Anyone else get annoyed with pity posts?

Every other day when I happen to go on Facebook it seems it's flooded with posts about depression and anxiety. I'm very close to my friends and I often encourage them to talk to me about their problems because it's a decent thing to do and I really do care for their wellbeing. I get that people should understand the very real struggle that happens to people with depression and anxiety and the like. I myself have repetitive episodes of depression that for the most part I work through on my own, it sucks but I don't address it every other post I make. In fact usually I don't talk about it because it's not something other people can really effect. It's an inner struggle for the most part. Talking helps, person to person discussion about day to day struggles and having a chance to both release those feelings and come to terms with whatever solution you can figure, but really the only cure is action, getting out there and finding things that help replenish your will for life.

It really annoys me when I hop on facebook and see my dearest friends, whom I try my hardest to assist continue posting woe is me "this is totally me when I freak out and have panic attacks" posts that people can either only dryly chuckle at or frown and wonder what to do. I get it, you have a rough time of it sometimes, so do I, so does that person over there posting about depression, lets see what we can do about this together and quit using pointless posts to keep reminding the world of how shitty you have it.

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85% Normal
Based on 40 votes (34 yes)
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Comments ( 9 )
  • BlaBlaBlaMan

    OMG what a whinger, just shut up already.

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  • Ellenna

    It's a "ptiy" that with your own troubles you don't have more empathy with others: they're almost certainly doing the best they can, just as you are and I am, but that doesn't mean we all get through the bad times in the same way.

    Repeated venting can be a step towards action for many people and you don't have to read the posts if you don't want to, let alone respond. I think you should stay away from these "dearest friends" because your attitude to them is quite judgemental and that's the last thing anyone battling these situations needs.

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    • Royalburden

      I think you missed the whole section where I try to get my friends to open up to me about their problems and that I actually do try to help be there for them when they need me. It's not that I don't relate. I myself go throught these things, I think there are actually very few who don't to some degree understand emotional weakness. I don't respond to the posts themselves, I don't say anything about them because what is there to say in a public environment like that? Facebook is public I don't want to put them out there like that by making them open their wounds right then and there. I just don't get what the goal is with them.

      Well I didn't anyways, Thanks ABC up top for giving me a straight answer.

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  • Jayemen

    Yes, I do..What drives me crazy are the women who constantly talk about their love, he's my world, my man, etc..Then post stuff asking for money, rides, whatever. I always think..Let Mr. so and so do it for you..Let HIM pay your bills and haul your ass all over..Why ask the rest of us?

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  • KekReptilian

    I get annoyed with pervert posts - freaks drooling over how they like to eat their own feces or stick objects up their rectums or have sex with dogs - they're just asking to be trolled and insulted.

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  • AB1234

    I couldn't vote on this one because I think, being the largely self-absorbed douches we humans can be, it's unfortunately normal that we become disinterested in the suffering of others. This is even often true inside of families, like between husbands and wives. I've heard people actually say in life-or-death situations about others, "Just go die somewhere I can't see you." But these are the SAME people who scream for pity and mercy when their gravest moments come up.

    It's human not to give a f*ck so long as it's not hurting you. But when it's YOUR child, your boy-/girlfirend, YOU YOURSELF, and it's bad enough, then it's a totally different story. Ever notice how many bullies and manipulators cry shamelessly when they're at the mercy of others they'd been happily preying upon for a long time?

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  • pixiecutlover

    It's when people complain bout their love life that irritates me. Stop thinking with your crotch.

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  • Fenrirr

    tbh i find that people who post that stuff either don't have depression/anxiety at all and just want attention or they barely have it, such as maybe feeling a bit nervous when in public but able to properly function and communicate without bad thoughts or panic attacks.

    i'll admit and quickly say that i have both these illnesses and made an attempt on my life once, however so far i only speak about my depression and anxiety to my parents or one or two close friends. i don't even think anyone else knows that i have it.

    i don't even understand why people post such things, it's like their trying to wave it in your face and say "look at me, pay attention to me!"

    now i'm not saying speaking out about the problems you may have is wrong, it's always good to speak to someone but how is uploading a post saying you have depression/it's hard to live going to help? is a therapist going to come knocking at your door saying they saw your facebook post and wanted to help? i don't understand

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  • Crow

    If your question's "IIN that I get annoyed when people spend more time feeling sorry for themselves rather than trying to fix the cause of it?" that's normal. Unfollow the friends who do it if it really bothers you.

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