Anyone else get annoyed with pity posts?
Every other day when I happen to go on Facebook it seems it's flooded with posts about depression and anxiety. I'm very close to my friends and I often encourage them to talk to me about their problems because it's a decent thing to do and I really do care for their wellbeing. I get that people should understand the very real struggle that happens to people with depression and anxiety and the like. I myself have repetitive episodes of depression that for the most part I work through on my own, it sucks but I don't address it every other post I make. In fact usually I don't talk about it because it's not something other people can really effect. It's an inner struggle for the most part. Talking helps, person to person discussion about day to day struggles and having a chance to both release those feelings and come to terms with whatever solution you can figure, but really the only cure is action, getting out there and finding things that help replenish your will for life.
It really annoys me when I hop on facebook and see my dearest friends, whom I try my hardest to assist continue posting woe is me "this is totally me when I freak out and have panic attacks" posts that people can either only dryly chuckle at or frown and wonder what to do. I get it, you have a rough time of it sometimes, so do I, so does that person over there posting about depression, lets see what we can do about this together and quit using pointless posts to keep reminding the world of how shitty you have it.