a deadlier second wave. There is evidence mounting that the numbers being reported are not accurate and that many, many more people died in China and die outside of the realm of medically reported data. Often when people compare it to the seasonal flu, they are comparing a years worth of data to Coronavirus numbers of 2 months. As more countries enter colder weather that could also have an effect on the numbers.

      You can see it as hype but without the measures being taken the death count would be much, much higher

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    • From what I've read and seen, the Corona is as serious as pnuemonia, about 10% of those who catch it have died from it. This is what I've read and seen though, and someone clicked your thumbs down and it wasn't me, so that right there didn't help convince me either that you're right about Corona not being serious. I wish that you were right, but I've read too many people saying otherwise, and seen how high the number of deaths have been from it

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  • PonyProblem

    No, but for some reason I wish I did.

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  • Bazinga

    Two weeks ago, I partially lost my sense of smell for 2 days. Then a week later had chills and a 12 hour fever of 101.3 (38.5 C) with no cough or any other symptoms. I am reasonably sure that it wasn't Covid-19, but I self isolated anyway. Only kids and 20 somethings get off that easy.

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    • Boojum

      From what I've read, I don't think that's true; some older people do shrug off the virus after an uncomfortable few days.

      It seems to be a total lottery how a particular individual's immune system responds to COVID-19. In some people, the invading virus is recognised quickly and a proper defence is mounted, but other people have died because their immune system overreacted (a "cytokine storm") and began attacking the person's body rather than the virus.

      If I were you, I wouldn't assume I'd had the virus and was immune without being tested, but although the symptoms vary widely, the loss of smell does seem to be a distinguishing feature, and the other symptoms you describe are also consistent with COVID-19.

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  • I thought it lasted longer than 2 days.

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  • LloydAsher

    I think I had it. I just had one TERRIBLE night and after just a standard sickness for like a week.

    Weed while terrible in the beginning because the lungs are inflamed REALLY helps out the aches and not being able to sleep.

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  • ellnell

    No but I think some of my friends has had it especially since they're nowhere near as careful as I. One of my friends had "an unusually bad cold" early March like 2 weeks after having travelled within the country with friends but there had been 1 foreigner with them (this was before all the restrictions and when covid-19 was pretty much just seen as some chinese virus that no one was certain would ever spread this much). Thing is I saw this friend right after he came back from the trip but I haven't been sick at least not as badly as he was. There's no way of knowing without testing though. I've had headaches, sneezing, muscle aches and i've found it hard to breathe twice but it only lasted an hour or less. Could just as well be the common cold.

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    • You probably did not have Corona virus if you felt sick for that short of a time.

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  • Boojum

    We (two adults and one child) live in the UK and have been isolating for more than five weeks now. (And we're starting to get pretty damn bored now.)

    We're almost certain we haven't had it (although nobody can really be sure about that without an antibody test), but one of our friends was diagnosed positive last week and was in hospital on oxygen support (non-intubated) for four days. She's certain that her two pre-teen kids had it as well, but they just felt a little crap for a few days. She's also pretty sure that others in her social circle have had it, but their symptoms weren't as bad as hers.

    My wife has a fairly wide circle of Facebook friends in the UK and other European countries, and I understand several of them have had the classic symptoms.

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    • Being on oxygen support is what scares me most about catching it, not being able to breathe.

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  • my_life_my_way

    I might have had it, I had cold/flu like symptoms in late February but that was before most of this mass hysteria so I just assumed it was a cough/bad cold. Corona virus is over exaggerated and sensationalised by the media, for most people it’s just a bad cold/flu.

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    • Boojum

      Here, have an M&M.

      Oh, by the way, there are 99 delicious little chocolate oblate spheroids in the bag, and one that's been laced with Botulinum toxin.

      Not sure why I mentioned that, since the risk is so low.

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      • Sad18yo

        I like you.

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    • I hope that you are right. But, I'm seeing all these photos of people who have it layed in hospital with tubes up their nose. And I'm seeing the number of deaths from it. But, I'm also hoping that the internet is only showing the worst hit people with Corona making us think that almost everyone who gets it will be bed ridden on oxygen support looking deathly ill, and that it's true that most of the deaths are from those over 80

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    • Mammal-lover

      I like how you speak scientifically proven fact and you still get downvoted

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      • I don't know who keeps thumbs downing every response which is not saying how everyone who catches it will be deathly ill on oxygen support.

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