Anyone else have a good explanation for religion like i do?

So since I was a kid I'd figured out that humans might have religion because one had once been desperate so they made up a being or higher self in order to satisfy their needs, like a mother. Of course they wrote further on to the thought with a bible of some sort or wall.
I think every organism will do this once they get as smart as humans, and maybe other aliens have done it too.
Do all y'all people have the same thoughts or a different explanation? I'd like to hear.

Yes 26
No(explain) 8
I've a religion 2
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Comments ( 23 )
  • Pot usually does not cause reactions like this. You must have had a sudden out of the blue panic attack or you use other recreational drugs or take some sort of medications that do not mix well with marijuana. But whatever this was it definitely wasn't normal.

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    • This must be one of those times that a comment is posted to the wrong post. Moderators need to fix this glitch.

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    • cupcake_wants

      I was gonna say.. WTH this person's ideas about religion is not attributed to smoking pot.. lol

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  • green_boogers

    Accept your cosmic insignificance. Religion is for people who are afraid to think. A rather unintelligent attitude to have.

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  • Makes sense but the only thing intelligent about creating religion is the people who used it to gain power, which is immoral, but intelligent.
    The need and desperation society has is nothing but weakness. Humans will be the end of themselves because they are weak and stupid. Strong and intelligent people will think for themselves and hopefully those people can find a way to survive in a society without religion and control.

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  • cause they didn't want to go mad , looking at the sky can do that , how why wtf?

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  • thegypsysailor

    I'm sorry, I guess I missed something here. You stated, "as smart as humans". What makes you think humans are smart? Don't they slaughter each other just because of religion? Don't they pollute the only planet they can live on so a few can make obscene amounts of money? I'm sure you can find hundreds of other ways we humans show how remarkably stupid we actually are and the stupidest thing human beings have ever done is invent god. Find a news feed and see how many people would not have been blown up by bombs (suicide AND military), not been torn to bits by bullets or murdered in some other equally horrible fashion, if there was no belief in a god, in just one day. No Muslim terrorists, gee how nice. No Israeli murder squads killing anyone that happens to be in the way, or Buddhists slaughtering whole villages of Muslims. Yes, I can see how you might think this "being or higher self" is such a wonderful thing. NOT!

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    • dom180

      Smart isn't necessarily the same as peaceful :P

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      • thegypsysailor

        And what would you call killing because of religion?

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        • dom180

          I would call it immoral, not unintelligent. Even if the people who do such a thing were less intelligent than the average human being, it definitely doesn't make them less intelligent than non-human animals. The ability to even understand and communicate ideas like religion, and to have a concept of morality makes humans more intelligent than 99% of animal species.

          Besides, how many people in the world kill because of religion? It must be a really tiny minority. You can't claim humans stupid because of something most of them would never dream of doing.

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          • thegypsysailor

            Are you serious? Read any feed, any day, and hundreds or more are dying each day. The ISIS crowd in Persia, Al Shabab in Africa, Gaza, Israel, Afghanistan, Iraq; all fighting religious wars. It's absolutely crazy; pure insanity.
            Perhaps the average human being is not involved, but they allow and tolerate it, and that's even crazier, to me.
            Obviously, there seem to be few creatures on earth with as much "intelligence" as man, but can we really call how we live and treat our home intelligent?

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            • TrustMeImLying

              It seems like your definition of intelligence is very emotional, and not literal like dom was implying. Because the argument whether humans are the smartest or not is so redundant that it doesnt even need arguing

              Why do you believe in and yearn for a perfect world? The world strictly obeys balance. Go drink one liter of water and see how your body will compensate. Water is only good no?The more the world gets civilized, the more corruption there will be. The gap between the rich and poor will always grow larger. Which will fuel the problems of the world

              You speak of independent thought. Yet your sources of knowledge are based off of feeds from media. Media. It is needless to elaborate that word but I will. Derived from medium, you know, how a magnifying glass is a medium, or 3D glasses are. Don't judge people's actions before understanding their motivations. The same reason you are so hateful of humanity is the same wavelength many terrorists out there think with. The only difference is the information either of you have been fed with.

              I'm not implying that the motive to kill is justified, but try backing a hungry and battered tiger into a corner and you'll see how it reacts

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  • Zeus_

    I think if there are actually aliens who are aware of our existence, they are staying away, because we are just too barbaric to deal with.

    Like avoiding the dangerous mental person in the neighborhood.

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  • Zeus_

    "God" is a place holder for the unexplainable, once something is sufficiently explained and understood, "God" goes away.

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  • pixie_dust

    Try watching this video about human history. It may clear up some questions about human history on this planet, according to Thoth's emerald tablets. AKA Edgar Cayce's hall of records. It's the story not in the bible, but the cunieform tablets found, the video focuses on what happened at the end of Lemuria and the start of Atlantis. To present day, including how the beginning of the roman catholic church was basically the end of enlightenment after the fall of ancient Egypt. At this time, the church and the government was one entity. Power of the mind was considered satanic, while in Atlantis and ancient Egypt it was what empowered humans. At the inception of the USA, this is mainly why the separation of the church and state was made. Although the validity of the roman catholic church should have been questioned since it was at the center of so much chaos aligned with the government. (anything the church said was a sin would be criminally punishable.. imagine that)

    Anyway, check out this documentary. It was entertaining and informative to me anyway.

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  • Does the "I've a religion" option that helpful? I realize now its quite the same as "No".

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  • TrustMeImLying

    "If God did not exist, it would be necessary to invent Him"
    - Voltaire

    One of my most favorite quotes because it isnt arguing whether God does or does exist. But delicately implies the possibility of both existing simultaneously.

    *note to self. New religion: Schrodinger's God*

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  • Tommythecat.

    Satan is lord.

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    • poon_jabber

      Yeah we all know you got Satan's load.. just swallow it already

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      • Tommythecat.

        *spits load in poon jabbers face

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