Any rabbit owners here?

Hey so I'm looking into getting a flemish giant bunny as an indoor free roam pet. I was wondering if any of you guys have experince with such animals and would know how much I'm looking at for a monthly bill in food both hay and pellets and in potty stuff. I dont care about start up cost buying a hutch n junk just the annual cost as that will affect weither or not I get one. Want to make certain i can afford one

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Comments ( 18 )
  • My last one I had was 2 years ago I used to get the 50lb pellet bags for like $18 (lasted longer and was cheaper than small bags) it would last like 6 months but mine was a regular sized one. I kept mine as a outdoor bunny in a homemade hut so I used hay and would buy it from some farm for a few dollars I did make sure it was the edible kind. I’ve seen many people use hay for the litter rather than actual like kitty litter stuff for bunnies. From my experience keeping a bunnies fairy cheap but it may be more different being free roam. If you want tips on litter training and stuff there’s this youtuber who tends to have nice uploaded tips.

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  • charli.m

    Omg bunnies ♡

    Surely wherever you buy them from could give you a ballpark cost? That or a bunny forum would be your best bet, I'd say.

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    • LornaMae

      "bunny forum" sounds so dirty.... HAHA

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      • charli.m

        Oh no :( hahahahaha.

        ...why? :/

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        • LornaMae

          Hahaha, can't really pinpoint, it just did! LOL

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          • charli.m

            Hehehe that's ok. Just wondered if I had unwittingly said something filthy I haven't a clue about.

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  • WeirdGuyFromTheSouth

    Search for "rabbit crush fetish"

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    • curious-bunny

      Uhh what is it cause that sounds horrifying

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      • WeirdGuyFromTheSouth

        Its exactly what it sounds like 🤣😂🤣

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  • RoseIsabella

    Male bunny rabbits will spray. My sister had a pet rabbit that sprayed me, my grandfather, and the dog on numerous occasions. Snowy was kinda crazy.

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  • kelili

    That will pee everywhere and your house will stink. We once had rabbits but they didn't live in the house and their pee really stinks.

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    • nikkiclaire

      You house train them just like dogs and cats. Rabbits are very intelligent and will use a litter box just like a cat.

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    • curious-bunny

      There are ways to prevent that. Fixing them for one and it's better for them in the long run

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  • RoseIsabella

    I want a Shetland sheepdog, and another Siamese, or two. I love Shelties!

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  • nikkiclaire

    I haven't done the math but no different than a cat or dog except for the toys.

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    • curious-bunny

      There is no way that is true, not considering toys just food they need fresh fruit and veggies. O guess fruit is more of a treat but still a large amount of hay and a noticable amount of pellets daily. I dont know what they get fron the pellets but all my research saud to give it to them, while dogs n cats can simply be fed by a bag of processed food

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      • nikkiclaire

        I've never seen a noticible difference and have had rabbits several times in my life. I currently have 3 outside rabbits that fend for themselves. My in home rabbit eats pellets which is on par with dog food, cost wise, and eats the same amount or a little less carrots, than my dogs. So all In all less expensive.

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  • Vvaas

    i want to raise rabbits to feed to my dogs. extra healthy dogs

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